DoDoMerdic Precocious Kids

2017-02-07 22:34:10 | 日記
07/02/2017 (evening) I took a MISO soup with Shredded ABURA-AGE and onion, roast ABURA-AGE with gladed radish and a cup of hot cardamon milk. A light supper for cold night.

Comparatively, the coldness is reduced and the temperature inside the house is getting upward a bit. However, the temperature outside feels much colder because of strong browing of wind.

I made a form of cover letter for the application. I need a job, as soon as possible. I can't realize my dream here in Shirakawa. Most of common people here are protectionists. They are good natured prsons with high morality.
However, I don't want to be required their strict morality. For me, it's a kind of bondage. I want to be free from the chain.
Japanese constitution adopts liberalism and individualism. I prefer these values.

Protectionism is fragil to DoDomerdas idiocracy. The last one is out of their imagination, because of too much inhumanity.
Thus, DoDoMerdas idiology, namely, IDIOCRACY, spreads in Japan.
Our family is petit case of the structure. Only one robust crazy broken robot DoDoMerda wants to rule our family, despite of her young Alzheimer disease.

The same fenomenum we can see in every organization in Japan. Only one evil existance called DoDoMerda is enough to break the system. It rottens every part of our society.
Hermits increases their number. However, even Judiciary in Japan decides them rightly. They are rotten, from the bottom of their existance. They are paracites of their family, their community, their society and their world. They should be get rid of our universe. However, protectionalists can't take the measure. For them, even hermits were evil, the producers should owe the responsibility.

Thus, hermits enhance their discrecional irrational and groundless evil desire under the mercy of protectionalists.
Female DoDoMerdas are, in fact, a kind of hermits. They don't owe social duty at all and live under the reign of their superiors in the family, inside the house.
They can get out, however, visiting medical doctors is a kind of rendezvous or amusement with a slight smell of sexuality. Thus, female DoDoMerdas in Hasebyo prefer male medical doctors, even they are totally dull and ugly in appearance.

In the world of DoDoMerdas, sexual intercourse is under the controle of the superiors. Thus, love affair is prohibitted except marrige. Even now, virgins are expensive to power holders. It means that ugly unattractive girls are sold with high prices in DoDoMerdic marrige market.
Because only the husband can make a sexual intercourse with the ugly girls. They are free from betraying their husbands.
Blood relationship is important for DoDoMerdas as a measure of financial stability. Thus, adults adoption is highly commun among them.

Thus, ugly and unattractive genes get prevalent among DoDoMerdas. The uglier, the better. The shorter, the better. The duller, the better.

And the family prefer richness than kids. Many DoDoMerdic couples choose DINKS or one kid family, because one kids cost US$200 thousand until they graduate from versity. Thus, when the couple have a kid, they concentrate their energy to make a miniture version or crone of the husbands.
DoDoMerdic kids get mature ealier than normal kids. I think that it is caused by developing hormones.

The sleeping time and study hours infuence lots on kids, I believe.
I will pick an example.
My ex-colleague of primary school Mr.Naoya HOSHI was one of Teacher's Pet of KOUICHI YOSHIDA, the diabolic teacher.
YOSHIDA ordered us pupils to confess the hours of study and watching TV, as a measure of time control.
"How many hours do you watch TV?", he asked. Our reply was 3 hours, in averege. We were so honest to say the fact.
Mr.HOSHI, only he, replied, "Four hours!" We were astonished at his bravery, because he was a real teacher's pet. His remarks took our attention. Soon he correct his saying, "Ooops, I made a mistake! I study four hours a day. This is study hour, not TV time!"

Of course, we disliked him much more due to this remarks. "Kids study four hours in the house?! Absurd! How stupid he is! He can't understand what the teachers say without drill?!" We were apalled by his remarks.

He was big, when he was at the 5th grade and 6th. His nickname was "MITSURIN" or jungle in Japanese. I asked another mate called Mr.Kazuyuki SUZUKI why he was called "MITSURIN". He explaines me that he had already pubic hair!!!! I was astonished at his remarks. "We are kids of primary school! We kids shouldn't have such adults like hair!!!" The situation was beyond my imagination.

Soon, we got to know that Mr.HOSHI was going to Tokyo to go to "good junior high" with his family.
This was also a surprise for us. "For entering into junior high, exam is necessary? We are obliged to go to junior high as a duty?"

Thus, he left our primary school.
One or two year after, he visited us in our junior high. We were astonished again. He was too little!
He was big when he was a primary school, while as a junior school boy, he was soo small!!!

Therefore, I deduced that "short sleep and long study, make Naoya short!"

Thus, I tried to keep adequate hours of sleeping time as much as possible, even in my cramstudy days in high school. I wanted to go to the best versity in Japan, however, I didn't want to be short at all. Thus, I made a detailed time schedule every 15 minutes and control the time as far as possible. First, I needed to secure my sleeping time. As you know, I am a long sleeper. I must assure my sleeping time first.

In these period, I studies 5 hours a day. It was the limit of my brain. I made every effort to struggle agaist sleepy brain, especially in case of studying world history. As a result, I studies this subject for 20 minutes and fell asleep without intention, slept for 20 minutes and got up with regret for lost time and studies for another 20 minutes and the same.

I want to enjoy my life. I need sufficient sleeping hours to work productively. In winter, I sleep longer than in summer. Maybe, in worm place, I sleep less and in cold one, I do more.
"Kids grow up well by sleeping" is the Japanese proverb. We should have plenty of sleeping time when we are kids.

Sleep well and grow bigger. That's I hope kids in Japan. DoDoMerdic kids are too much ugly. Common people have kids with good balanced body and soul. Kids are our future. It doesn't mean spoiling kids.

DoDoMerdas don't know how to educate kids. All they do is spoiling them. We hate DoDoMerdic precocious kids. They have no future. I don't want to see them any more. They are visual nusance.
