Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (242)

2017-10-18 19:16:04 | 日記
18/10/2017, Wednesday, 19:28, fine ⇒ cloudy,

Miyuki, after her light farming job, went to Chestnut Hill to visit her hut. And she got astonished!!! So many boxes of Miyuki's scholary materials in the Kyorin Hachioji campus were put as some big high tower buildings! Almost 100 boxes were there. Oh, thus, Toshirou NAITOU came?

However, this job is only logistic company's matter. Probably, this SNAG man took advantage of monitoring Miyuki's privacy, to threaten her in the near future.

And Miyuki got upset that her precious belongings, including Vede Mecum Dictionary was stolen by the guys. Miyuki put the desk and chair in the hut, and the lagal book as a symbol of her consulting job in this hill. However, she couldn't find any belongings of hew own which had been put before, in the hut actually.

At the same time, Miyuki found some unusual facts. Miyuki's materials were kept in some different buildings in the same campus. Especially, in D-Buildings, mainly, where Faculty of Foreign Langueges, to which ADACHI belonged, they were kept. And some boxes came from Faculty of Health, and from Library. Why?

Miyuki supposed that they were stolen by some guys, who wanted to copy her some articles or some discriptions as their own works, and then, they vanished, and they were kept there, as they were.

The same as Miyuki's other materials, in short. They were stolen and left as they were, when satans vanished. Thus, Miyuki's chasing her own object adventure rally, would be held in the near future!

Good to train her JEEP driving skill. She would know some unusual cases here and there, in her so so strange adventurous journey. ADACHI already prepared for it, however, no JEEP at all now. Thus, OK, I would use another some suitable more safe type. Probably, one box type manual only old used car, as her first paid car...

During winter, she would get tired of monotonous Shirakawan life. Thus, big present for YOSAKU=ADACHI=MIYUKI. A full trees of persimon FUDE-GAKI, Miyuki gained. Under parts were stolen already, however, in upper parts there are lots of fruits, and she would pick them 9/10, this week, probably, if it would be fine.

A usage of ladders should be avoidable, because it is sleppery...It all depends, She will try to use it, and if it is not stable, she would change the idea, and would catch with some "Insect catching net stick" like long long bar. Thus, No Man's Land, in short. Any guy don't want to eat SHIBU-GAKI or 渋柿 in Shirakawa. Miyuki would make 樽抜き or TARU-NUKI or Alchool Put type, or Really matured ones, or 干し柿 or HOSHI-GAKI, after taking them.

1/10 should be left for birdies and their team mates, is a golden rule to co-exist with them. Thus, just leave some "REALLY even Thrifty Miyuki can't pick them" type only. Probably, it would be 1/10 to 1/5, thus, no problem for both side.

NANKO moutain was in danger, in short. YOUJI was really Bad Guy, however, Miyuki's father lended him the land, easily. Probably he was trapped, and YOUJI did as he liked, and died, being revealed his wrongdoings.

Probably, his snyper life was interesting to know and write. KYOU is so interested in this guy. Old guy, yes, however, relatively good body shape holder, yes. However, flat type, rather. Not Carl or Usain. OK, Kyou? Old rural guy, he is. Not interesting at all!

however, how he could earn money is really interesting. Probably, an rural snypers' example, Miyuki thinks.

GUTS was killed instead of Miyuki? Because Miyuki, KATSUMI, Takafumi were all in this "Adults hate it!" line. Thus, replaceable, and Miyuki, being a distant nephew of YOUJI, escaped from being the murder of the snyper YOUJI.

Man hunting was projected by Kouichi YOSHIDA, and at least Miyuki was a target. She was declared from this Alzheimer Teacher Responsible to quit the primary school III. Miyuki didn't beleive this declaration would be effective, at all, because Primary School education is duty, and also, she lives beside the school. He can't push Miyuki out from his school, even he hates Miyuki. However, Miyuki got accused by him being said, "You are too too resistant, and you should not be here! Get out of this school!" after all subjects' lectures in the class room.

And after his accusation, Miyuki dashed to the toilet, and cried with her tears, saying, "I feel so contempted! He is crazy old guy! He is crazy! He accused me, illegaly! No reason to do so! However, he did it! I will never forget it! I need to revenge him in some day!" and Akemi KITAZAWA and Masato SEKINE witnessed the scene in the toilet.

