Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (30)

2017-05-07 21:02:23 | 日記

 HITOTSUBASHI is one of the MECCA of IKKYO believers. And Miyuki got to know the intellectual degradation of the versity's pupils, when she visited there on 13 of June, 2014. The wall paper advertisements were just for job preparation or amusement only. No study type at all. And sense of play was low. Terrible. Is this one of the rival of Tokyo versity, at least on the field of Economy? Nonsense, she thought.

  And she started her adventure jobs in the mansion donated by the first president of this versity. And found, "Oh, good at seeing the seasonal change of the trees, however, the study room was combined with sleeping room and narrow, anyway. I don't want it. Just for guests, OK. If I were a president of this versity, this is only a guest house use.

  Thus they failed. For the first time she visited, she already decided the use of the building. Anyway, the scene is good. However, the second floor is too too small for her use. And the first floor is banquet only type. Good to have a party, however, as a residence, not at all!

  Thus, HITOTSUBASHI was desqualified to be her residence provider.

  She chose so  early. Decided so quick. Not for us at all!!!

  IKKYO believers are too too slow to decide. For them all, slowness weighs a lot. And reluctantness causes the price up. Monopoly related race, they do. Thus, alternative is their rival. Thus, YUKARI lies a lot to Miyuki's price down. And Miyuki does know that it caused YUKARI's price down also. Stupid! And her position is always, "rented special friend, out of their family." YUKARI doesn't understand the system at all.

  YUKARI always wispers her terrifying story to others. And they sometimes believe it. And today, Miyuki turned to be a victim, induced by YUKARI. Oh, he is such a type?, was Miyuki's auntie common sense's attitude. YUKARI thought like that, thus, she decisively said so, by her own cost. Please differ your dream from our reality, YUKARI. They asked, however, she couldn't. For her, too too difficult. For her, dreaming is her own reality. Thus they failed again. Thus, Miyuki ignores YUKARI entirely. She doesn't waste her own precious time, probably.

 Alex was always her rumour making machine. Today, he did a good job. "At 8 oclock, OK, Auntie!" He said last night, and he left earlier with his bicycle. To where? Anyone asked. Miyuki was in the bed. And then, YUKARI got up to his chamber to provide her special breakfast to him, and found nothing there, and returned to her chamber. And visited him again to serve it. And returned again. Miyuki watched from the half transparent glass windows. And sometimes, her mother recognized Miyuki as her younger sister. Why she said that I was there when Alex left home?, she thought, however, she was not so quick at that time, and refrained to say so. And her mother's attakings again. OK, if you were right, I would say so to Alex.

 And now, Alex is sleeping. They wanted Miyuki to scold him. Now? Why? Alex did someting? They did know that he trapped YUKARI again. he faked her to tell the total lie to her mother. And as Alex calculated, he did so. Miyuki laught at his naughty joking. She is an old stupid one, they thought. And her maternity vanished, and now a devil of jealousy.

 Miyuki likes to sing the song "Devil of Kick Boxing in the ring." Mr.SAWAMURA, the champion was. At that time, boxing meant only hand struggle type. Then, Thailandese more dangerous type was introduced. And he got a success as a pioneer. And this is the theme song of the animated drama traced his life. Sometimes she sings cheerfully.

 "Now the chance of your big kick, SAWAMURA!" and the refrain, "Devil, Devil, you are the Devil of the Ring!"

  It means so strong in the fighting place.

  And now, YUKARI's version, "Devil, Devil, Devil of your own Jealousy, YUKARI!" ♫🎶

 They liked the song, and ADACHI was knocked out at this frase! Oh, ideal partner, she is!!!!

   Miyuki liked to put on the down jacket when she felt cold today outside. And found that the broad river was made for the family type disaster. They made various islands inside the river. Someties kids wanted to reach type inducing trap. And they could manage the quantity of the water. Thus, family BBQ esily turned to be a big disaster. ABUKUMA river is for it. And the kids were trained for it.

  Away from me, please. Don't approach me, the 2 years faked girl said to her faked mother. They were the same. Totalitarians has only one soul. Thus, they don't need so much skin bags. Thus, they should shrink until to the last one. It would be a luxurious type. And now, the messy evilest Devil of Jealousy is their candidate.

