Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (84)

2017-05-30 22:59:17 | 日記
31/05/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki got so upset when DDMic OCN blog provider erased her precious reports at 15000 letters almost last night.

They sometimes erased the past, in the same way. For them, usual habit. And I am no.1 target, because they have no client at all except me!!! She took the photo of the site saying, 0 member exists on this blog site. Oh, only one, now I am. And it means that even DDMs could attack me easily in collectively.

Anyway, OCN did twice in the same period. At first, they erased the date written by her, included in the e-mail massage to her dearest friend IZUMI-san. Oh, they did it, again. It means we should gain much more than I did. Revenge, at least 10 times more!!!

And Miyuki really thought that they had no way except vanishing. They can't recognize how their wrongdoings affect our society, nor stop them. Others should take measure to stop them, as soon as possible.

Quartet MARC triggered some guns shooting DDMs, however, many DDMs yet come to this evil rural village called Shirakawa to showup their faked power under the some idiots' bosses. Probably plural bosses coexhist now in this goddamnit type rural village. And indifferent from their religions, they are all Alzheimer patients, confirmed type.

Today, Miyuki found that Ryuho OHKAWA, the religios leader of Science of Law, who graduated from Tokyo Versity, Faculty of law, was one of the main stream team leaders.

he especially wanted to maintain the prevalence of Todai related ones' power in this region, and established a university near Shirakawa. And the only reason was revealed, by Miyuki's accute perception. his son is intellectually degraded, challenged type, because of their combination of Todai x Todai. The degradation theory in Gene area, Miyuki really thought.

Miyuki remembered that HATOYAMA family were the worst example. According to her mother, they are the best example of incest marrige. Only cousen could be target of their marrige, they ware fated. And almost all of them entered into and graduated from Tokyo Versity.

However, no principle would never have any exception. Miyuki did know that one of the son of Yukio HATOYAMA graduated from Australian high school, and he entered into Graduate course of Kyorin versity.

HATOYAMA got married with a semi-blooded lady, and he was born as their kid, and studied in Austraria, and came back to Japan, and he was a rich boy. However, as common Austrarian high degree holder, he came to the campus by his own car, and asked some information alone. Too too natural for his age. And he dyed his hair green, according to the clerk called YAMAKAWA. Better than averege, she thought. And said so to YAMAKAWA.

Miyuki recogonized YAMAKAWA's accusing tone refering to the colour of his hair. Oh, YAMAKAWA, U2?, Miyuki thought. Because YAMAKAWA himself dyed his hair in light brown.

HATOYAMA belonged to TAKUBO, a leftest journalist of SANKEI shimbun, and a professor of International Politicas studies at that time in Kyorin. Takeshi AOKI confirmed his existance, and Miyuki remember that she probably met him, in a black hair, in some exam held for candidates of faculty. Oh, he!, Miyuki thought. His filiolonomy was so similar to his father, and the young version was at least batter than the older version.

And Miyuki got astonished to read some description on him, saying, "He graduated from Tokyo Versity"????

Already, HATOYAMA Family used the system, even in 1990, probably. And at least, he escaped from the worst disaster among their family.

Incest was weaking the ability, was an already found type fact. And we called it "degradated generation problem." Miyuki had some 十姉妹 or tiny birds in her own house, and they produced their family by way of this method, and the result was vanishing. Anyway, the got feebler physically. Not so nasty, because they had no choice. Narrow concealed place, and Miyuki didn't know how to deal with them rightously. And she left them as they liked, and the result was incest.

Coincidently, HATOYAMA means Mountain of Doves. Doves can do it, if they have no choice, probably.
And human beings could be the result of such kind of wild party, thus we have no fur, or nakid.

And in Japan, the situation was worse. Imperial families are famous for incest. Especially in the ancient age, they could get married with their own kids, in main cases. Too conceal their richness, the system was adopted, it was explained.

Thus, incest's result damaged us Japanses so much. Beside nakid, we have short legs. Unbalanced ugly body shape holders, who are mother fuckers, was the recognithion of other countries. Thus, they called Japanse 倭 or dwarf. And Japanese changed the Chinese character from 倭 to 和、or peace. The same pronunciation "WA", however, comletely differed in the meaning.

Thus, Clare said, "Oh, we are messy body holders. My case is better, because I have a gene donor, non Japanese type. And you, Miyuki? Both are Japanese. No way!"

And Miyuki's reply was, "I think so, throughly." With a deep sigh.

Long legs the two want yes. however, they couln't gain them until now. Gene problem, probably. However, Miyuki declared as usual, "I decided to have longer legs. At least, 25cm more longher than actual ones. I never give up my dream to have them. I try to have them and I will have 185cm in the future, because of my own effort.

And she recognized that her shoulder is now getting broader. Milk drinking combined with good exercise, is her technique to gain more better body. Clare didn't say no to her choice. Anyway, she should decide on the matter. I am free from her opinion, including remaining my own opinion regarding to her preference at hight.

And Miyuki is now extremely sleepy. She should get up earlier than usual like today tomorrow.
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly namely BUSUs, you are.
See you us all for today. Don't forget to visit our site, everyone in our team!!!
From Quartet MARC, with big LOVE!!!
