Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (243)

2017-10-19 07:58:49 | 日記
19/10/2017, Thursday, 7:59 cold & rainy

Miyuki got up at 7:00 and said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARE!", handing a package of Mashmarrow with the design of SNOOPY & Woodstock, in the back house.

Instant visit, it was, however, when Miyuki was getting out from the door of the back house, HARUMI, with a rice bowl in her hand, dashed into the back house, and tried to take advantage of the door opened, to attack Clare, a targetted guy for Today. Miyuki got upset of HARUMI's audacious play, and closed the door strictly, avoiding HARUMI's resistence. Oh, spooky snag ghost has some strength of hand, Miyuki thought. Anyway, Miyuki ignored HARUMI's existance.

Why with rice bowl? Why now, soon after Miyuki's yelling to Clare? HARUMI was with chopstics also. She dashed into the back house, in the middle of her rice putting job into her rice bowl. Probably, HARUMI got jealous at Miyuki's memory on Clare's Birthday, and regretted not to say "Happy Birthday" to her, however, after a nasty encounter with Miyuki, she forgot why she had come, and started to claim on Miyuki's behavour to the residents in the back house.

"OOOps, I considered it were rice goublet for cherishing deciests!" Probably HARUMI said so. Oh, now, she picked her own rice from the Japanese rice cooker called 炊飯器 or SUIHAN-KI, as first, for deciests. Exclusively, they should be cherished, first, anyway, was her stable position. She got proud of it, always.

And now, first, her rice, then, if she notices, for deceists. The value change happened. The reason of attacking others in the back yard was always, "I need to prey for the ancestors of Sato Family." and she disturbed others' sleeping, even the others went to bed so late at night. Selfish, however, her value should be respected, because not on behalf of her, but rather of Sato Family, to which she doesn't belong. Others thought like that, and allowed her attacking with the sound of gong of fight. Buddist ringing was used for disturbing the sleeping of others, especially in winter.

Winter is late risers only season, thinking of the seasonal weather change, and it is so normal among Fauna & Flora. However, in winter, HARUMI yelled to others, "You, stupid! Get up early! We are early birds, thus we start working for trash collecting and washing. You, stupid idol idiots, you don't get up early in the morning! You should wake up earlier than 6:00 oclock, and prepare one cup of hot milk for ALEX, Miyuki!, stupid guy No.1 in this goddamnit family!"

HARUMI and YUKARI take a nap during day time, as they like, and we can't do it. Thus, we need to take a rest in suitable place. Sometimes, in the office. however, according to these selfish guys, "Oh, MIYUKI is alwasy sleeping at desk. Terribly idol. She is mentally illed. She should be concealed from our society. How shame! She refused our kind offer to be our cook, in esclusive status. She should have cooked croquets only for us two! We wanted to eat croquets, only! However, she cooked differently! Only once, she made croquets! She can do it, however, she doesn't want to do it, because she is not obedient. We are suprior to her totally. She should cook only croquets! Croquets, Croquets, today, croquets, tomorrow, croquets, every day croquets, we are happy!" ♫

 今日もコロッケ、明日もコロッケ、毎日コロッケ、嬉しいな ♫

 Duke composed this song, in the lightest mode, and they liked, and adopted their policy. Everyday croquets project, it is called.

Miyuki is in wonder, every time she watchs the scenes in the meatshop ITAMI, or Rotten Meat shop, so many guys come to buy croquets only by vehicles. So many minutes, they park the cars in front of the shop, and the lines of cars. Some inducing point of constructing broader road. And so many croquets are bought by these guys.

Only croquets shop, materially saying. No Meat is sold at all. No other products in the shelves. Only croquets, after the consumers ask, the fat BUSU bitch bug started to fry in the big pan filled with hot oil. Gleasy pan, yes. Not clean. Oh, other products, Miyuki remembers now. Fried Chiken in Japanese style called KARAAGE or 唐揚げ.

Up to recent faked residents' arrival, ITAMI was a shop only for junior high kids' snacks. Cheap, because 30 cents per one croquets, US$2 for a small cup of the fried chekens, almost 5 pieces.

However, after Miyuki's arrival, so many guys came to buy, and they paid so much. More than 1 NOGUCHI or US$10 are paid in averege. Miyuki monitored a guy, middle aged male, came in a car, parked in front, and bought a white plastic bag of croquets, paid US$13. So many croquets were orderd by this guy! Miyuki got astonished. 40 pieces or so! However, the size of the plastic bag was only for 10 pieces or so.