  For her, anything is not amusing expect abusing her family. Too too nasty situation they are. Thus, Derra Death would be needed, they really thought . However, YUKARI escaped from the chance, and forgot as always. For her, anything is not so important as always.

  Why she is insistent to abuse us?, Clare asked to other members. And they refused to reply. Impulse, Miyuki replied immediately. No way for her at all, they recognised it.

  She is made for it, according to her. Thus, admission, again , by her own. She can't change, and always Miyuki is the victim. They accused Miyuki as always, and YUKARI is free from the accusation, even she is the cause. And YUKARI liked to play the role of mad dog. She shouted yesterday, as if she would get choked. Like a MOZU's shout, Miyuki recognized it.

  And it would her her last words, probably, she predicted. Choked voice, like the birdy. 100 tonghes, 百舌鳥 in Japanese. Like BLA-BLA-BLA Auntie like last situation voice, Miyuki really thought.

  And the real MOZU can change their voice. They could cry with more confortable cheeful voice, also. However, near the human beings, they uses the nasty voice. For them, this is what they hear from us, human beings.

  Thus, YUKARI turned to be a Devil of Jealousy, as a natural cause. She was born with the character, and she couldn't change her own natural character for better. Thus, she should vanish with her own character.

  Human beings have some ordial moments. Even in the evilest situation, we should not lose our a bit of positive power at all. Don't sell your friend, is another. You sell others, means that you are our enemy.

  Thus, Miyuki felt really sorry to Marcelo. She, a bit, regretted her information to KITAMURA, when KITAMURA asked, "How about his writing?" Thus she said, as she felt, "Oh, he is good at orally expression, however, in writing, he is not yet so, because he wrote me in a hard type expression in Japanese. Learning in progress situation. " And she regretted a bit, that it would be better for him to emphathise more his ability to Evil KITAMURA. However, at that time, she didn't know that KITAMURA was so evil.

  Anyway, luckily for her, Marcelo chose his right way. He gave up Tokyo University, after being qualified to enter. Miyuki really relieved to hear that. Anyway, I didn't turn to be his stone of falling.

  He got qualified, however, he chose to study in OOSAKA versity because OOSAKA is much more suitable for foreigners to study. Anyway, more Latin type residents were here and there. Oh, materialists, they are, Miyuki thought. Anyway, good for him, and me, Miyuki really thought.

  I should praise him even in writing, she thought. Probably, it would be a kind of trial, she really thought. Thus, Marcelo liked her. Too too coward to others' unhappiness. If I would be the cause of unhappiness to others, what should I do type. I always destroyed a lot of judicial persons, she said to him. TAISHO Insurance Company, SEIBU Holdings, now TOYOTA, yes, and SHIRAKAWA's Schools, Tokyo Versity, and of course Kyorin Versity....

  Why, she didn't know the system. Always, when I recognise, they failed already.

  Recoginition and informing in public is enough probably. Because Japanese so called Justice is really Injustice and Unfairness at all. Thus, no alternative at all.

  And they failed at all. Alex wanted to be such a type. And now, he relly wants to be so. Just a kind of sympathy is enough. It transmitts easily.  Vanishing, anyway. However, the reason, unknown, he thought.

  Miyuki did give a big damage to her own versity, they thought. Miyuki herself said to the officials in the exact Ministry of Culture and Science. "Oh, yes, strangely saying, I myself destroy my own working place!" And laugh. She recognized 6 NAKASONE squad in the waiting sofa in front of the Ministry. Why they are there? Rare, actually, with the strange kinky decorative hair stype. Why so many NAKASONE faked there???

  They failed. Miyuki didn't understand the meaning. Only their rare anti-fashionable hair style was her interest. MORIKO really was impressed the style. How it is possble with so few strings of hair? A kind of Avangand art on the top of the head!

  And the specialist do the job. Some imitater showed the back stage job. So few long hair on the side, especially on the ears are used and pomade is used to stick it on the bold head.  The user can't scrach the head, even he felt so itchy there.

  In the bed, how he could attract woman? she bursts into tears of laughing!!! Bold OK, however, the side too too few long hair!!! How he got married? How he could do it? I wanted to make an interview to his wife!!!!

