Dr.Miyuki's Attempt to Stop the Intrusion

2017-02-03 13:24:32 | 日記
02/02/2017 (morning) I took a cafe latte break. Today, I resisted my mother, who wanted to turn off the visual audio equipment of my father. He is accustomed to listen to the music as BGM and leaves the equipment on as usual.

My mother came to hand me the letter and on the way back, tried to turn off it.
I stopped my mother, "This is my father's office. You aren't allowed to conduct as you like, even if you are kindly to do so." She got upset and left here.

Soon, my father came back. I informed him what happened on our office. He said that he was recording while he was absent. So I said that I had saved the recording loss at least, because I could stop my mother to turn off.
He said to me that he had already asked her not to touch his equipment at all in his offece.

In the kitchen, my mother was making a lot of potatoes milanesa, namely, a kind of tempura of potatoes in gladed bread clothings. Probaby, several days before, YUKARI made a BIG bowlful of mashed potatoes and the leftover is even now on the table at the kitchen.
In this circumstance, someone boiled a mount of potatoes and pealed them, using 2 days. Who should be? I avoid answering.

Thus, more than 50 middle sized potatoes, boiled and nakid in the big basket. Another mashed popatoes?!!! Help!!!
Thus, now, my mother has to exercise her power directly. She has to struggle with the amount of potatoes. Mashed potatoes? Not at all! Even my mother, who is fond of YUKARI, couldn't put up with the situation ever!!!

My mother, thus, decided to cook milanesa de potatoes. Tempra and fish cooking are the territory that YUKARI doesn't want to touch ever! YUKARI does mashing. Maybe, the Broken Robot mashes potatoes, boiled eggs and so on, thinking as if they were her enemy, or, more exactly, Dr.Miyuki SATO. Thus, when she wants to mash me, she boils a mount of potatoes, spending one day all, and peals them, spending one more day all, and mashes them finally on the 3ed day.
The watchword is "M☆A☆S☆H! Miyuki!" The counterpart of ours, namely, "Vanish! DoDoMerdas!"

I warned my mother, washing the pan, not to touch the materials in our office and asked her to remember that my father had already asked her not to do so.
She got upset and said to me, "Your father has already said so me!"
So, I said to her, "Then, you know you shouldn't do touch the things in the office. Even you think that you do it from your kindness, it sometimes gives an offence to others."
I wanted to persuade her with my clear explanation ability on behalf of my father. Because in this case, he has right to do so. He can't do so because he thinks he can put up with her intrusion to his territory.

My mother kept silent. And, she began to scrub the pan with her all strength and rubbing-a-dub sound. She wanted to attack me, however, she couldn't. So she attacked the pan, instead of me.

For her, I am a troublesome person, maybe. I am not the person she imagined in her mind. White coloured SARUSHI clothing wearing versity professor, who are respected by others as her brilliant performance as an academitian and perfect lady-like polite performance, probably. Dr.Miyuki's bevavour should be DoDoMerdic, she thinks, probably.

So, I am an impolite resistant against her tiny tiny conventional range of old-fashioned morality. I can feel it. I also can't put up with her small speck or range of freedom.

Thus, I must speed up more and more my job seeking process. I don't expect to be respected by her. Maybe, my pride is her shame.

And probably, my words will etimulate her intinct to attack others and my father will suffer more intrusion to his territory by her, on behalf of her kindness.
I tried to advocate my father's voice to her. However, the result would be worse than not havind done so, presumably. She does her invasion from her kindness. It's beyond our rational thinking. Do nothing. Leave her to forget it.
Action stimulates her and the circumstance gets worse.

Every person has its own pride. My mother's case being kind to others is the source of pride. I offended her pride. Thus, she feels haterid to me.
Just like my case concerning Ms.NISHIMOTO, pride is beyond rationality.
Thus, our problem has no resolution. Just don't touch. Don't stimulate the enemy.
However, I can't stand for the opinion. I must do something positive. I tried and failed. I could learn from it. Doing nothing is the words for DoDoMerdas. We people should do within the limit as a human being.

Thus, I will leave here. I should leave here. The best solution for all of my family. I disposed the Alex entrance exam problem. For me, this is the problem already resolved.

I need to be useful to others. I have power to do so. I want to work for others outside my family, my town and my country.