Probably, ITAMI trapped these car using feeble minded rather younger Alzheimer guys to steal their money. For them, the rumour, "Oh, it is cheap croquet shop here!" was enough. Thus, the faked BUSU clerk requires as highest as possible. Thus, as a result, the consumer paid so much, at the cost of precious pork milanese for cheapish croquet. For North Koreans, no refusal is allowed. Thus, only obedience world, they live. The bosses order, the inferiors obey. Just it. Thus, if the top leader is supid, the society whole sinks immediately. This is Japanese IDIOCRACY's end. Thus, OLE! For IGNOLANDIA!!! We are safe! Miyuki performed well so much! Miyuki accepted to work for us all, yes. For rightous brothers, yes. Thus, Clare thinks of Miyuki's good treatment for others. Minimum, Clare. I am not affectionate type. And I have lots of things to do. Thus, minimum, I assure, yes. And Miyuki thinks that each guy should be independent, thus, no interference at all type. To live together, Miyuki provides common benefit for others, only Rightous Guys, non attackers only. Cleaness, including. Reform, also. Sweeping, yes. Miyuki prefers wiping, rather vaccuum sound making job. Cooking also. However, minimum.

Miyuki can pay up to her duty. Over, it all depends on her tolerance or feeling. This is luxury, not necessity. Thus, sufficient for nutrishing, in short. Each guy has its own inclination. And Miyuki's way of cooking is just "making basic dishes in a pan" and these pans would be put in the table of the living room. Like cafeteria of high schools in USA or of versities in every country. 賄い or MAKANAI, it is called. Cheapist in collective, and sufficiently delicious.

And Miyuki's way is "As you like, you all, Rightous brothers, you can put toppings prepared separatedly." Some would be kept in fredge. Thus, Miyuki needs to use fredge in the main house also.

MIYUKI was pushed away from the main house, in short. When she entered into the main house, HARUMI and YUKARI did stealing job in her space in the office as "Counterattacking". Miyuki, just took her own objects from her own shelves, however, the Alzheimer Twins categorized it "MIYUKI stole our precious things! She should be punished!" and they came to steal her things as they liked.

The kitchen should be cleaned up at first. It took several days, probably. However, even during these cleaning up days, Miyuki can use the kitchen for her cooking jobs. Miyuki adores cooking, and also sweets making. The latter is categorized a kind of training for other jobs. Thus, now, a kind of tester, the result sweets are. Thus, you don't need to eat, nor pay. Just experiment, not accopmpished ones.

And her cooking is? Always in training, however, to be better. Thus, some stable menus are already exist. Probably, dressing sauce making is a kind of professional, in her case. YUZU-MISO or 柚子みそor Soy Bean paste based dressing with YUZU citrus, for DENGAKU or 田楽 or just boiled raddish called フロ吹き大根 or FURO-FUKI-DAIKON and こんにゃく or Hard Gel type transparent paste of Japanese sticky potatoes, are stable menu.

Some Japanese tastes are included. However, mainly, she wants to take advantage of seasonal cheapiest vegitables and fruits. Now, red raddishes are in boom. Thus, stewes, salads, soups are their recommendable dishes. Like this, easonal vegitables should be used in variety of ways, in Japanese style, Western style, Chinese style, ethnic styles and so on. Thus, it all depends on how we gain in the moment. Just like the owner-chief of Superb Restaurant. Al Quecchano, in YAMAGATA prefecture, is her counterpart. Thus, she wants to be more professional type cook, however now, training period. She is trainee. Thus, a kind of "You should provide vegitables and so on, in short, ingredients, as much as possible, and she can use all of them, with her efficiency. She doesn't like to abandon the products from fields or from wild land, including weeds type. Always, she tried to eat every ingredients, before eating. Some guys appear in the shape of weeds, however, eatable. AINU leeks are this type. Miyuki found the usage. Frying makes NIRA effects, and the oil used preservation type is suitable for garlic substitute. Each guy has clue to cook newly invented products.

Thus, the end of the story. Two evil witches just wanted to be good girls in their evil satanic society. For them, their domesticated society was the aim of admiration. Thus, admiror of Domestic Wives' culture, in short.

How evil they were. They can't cook, can't washi, can't collect the trash, can't clean up, can't dry up the water front sites, can't take the smell off, they can't use precious time efficiently.