  They are really forgetful, yes. However, for the first time, even they, would not forget, we imagin. However, they forget. Oh, they lose as usual, and think as if they were virgin. Thus they left even now.Betrayers who did it type. And the kids were IKKYO believers also. No time for the losers, however, they thought as if they were winning even now.

  共勝連合, IKKYO was called also. They explained the meaning, as if "We are fighting against communism" at that time. However, now the sifnificance chaged. Always our communism is winning, is the meaning, they believe.

  Communism is totalitarianism for them all. Only one is the last one. They are united KINGDOM residents. Thus, they want to move to Britain. Oh, Auntie, again? You liked to move to NZ, already, and now, Great Britain? She refered the name several times. Religious leader's place would be, they thought. Thus, she started to prepare for the starting. At least today. And tomorrow? Dependes on her flamboyant feeling. Nasty delayed departure. She is always delayed and slow. Just now, we yelled, however, she can't move so swiftly, whithout her dashing mood. Impulse would be fine to induce her. However, only Miyuki would be her target. Always, she moved to attack Miyuki. IKKYO believers think so probably. Thus, they always appear in front of me. Nasty spooky reluctant dull faked families here and there. No amusing conversation at all. Just orders they do.

  Their way of life is so misery. And they prefer to live like that. I don't want to be disturbed my beautiful and peaceful life, Miyuki thinks so. And they either.

  Why she is so nasty? She wears different from us all! She got upset. She is different form us all, yes. Thus, as she likes.

  They should recognize it. Miyuki's shape is different from others. Thus, she looked different. Each one has its own taste. Clare prefers to be sportive and conventional fashion as casual use. Alex likes pink. And others, as they like. Miyuki doesn't criticise their wearing at all. As they like type.

  Oh, her dinner time. and she needed to wear fatter closings also.

  She should avoid to catch a cold again. Today, after her getting out, the weather turned bad and cold. Probably, IKKYO believers got jealousy again!!!

  And some swallows liked her story on their 2 residents in both north and south places. They are popular in both place, thus, they have different partners in both places, and they should be responsible thus, always with their kids in case of long journy. Miyuki like life, they spend, probably.

  North, probably, winter duck type, and South, river bird with brilliant blue colour type, like KAWASEMI.

  Metalic blue type beautiful swallow's back Miyuki had seen, they wispered. Some kind of semi-blooded type, probably. And who would be the parent in Japan? Thus, she deduced and hypothesis is the above. Two residences type birdies. Thus, they like me!!!

  And some approached her really near. One was alsmost kissing her!!!!! Oh, another boyfriend!!!!!

  She likes to say so, and they...should agree. Anyway, a kind of friendship, she needs now. Swallows and read montain dove, as usual. Her partner no.1! He watched her leaving and returning for her security.

  Miyuki liked to fly with them, and kyte flying they did. And fishing also!!! Like Stone Cutting Water type amusing scene!!! What they were fishing? Tiny incects probably. AMENBOU or BOUFURA? And they liked to swim a bit. Pouring water game, they called. A Bitch-Bitch-Shabu-Shabu-Ran-Ran-Ran type game!!!

  They did with a squad. Oh, group game!!! They really enjoyed a strong wind today in the afternoon. However, it turned to be a cold weather. And they turned to their home. And almost rained, however, Miyuki put the fatter wear and avoided the nasty cold again.

 What is the last product?, was Today's theme. And Miyuki found it, and got nasty. Ridiculous!!! Valuable pine trees turned to be a pulp. MICCHIKU imitators do the same evil act in their hay days. Dog's life they lived, indeed.

 VANISH! DDMs!!! You are too too ugly!!!

 Miyuki came back from her dinner. Tonight's menu was chicken buion soup with mexed beans, shredded onion and carrot, A pork soute with roasted oilly rice, and Japanese clovers with Japanese Holandese sauce called KIMI-SU-MISO. A delicious complete dinner, minimum type. Nurtriscious, and cheerfle for eyes!!!