Miyuki came to school the next morning, as usual, in her always mode, however, KITAZAWA got so shocked at Miyuki's appearance, "Oh, you have come here! I think that you would have benn absent today, because you had experienced unusual accusations yesterday!" And Miyuki was in wonder, "Oh, yesterday's matter. And he, YOSHIDA, made a big big mistake, and I am rather victim. Thus, I have never thought of being absent today!"

After nasty accusation, kids should refrain from going to school? Miyuki never thought like that. However, some guys thought of it. Why? Just a nasty scolding, for Miyuki. YOSHIDA contemted me, just it. YOSHIDA would refrain from the school, not I!!!

SEKINE made fool of Miyuki, imitating Miyuki's crying performance. "I feel contempted!" he yelled. And Miyuki felt so contempted again and again, by his performance. He is YOSHIDA's side, Testacles Pet, confirmed!!!

I was scolded by him, yes, however, my resistance was not only on behalf of me, but also on behalf of other team mates. SEKINE, you would be excluded from my protection.

And he died because of it. He should have conceal Miyuki's nasty contempted scene, however he showed up it in more theatrical way, making fool of Miyuki, as if she were so dumb to be scolded by the teacher.

Thus, he regretted so much. No pain at all, in case of the crash, yes, however, Miyuki remembers some beautiful moments on him, sometimes, including nasty parts. Thus, he failed and failed, so many times. And now, he tried to be good, anyway.

the seeds were not so different, however, the situation causes us to be satans. Miyuki agreed the possibility of turning to be satan of us all. Creatures are not perfect, thus, if we fail, we turn to be satans, easily, including Miyuki herself.

Thus, satanic world, in short. So many human beings failed in the divine ordial. We should take care of ourselves, yes, and if we could, of others, also.

YUKARI was inducing matter for both sides. For Miyuki, just Alzheimer snag satan, she is, and for others, just feeble minded bad guy, in short. Nasty alchoolic, Miyuki was accused by her. Only 25ml of wine per night would cause some alchoolic problem?

For YUKARI's side, yes, of course! Thus, she would monitored by us all! And she wanted to lock Miyuki up entirely during days and nights. For public security, she said. Oh, YUKARI herself is public nusance. Why YUKARI could say so???

Anyway, YUKARI wants money, is the correct answer. She wants to pay for herself. Thus, she is so cautious on Miyuki's behaviours. Just monitoring would be fine for her life, Alex and Clare adomired her persistance, entirely, in the most sarcastic way. Whole life was contributed to kill Miyuki, in short.

When Alzheimer Queens feel "I want to kill Miyuki!", they cut the tree, unnecessarily, saying, "I am a good gardener!", and then, regret it. "I should not have cut the twigs at all!" However, it is too late, too late, too late, saying so.

Confusional, and harmful. And they do as they like, even now. Soundless Chain saw, YUKARI bought, and she used it last night, and in the middle, the breaker dropped, thus, she got in rage. It is too too dangerous! It should not be! MIYUKI is too too dangerous for us all! She would be disposed!!!

Miyuki found so big hit class rare unusual scened in rural village. Exists? Exist! Class.

At first, in the campus of WASHIO, on the glass sliding door, Miuki found a sticker saying, "This is rice cleaning machine, not sweeper. Don't use as sweeper!" A warning yes, however, why we can confuse the rice finer with some vuccuum cleaner?! And she took the picture.

The most biggest hit is...Big Cross, namely, unnecessarily skewed railway line of TOUHOKU HONSEN or 東北本線, the pararel should be with Bullet Train line called SHINKANSEN or 新幹線, however it crosses with SHINKANSEN type, is concealed from some residencieal area by way of faking road!

The railway line is obliged to pretend to be road for vehicles!!! It exists? Exist yes! Here in Shirakawa!!!

A marvelously ridiculous facility, it is! Miyuki sometimes doubted her own eyes...Am I dreaming???

Really? Yes, really! Miyuki took several pictures of the object.