They are exclusively accusing others' faults only. Kyorin staff type, Miyuki categorized. And the evilest guy called Toshirou NAITOU was the representative of Miyuki's family, in short.

Harsh type, she is!, Miyuki's Auntie remarked on HARUMI, to Miyuki, and Miyuki got in wonder. "Your mother is so harsh, you know!", with some "You can put up with her sturn reign?" like question mode.

For Miyuki, HARUMI was rather flamboyant feeble minded however, rather kind to others type lady, at that moment. Nasty, yes, however, we all are nasty, Miyuki thought in depth. Thus, why her Auntie expressed her elder sister like that, was a big question in her mind.

And gradualy, HARUMI showed her own essencial existance. Faked kindness type. She should fake kindness, up to her end, if she wanted to be memorized as "Kind only guy" for her family. However, she prefered to show her own real personality as just sly attacker with evil intentions. Feeble minded, as usual. However, so so jealous, she is, and jealousy is the reason of her existance, in short. Reason d'Etere, in French. Just triggered by this impulse, she is, to act something.

Clare got upset also. She just said, "Thank you, Miyuki! You remembered my birthday, anyway! You are clever!" with smiling. And Miyuki replied, "You are Welcome. Yes, I am clever!"

Thus, no reason for HARUMI's attacking. HARUMI just said, "Oh, happy birthday, Clare. I am now remembering it. You should praise me! I remember it!"

Oh, she is connected with Miyuki's brain, Alex and Clare got upset. Up to the limit, they thought, and they discommunicated from this nasty line, as much as possible. However, the two Alzheimer ladies take advantage of existance of this line or wive, to peep Miyuki's conducts, whole day long. They are in chambers, and they enjoyed Miyuki's stupidity all, and they take advantage of the errors of Miyuki. Information system they constructed, and they feel "Miyuki is nasty" they informed to their team. Kyorin Versity took advantage of it, and they came to attack her, and took advantage of the usage of the big vehicle of logistics. Moving company, they are working for. Oh, Kyorin Logistics, in short.

Strange name, the department of the versity had. They explained that this company were independent as judicial figure, however related so much with our versity, and we need to use it as much as possible. And human resources were in common between versity and the logistic company. And the worst part of the staff are obliged to work for the company for several years. A kind of trash bin of our versity.

Why LOGISTICS was Miyuki's big question. Anyway, some transportation job, Miyuki imaged. And now, moving company under the leadership of NAITOU. SNAG transportation company, thus, it took for more than two weeks from HACHIOUJI to SHIRAKAWA, to bring Miyuki's precious materials! Snags, in reality!!!

Thus, per hour policy, Japan adopted. Always, per hour. Thus, they required money for Miyuki. However, Miyuki has not heard on it at all. It effects so much. Miyuki didn't ask at all to any of Kyorin related.

Miyuki remembered that in 2014, in December, two years earlier than Kyorin INOGASHIRA moving, already, her pupils asked for her on her near future moving. Kitanozono offered a proposal, saying, "in case of necessity, I am ready for it. you can pay only cheapish lunch for some participants on the moving. KARAAGE Japanese fried chicken lunch box is enough for us all. We are accustomed to so so each other, in case of moving."

Miyuki said, "Oh, good! Efficient. However, my moving is probably in the early month of 2016. Not yet. I should work here actually. In case, I will consider it. "

Exists some efficient musual support sytem among them. In his case, mainly FUSSA high school related. Public school, however, it is located in the ex-site of American Base camp. Thus, probably, some efficienty was taken by the residents. Like OKINAWA. American life style was transmitted in the latent mode.

Time consuming dull work only, is the attitude of Kyorin Versity. However, education is self leaning process, thus, sometimes, it taks time, rather than our calculation. Thus, we need to wait up to the certain moment. And then, No Man's Land again.

Not to indulge satans, but for our education, the time exists. However, satans prefered time based wage, rather thatn accomplishment oriented wage. Thus, dull work in every places in Japan.

Time is money, thus we prolong as much as possible, was satanic choice. And now, the disaster. They should not attend to Miyuki's family at all. HARUMI did her evil working, on behalf of satanic side only. And Miyuki refused to pay it, of course! Why she should pay for their selfish robbery and stealing? Terrible crimes, they provided again, and they required money to Miyuki. HARUMI said just "YES" and they came. She should not do say so, however, she said, and failed. She should pay for them, if she continues to live in their world. Not our choice. Miyuki didn't know anything at all in this matter. She conincidently got to know the existance of her materials in the hut, and got upset! Where are my desk, chair, my book, and my two roles of toilet papers!!!