 Roaster is called Grill in Japanese. And the merit is crispy touch of tongue. Miyuki thought of making pork sorked in salty water for one night only. An Italian ingredient, substitute of bacon. She did it in Hon-KOMAGOME, near Tokyo versity. And got a success. SalpicaXX, it was called. Crispy and good for main dish, and for other dishes' ingredient also OK type. Like Miyuki's job. Sometimes, hero, sometimes byplayer. However, the problem is price. In Japan, any 100g meat costs US$1. Even minced meat costs the same. Strange fenomenum. When she was younger, minced meat costed less than US$0.5. It meant the resedue of other fresh meat. Now the same price of the fresh whole meat. And YUKARI liked to buy it, indifferent from the price. She dislikes to cut the meat, probably. Her impulse wispers her, Don't touch meat at all. Meat is the symbol of her rotten character. Thus, she tries to use cutted meat only. For DDMic life, meat is a kind of prohibittion. Thus, they avoid to use it, and buy only semi-prepared staff. Easy and quick type. And minced meat was their choice according to their faked thrifty. Thus, the necessity of minced meat increased, and Alzheimer patients DDMs concinue to buy it, insisting that minced meat were cheap.

  They can't understand the difference between low price and high one, or, cheap and expensive. Thus, YUKARI failed to be ordered to make an errand. Only her use should be sufficient, her mother thought. And she paid her living cost. And she couldn't manage it even in her mother's strict control. She loses her money easily. She bought a precious specialite for her own, saying "This is specially made for us DDMic qualified figures. Not for you, kids. " And ate it at once. YABUKI-Made Gooseberry, it was called. Cheapish one with expensive value. YUKARI lost her mother's confidence at all by such as extravagant use of money. I liked the name, was her excuse. What was it?, she was asked. And her reply was, "A cute name. Is it fine for me, isn't it?"

  And Miyuki got to notice that now YUKARI called her parents in a child mode. "Father, and Mother" she emphathised. And Miyuki got to terrified to predict to be called, "Oh, my elder sister!" Terrible. She wants to pretend to be a kid. Nasty old auntie feels like younger than her nephew and niece. YUKARI's world is broken, thus, she wants to recover by her kid's faking job, probably.

  And Miyuki got to be terrified by her declaration mode. She suddenly changed her mind and declared, "I want to take a bath now, mother!".

  Her mother already called her father to take a bath after her bathing. He prepared for it, and in front of him, ignoring him, she declared like that. Oh, YUKARI was only inferior to her mother. To others, she is superior as usual.

  Mad dog was tamed by her mother, at a high cost of all of us. Clare broke her feet yesterday. however, Miyuki didn't say anything at all. If necessary, she would say me directly. And Alex of course. They don't need my help, thus they didn't touch the matter at all.

  And they failed. Repeated YUKARI's attacking changed Miyuki's mind at all. She suffered from Alex's faked answer, if his grand mother's remarks were right. He can do it without me, yes. However, faking my allowance, is not permissible for me. It causes a big damage for my life. Reliance, I would lose, and you, Alex, you would be another YUKARI. You should not borrow my authority at all. If you do, without noticing me, you should say to your boss, OK? I am free from your game at all!!!

 YUKARI got worried about his cold attitude, and wispered her mother to take care of him better, because Miyuki is loser of her world. Her world? Laughing joke! She has a world! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN!!!!

 She reigned her world, already, and failed already. And wanted to construct another one, to repair all of her belongings. She wanted not to lose them all. And all her belongings are not hers, they know well. Always she steals. She has nothing, because she doesn't earn money. Thus, she really wanted her nephew to work for her only. She wanted him to be a breadearner for her only. Thus, she was kind to him, she confessed. Again, Auntie? You dreamt badly today. Your dream is called nightmare for us all, they said to her.

 Only one game, she is addicted now. She is the only one in this game. And she is also a queen, as usual. And she is addicted to read some books. Oh, she can read? Miyuki laught at her attempt. She wants to move to other place. Good choice! Go, as soon as possible to your place, Yukari the broken robot!

 And now, she moves slowly. Already she knew her disease. AIDs, she thought. Oh, Auntie! Another disease extra? Alzheimer is not enough for you? Now she wants to be another patient. And she doesn't think that she would be doubled.

 Oh, IKKYO believers think so. Only one disease is enough, thus, if someone gets AIDs, it would be free from any disease including cold, he declared. Miyuki remembered a predicessor of Tokyo Versity. Oh, how anti-scientific, she thought, however, she kept silent. She was criticied by him harsh on her law report. OK, I am not good at law related materials, yes, however, I am not so irrational like you, old boy!, she thought in her belly.