Only from two places, it is be able to be seen. One is a private property, which has a sticker saying, "No exit in this way. From owner" And Miyuki laught at this sticker, thinking, "Oh, I'm sure, no exit type. However, so so interesting, up to unnecessary to get out of here in another exit. This is only one exit combined with entrance. For me, sufficient. And you are not owner, old lady, we are rightous ligitimate owners of this property. Thus, you are faked illegitimate onwer, thus, you should vanish immediately!!!

And in the dead end type land, no houses can be seen. They were broken because they could see the wonderfully eiriculous scene of unnecessarily artificially skewed railway line, whose fact is concealed by their childish transformation job, namely, just faking to be road!!!

From horizontal position, it can be seen as road, however, from the second floor, it can be seen the real railway covered with road side unnecessary wall put type. Thus, probably, some big houses were attacked and broken.

And another unusual site to see the marvelously ridiculous scene is the Prefectural Department, in front of the prefectural police. They did know well on it, is the too too correct answer. Prefecture should be blamed also, with its team mate Central Government of Japan, and Shirakawa Municipality, and JR railway company, and their related figures.

Completely bold, the targetted property is. Triangle corner with good view. Whose house? is Miyuki's question. Probably, old map and official register would work for her puzzle game resolution.

And to make this marvelously skewed confusional scene, another tool is used. Road tunnel, unnecessarily to put, to make road cross, like urbanized town. From this place, the faled road or the real railway was taken the picure, and was explained that we have no unusual skewed railway road, just road, you know...Not decorative ridiculous road, but just a common road, as you know, you stupid! in the harshest threatening way.

Satans liked railway, at this age. 鉄ちゃん or TECCHAN, it was called. Railway maniacs, they were. Miyuki did know some of them. And satanic female get in love with them, at least with admiration.

They know any names of the station of each line, is the reason of their admiration.

They are just OTAKUs, in short, however, at that days, female satans thought that they were clever, and promissive.

It is so clear in Crayon-Shinchan. The girls at first prased the guy, who learned to say the explanation of a certain theme park. And then, they asked, "Do you know all names of Toubu Toujou line or 東武東上線? How about Toubu XXX line? " in turn, and when the guy replied, "Ummm...Sorry, I don't", and the girls categorized him no valuable guy.

Another example was provided by her ex-mates of Latin Americal studies. One is Midori UCHIDA, and another is her acquaintance, younger than Miyuki. They played the same role of Cre-Shin girls in this situation comedy.

A guy, who is associate professor of law at HOKKAIDOU versity or 北海道大学, male with 40 years or so, was Railway maniac. He spent his precious time to go to Kyoto, by railway only, and he did know all of the connection stations and times of the transfer exactly, and he took a rest in some famous old Japanese taste hotel called 旅館, and then, with total satisfaction, he came back to HAKKAIDOU again, without doing anything except riding on a train.

For Miyuki, stupid maniac, he is, was honest impression. However, the two ladies ejected exclamation voice, with total admiration. Oh, OTAKU in this area is yet popular among ladies!, Miyuki perceived.

Thus, Cre-Shin is produced by these generation actually, Miyuki presumed. Thus, over 50 years or so. And the voice actors are so nasty for Miyuki's side. Monstrously attacker type, they turn abruptly, and in casual mode, they love to contempt targetted guys, mainly, the hero Creyon-Shinchan and his father HIROSHI.

For Miyuki, TECCHAN type is a kind of spell lerning type, thus, Todai pimps would adore type. Thus, the end. No railway necessarily, and Miyuki chose to go with JEEP or some predicessor of him.

So many North Koreans invided Shirakawa, and they offered money to gain faked ligitimacy for Ministry of Justice. The public officers' task was just register what they declared only. Thus, copying machine, in short. And if some guy declares something, it was ligitimatized by public office. Thus, the new comer from North Korea did as they liked. Thus, so variety of semi blooded guys were seen in her kids age in her primary school.

白河学園 or Shirakwa GAKUEN provided the seeds of being attacked, and raped and killed. From North Korea, they were imported to fake the number of this evil municipality.

For them, Shirakwa is marvelous village to play with. Better than their birth place. Thus, so naughty, and they were brave, on the contray of Chiken Miyuki. They did know well on their last end. They were put insurance, and killed as soon as possible, before reaching 18 years old. Thus, TOUHOKU region had so few versity holders. They were not paid to study at any versity.