They changed the arrangement, already, and now, with this terrible behaviour, they put Miyuki's objects without noticing it to her. Always selfish, Satans are. No choice for the targetted guy, and put, "On behalf of you", as some kind of cliche. And they require money. Thus, Muck Selling Business, in Kyorin Style.

Robbery State, Japan was! And even now, it allows these wrongdoings, against our own will. Miyuki had plan to pick them all from HACHIOJI campus by herself and her assistants, reliable guys only. However, they provided the harmful service with their own cost, indifferent from Miyuki's response. HARUMI said yes, however, she didn't inform to Miyuki on it at all. Miyuki even didn't have chance to know the possibility to refuse it. Totally illogical situation. Why they can require money, by their own wrongdoings with proofs???

For Miyuki, unnecessary time consuming useless harmful jobs, they provided on our side, including to ADACHI.

Now, NTT does the same type Muck Selling OMANKO selfish non satisfaction job, under the name of reforming manholes!!! Look at this article:

Why they use so many manholes? For sub earth, yes. Thus, electric poles should not be used for their electricity or net communication business. However, so many poles with their responsibility exist in Japan. Which is which. Both, they admitted to provide. Thus, both are unnecessarily provided.

At the same time, why now, they should exchange the old manhole taps with the new material ones? they were used more than 50 years, and it would be able to be used more than 100 years, without saying, because they are made of steel.

They say that it would be sustanable three times more than actual ones. Thus, probably 1000 years plan, satans project, confirmed.

Probably, they just want to steal iron products to sell them too earn cheapish money. Replacement is degradation as always. Look at HARUMI and YUKARI! Each time, they were replaced by different tendency inclined satans, they degraded up to snags with fass.

And the number of electric poles are increased as they like, because they just want to sell them. TOUHOKU poles company is not rare case. Even in Kyuushuu or 九州 area, it happened. Look at this article:

They put them as they liked, without any process ordered by the bosses. Public Administration didn't effect at all, and even after the recognition of the wrongdoings, they don't want to pay the suitable fee at all.

IDIOCRACY is like that. Who did behave in roughest mode, it gained. Thus, violence only world, as Hobbs described. Fierce Beasts, satans are. Thus, they constructed Revithan, or State, to rule them. However, for satans, any ruling system didn' work at all. No civilazation please, Fauna & Flora required, and Miyuki agreed. Better than Goddamnit civilization.

Miyuki was admiror of ancient Greece, yes, however, earlier so called civilization would be better. Thus, earlier than any civilization would be the best. Thus, no problem for her side.

Thus, No Man's Land, again and again. They wanted to create their own ner idiocracy, probably, and failed. Each time, they degraded, and put decorative grotesque cosmetics, and many pimps were hired for this decoration. Thus, Miyuki quit the lines with the pimps. Thus, she gained a lot of medals without saying.

Be useful, was others' order. And for Alzheimer Ladies, "We provide some task as we like, not depending on others requirement, you stupid!" was the response. Thus, they gained the reward. No job at all. Not any so called domestic jobs they should not do. Good grief.

Thus, Miyuki can wash her clothings and others', after the rainy season. YUKARI appears to do it, as she were the provider of her selfish service. However, she can't touch Miyuki's body at all. However, she would attack her.

No Man's Land, again and again, because of them. They can't stop their own wrongdoings. Always selfish, and indifferent from others' intention. Frustrating others' will was their extreme pleasure. Thus, they should refrain from our beautiful KOSMOS. No instruction worked on the both Alzheime ladies. They did as much as possible their wrongdoings. YUKARI claimed erroneously just to punish Miyuki, and HARUMI called to the police, and they attacked Miyuki on behalf of Miyuki. Miyuki is so lean, thus, she will commit suicide, YUKARI predicted on her own purpose or desire. YUKARI is always "Only illusion oriented type" and did nothing at all effectively. Just failures, the did. Thus, Miyuki cut whole lines with her. However, various times YUKARI continues to attack Miyuki's side.

Now, YUKARI, despite of heavy rain, she would start her washing job. long long monotonous washing machine moving behaviour, it is. YUKARI likes to sleep, and likes to do wrong to others. And rice eating. 米喰い女房 or Rice Eating Wife, she is. Just like the old tale of FUKUSHIMA prefecture, she was given by her mother HARUMI, bought directly from the Primary School.