 Thus, he would be a IKKYO believer, probably. He had an apartment already near Tokyo University. Not so big one, however, sufficient to live alone, and almost empty type. An apatment type, prefablic one. Now IKKYO complex is called type. He was said to be a rich boy. And Miyuki remembered some Platinum Tribe's remarks on an adopted son of TORAYA or Tiger Shop in Japanese, a renoun confectionary, located in Tokyo. The site is located near SAKURADA-MON or gate of Cherry Tree field, highly near of Tokyo Metropolitan Office, and they occupied the JR Tokyo Station on the side of MARUNOUCHI.

  Oh, TORAYA has a restrant now? Astonishing! Miyuki thought last year. Oh, the adopted son, for the sake! Tokyo Versity related would be their son, thus, the so called promissive one was their son. A kind of typical Japanese adoption, Miyuki thought. Just for money and family name value. The continuity is important for them all, probably.

  And they failed. The smell is different, the flavour is different, and shape also. Thus they failed. TAMAYA in Tokyo, presumably. YOUKAN was their strongpoint. Black brilliant good red beans only type deep flavour, Miyuki remembers. Now, they lost their reputation. Oh, the common type of YAMAZAKI, the cheapest one, at the cost of US$0.4.

  Miyuki liked YAMAZAKI, because at least, they try to make newly products. They fails often, however, sometimes, hits appear. And some of them are their traditional products. Competition like system. Someone could project the new one, and if consumers like it, sell more. Not at all type, nice try, as always. Thus, she liked the cheap foods company. Anyway, this flavour is not so different from that one I have eaten before. Thus, if I have no time, to avoid to waiste time and money, I choose this brand type reliance. Not for the best choice, however, as a kind of safety net for poor consumer, YAMAZAKI was recommendable one.

  And she got to know the site of YAMAZAKI also in 2016, near AKIHABARA. Old one, established probably in 1970s. Not so nasty as prefablic IKKYO type cheapish building. They chose at least the better way. They didn't sell the old site building like other IKKYO related companies.

  Almost all of the surrounding builings were brilliant cheapish building, and YAMAZAKI, as she expected. Thrifty type building. They earn, yes. Company is for gaining interest. However, they know that consumers require cheep but good taste and quality. Michiyo ARATAMA's HOSOUDE HANJOUKI, or "The success story of lean lady" was a kind of YAMAZAKI's spin off story, they said. Michiyo ARATAMA was an actress, and she played the hiroine of the story. She had to feed her kids, anyway, and thought of selling rice balls with some contents of dished, meat, fish, vegetables and so on. And offered them to sell in the exact time near the office buildings. And she started to nagociate the job to sell to the YAMAZAKI imitated making company. And the president thought of making the substitute version of bread, instead of rice. And YAMAZAKI bought her right and she gained and YAMAZAKI gaind much more with the bread version called OKAZU-PAN or Japanese type sandwitch, a hot dog type.

  MORIKO liked the story. Anyway, upward version. Like Miyuki's success story. Lean armed lady could gain a lot of money to feed her kids. And they got to be nervous. She already stopped to feed kids, they wispered. Already? Too early. However, she wants to feed herself now...Oh, so poor!!! They understand it. She chose herself as her last one, not her kids. The kids would choose themselves, probably. Thus, they got upset. They, IKKYO belivers believed that the kids should be feeded even after turning to be adults. Thus, suddenly YUKARI started to call her parents, "Mother" and "Father". You should feed me until my last time, was her significance.

  Not at all!, is Miyuki's last words for her. And now, she should recognize it. She abused their kindness so much, and they allowed her as their burden. And now, she is not a kid at all. Old mentally illed lady with a ugly appearance. Kinky, they both are. However, at least, at a glance, Miyuki is cute, they said. Miyuki is not so nasty anyway. She doesn't criticise anyone. Just comments sometimes. However, our Auntie is free from any criticism, and she makes a lot of accusation on us all. Strange unilateral relationship, they adopted. Why only we should suffer from her disease, and she is free from any acusation at all? Her disease was caused by her own character, and she is responsible for her character forming. Why we are the vistims of her own disease? Supontaneously she suffers from the real Alzheimer disease. She chose the wrong way. Why she is free from the accusation at all???