North Korean guys espablished their wonderland in Shirakawa, in short. Thus, skewed like maze, and they can buy any rifles, guns, and bullets, as they liked, and they can shoot others, as they liked. And YOUJI liked to kill Miyuki's family all so much, because Miyuki is rich, compared with other guys in Shirakwa. Kinship worked so much. Miyuki didn't know well YOUJI is whose son...Anyway, some kin, was her primitive understanding.

My father's Cousins, EIJI and YOUJI were. Thus, probably, her grand aunt おしん or Oshin's son, she presumed. In case of distant cousins, Miyuki can't know the parents at all.

Some substitute system existed. Adoption worked so much in rural villages all over Japan. YOUJI was adopted, probably.

Unknown guy popped out, was Miyuki's impression on YUKARI's birth. Not so different. YUKARI came here to kill Miyuki, probably. Thus, no happy life she desired, and just "I hate you, Miyuki, you stupid!" only life, she spent.

One hour ago, HARUMI and YUKARI came together to the office, and HARUMI used the toilet, and YUKARI entered into the office room. Miyuki got chilled at her appearance. And HARUMI yelled from the toilet, "What are you doing, YUKARI?" in some accusation tone. YUKARI replied, "Oh, I found a box full of the kid's bath set. Some guy left it here, thus, I was picking up", and refrained from Miyuki's side. YUKARI tried to attack Miyuki, and gazed Miyuki's space. Oh, she is dumb snyper, probably, Miyuki felt. And thus Miyuki's father put the simplest wooden wall beside her desk side space. "L" shape protection, it would be. It was established after Miyuki's starting to use this office. The twin Alzheimer Queens should not disturb Miyuki's work, they yelled, however, YUKARI entered into the office room, already, and tried to attack Miyuki.

Miyuki recognized that she left her victrinox knife on the dish, near the outside space of this wall. If YUKARI finds it, she desires to use it to kill Miyuki, Miyuki presumed. Up to the end, was their yelling on each other.

And HARUMI always wants to do her special show of strep tees, in front of some male guys. The best ideal scene would be provided in front of some guy, who coincidently entered into the corredor. She opened the door of wear changing space, namely, the washing space for YUKARI's side, and prepared for the appearance of the guy. And then, she ended up to take a bath, and opened the door of the bath room, and the situation of "Oooops, you are here, Alex! Sorry, however, you looked at my precious nakid body! It should be paid so much, because I am so attractive for males, OK, Alex!"

Today, Alex was targetted, because he dashed into the toilet. HARUMI yelled to him from the bath room, "Are you there, Alex?" and Alex replied, "Yes..." and then, after getting out of the bath room, yelled to Miyuki, opening the glass sliding door to the office room, "I took a bath already. Your father is now in KARAOKE. Thus, it would be fine to take a bath now." and instead of Miyuki, Alex replied, "Moooowooo..." as OK, I know it like. Miyuki kept silent to HARUMI.

Unnecessarily, HARUMI yelled to MIYUKI. Sometimes, she informs it to Miyuki, sometimes not. She wants to ge along with Miyuki, is her dying message.

When Miyuki came back to the office, at 17:30, almost, the bath was already prepared and the hot water wormth keeping system was on. Oh, one hour or more earlier than usual. And any guy, up to 19:30, appeared to take a bath. Then, Clare took a bath. Then, at 21:00 almost, HARUMI took a bath. Then, why Miyuki is obliged to take a bath? Her father would come back at 22:00 or so. Thus, Miyuki prefers to take a bath later. Miyuki dislikes to take a bath so early in cold days, because it causes cathing a cold for her. Thus, the last bath taker is Miyuki's choice as always.

However, HARUMI probably wants to disturb Miyuki and her father. For Miyuki, if he approaches "Ooops, I need to end up bath taking now!" like hush-hush mode would happen, while for him, "Oooops, some guy is taking a bath now, I will take a bath later, probably, one hour later would be fine". For both, nasty, and HARUMI targetted this double nasty causing moment.

HARUMI was so evil, in short. YUKARI is violent, while HARUMI is harsh and evil. Terrible satanic snags, they are.

For Miyuki, any day she can take a bath. Why we need to keep the bath warm unnecessarily for more than 5 hours more?, is her primitive question. HARUMI can't turn the swich is the correct answer.

-my car share?!