Miyuki never had used the system? Miyuki, as kid, not! However, when Alex and Clare asked to buy some of their books, Miyuki bouhgt by way of the list provided by the public school.

Not so recommendable tasty books, however, the kids wanted to read them. Thus, nasty, however, for them, reading training. Thus, dispite of her disliking, Miyuki bought them and provided them.

Better than forcing not interesting good qualified books for kids. They wanted to eat Potatoe Chips, not Beef Stakes. Thus, for Miyuki, OK, I will give you a package of potatoe chips per each. It worked. Only good qualified ones would be some selected guys, who want to live really in thrifty mode. And some cherish, also.

OKINO and Moriko loved Hallequine Romance, while Miyuki? I don't get interested in at all...Time consuming idiot like books they are. I prefer reading more ditective stories, Perry Mason series, Miss Marple one, Mr.Poirou, and so on. So many nice delicious cheapish detective stories she bought sometimes, and mainly borrowed from public libraries. MINATO ward public library was good provider of these detective stories. Not only for her, but also for residents there, they provided these amusement type books, and they were so popular among these rich only place residents.

Thus, her substitute are so manish, in short. Hallequine romance, exists, yes, however, a kind of Cobalt Series for adlescence. And any Cobalt books were read by Miyuki. Not interesting at all, is Miyuki's reply.

Erotic master for them all! Oh, Miyuki has no experience on this side....Intentionally, she categorized them, as "No use even in the future" in her classification.

And Villie de Leradan, Mandiarg, Count Sado, and so on, as useful in the future, probably...Why she is so thrifty even in reading books.

Entering into Graduate School, Miyuki lost almost all of interest on fiction...she loved so much, especially she was in juninor high, however, gradually, her interest shifted from fiction to non-fiction, rather, abstruct social matter related books. Naturally. Romance? I am not interested in at all, because they are all love affair type. Miyuki said clearly to Midori XXX, in the class of Development Countries' Economy and Politics, in KOMABA campus.

Only three students were in the class. Midori, economy related, and Taiwanese big boy, rather handsome robust type, and Miyuki. They made a conversation in Japanese. Taiwanese guy ate well, Miyuki presumed. Midori was rather short. And she looked like 一本気 蛮 or BAN IPPONGUI, an Animator, who likes to wear as she likes, and her trademark was big big belet, with colourful raimbow hair. Cute type, rather, however, she prefers to wear like that. Not skewed. However, unusual, yes. She has her own mode, was Miyuki's impression.

She appeared on some TV program, and told her own experience in Latin America. Peru, or so. he kids liked her hair, because she dyed in seven colours, and the kids appreciated the strange colourful colours.

Rather enthusiastic type, however, short, in short, was Miyuki's impression.

And too too strange fenomenum happened in HACHIOJI campus. A short however so so big fat type, female, who wore so many colourful clothings only every day. With so unusual ski stockings, also colourful type. All colourful designed sweaters wrapped whole her body, was Miyuki's comment on this existance. And always with boy type Milk Delivery Boy or NERO in the animation "Dog of Frandle region", black belet with a front hedge for shadowing the eyes.

Too too fat, she was. And Miyuki didn't know in what position she worked. Staff, probably, however, not so unusual way, Kyorin Versity required to the staff, thus, why she is allowed to wear like that, and where she vanishes, every day?, was Miyuki's big big question.

She popped out almost 5 years ago. She couldn't see her front. Always from the back, Miyuki watched her. And she was always in the same bus, Miyuki rode. Thus, not pupils. Staff. Part-time lecturer?

Her body shape was so similar to YOSHIKAWA, the black OBA-Q or spooky big fat ghost of Fujio FUJUKO's MANGA. Negative version of the cheerful mistakable ghost. DORAEMON's predicessor, he was.

However, YOSHIKAWA wears like that every morning? So unusual, and she was totally modest however arrogant standard Kyorin MESU-BUTA clerk, during her working hours. She has double personalities???

CHINDON-YA or チンドン屋 or Sandwitch Men, they yelled on Miyuki's clothings. So distinctive. Oh, I call attention of others???

For her, too too modest wearing, yesterday's style. Dark colours only. Black jeans and a bit greysh dark navy blue fat jacket. And white sky cap. So modest, rather, plain, this fashion was for her.