  Always she is protected by her mother. and Miyuki is not so serious at YUKARI at all. Anyway, I want to protect myself, adn she is nothing for me. I don't waste time for her at all.

  And they got upset at Miyuki also. She should punish her anyway. How? Scolding, for example! She doesn't listen to me, and just she tries to kille me again. Thus, indifference is the best policy to her bahaviour, anyway.

 Too too pragmatic, and Miyuki has already suffered a lot by her YUKARI. She is a kind of too heavy burden for us all. Thus, YUKARI should leave here as soon as possible. To where? I don't know. YUKARI would know it type.

 Great Britain, she said. OK, YUKARI! I know one who lived there. A young boy. Attractive and promissive type. Only 21 years old. Not my pupil, however, I know him well. I recomend you to follow to his instruction, without any doubt. You should be obedient to him anyway. Young he is, however, highly matured, generally speaking. Sometimes, he fails, however, within the limit. Thus, he is reliable, anyway. He knows well how you reach there.

 She wanted to go to another country. OK, this is your land, promise, ADACHI said. He is not a good boy type, however, reliable like an elder brother. ANNYA in Shirakawa dialect. Thus, you should be relieved following to him.

  They wispered that ADACHI would be fine to do the job. Thus, he should make rice stroke ropes like YOSAKU. Too too old boy like type, he is...He wanted to be RO-SAN-JIN type. Anyway, Miyuki is just the type, and her way of change. Cut lady turned to be an old old boy, immediately. No chance for ADACHI at all. He prepared for it, however...

 His soul is flying over Britain, she was wispered by someone, repeatedly. Who? Britain? My acquaintance? Akemi, Kasai, Yukari,...And finally, ADACHI stayed there for 6 months, according to his mother. He wanted to return to Britain, she said. He wanted, yes, he can go, and what I heard was, "He can't return to Japan, although he wants to do so." Contrary to their wispering. For Miyuki, ADACHI liked England, and he liked to stay there more. However, how?

  And ADACHI wanted to know that Miyuki relied on him, and she believes that he is omni-existance now. Thus, soon after this service, he would come back, because, Miyuki is atractive for him, especially in her culinary.

  And now, ADACHI is prepare for his taking off. And YUKARI is ready. Oh, again, Auntie. Her dream confuses us all, as always. She speaks her lie, as a reality. And after speaking, regret again. She felt nasty for her lying, because they should accuse her again. And Miyuki would laugh at her again. Of course, she does. She was the real victim of this time. And she wanted her to do so. And Miyuki igonored her at all. Just a trifle. Alzheimer patient she is. Thus, she can't recognize the difference between the importance and the trifle.

 Thus they failed. Again, Auntie? Miyuki is accustomed to be used her name by you. She would be recovered by her own way. Not now type. Thus, you should be safe from her direct anger anyway.

  And YUKARI would be arrogant again.

  Oh, my bathing time. Now, Rabby's last news flash. Oh, HOKKAIDOU, you too!, type.

  Tokyo's Tower buildings would be used in HOKKAIDOU, and precious 1970's good buildings were destroyed and irons would be sold by ITOUCHUU trading company. The system is always the same. Thus, the targetted town is different only type easy work. Thus, IKKYO believers came to Northward, and on the way to HOKKAIDOU, they earned money in Shirakawa a bit. And some of them would like to live here, and moved with their belongings.

  Easy job. Just faked some relatives. The residents believe it. They don't say anything at all. And they are vanishing, one by one, by their own way. Vanishing process, now they are. It started in Feburary, 2016, when Miyuki wispered to MICCHIKU related youth, "Do it now! And vanish, leaving only one. It is enough for you all, MICCHIKU!" And they adopted her idea. And now, IKKYO related in this mode.

  Easiest and quickest should be, she thought. However, not at all. Theoretically yes, however, pragmatically, of course yes, however....Just a habit or impulse.

  Thus, see you tomorrow!

  ADACHI thanks for us all! He would lead her to the place. And Miyuki is waiting for his report, especially on culinary!!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are the ugliest of the universe!!!

  See you on our blog tomorrow morning!

  With BIG LOVE, from MARC, as always!!!!

