Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (29)

2017-05-07 17:18:49 | 日記

Miyuki did a warking arround the river side this time of ABUKUMA. And found several dangerous spots.

 Today, middle aged couples and mather and their kids type families were walking arround. And found some strangeness among them. First, she found an old lady, who was pushind her stroller high type with her baby. She had a curved waste as old ladies had. Miyuki took a picture to prove the high hight dangerous stroller, then suddenly, her bented waste extended and became a 30 years or so mother with two kids! Oh, they can change their appearance in front of me, Miyuki got to know it.

  Then, she recognized that the another kid was destant from her, and said, "Don't come here! Away from me!" And she wanted Miyuki to come near. Miyuki took the picture her and her faked mother with a stroller altogether, and left her as soon as possible. The kid in the shape of 2 years old, however, their remarks and the way to say them looked like those of older kids, more than 5 years old type. Why she didn't want her faked mother approached her? And she thought that the kid wanted to pretend to be Miyuki's kid. Miyuki dislikes her type. Maturity. Early maturity, she dislkes by instinct. Thus, she dislikes IKKYO kids generally speaking.

  Thus, they failed. They were taughted that professors liked matured kids, and as early as possible is their preference. And they liked such kinds of kids. And their preference is as always, Miyuki's hatred.

 Nasty kid! Far away from me! And Miyuki recognized that the chain which disturbed her entrance before had no chain today. Thus, she tried to her attempt to pretend to be a Captain Cook!!!

  She already had several experience to be a Captain in some boats, big ones included. Sometimes, just for pretension, with accordance. And sometimes, the real pilotting, under the allowance of the real Captain. They liked to do so, because almost no danger at all during the trip. Thus, they took a picture of being Captains, and danced, of course. They liked it, and they should do their job, of course. Under the control, OK, however, without control, they can't do it. Thus, soon, Miyuki gave up to conduct the big guest type ship. And she thanked to their colaboration. And they danced on board!!!

 Drunken, yes. However, not so bad!!! Good to know it! They remember you, Miyuki!!! They danced as if they were the real couple!!! They liked each other!!! Yes!!!! Dancing music!!! Good!!! Sailing day, brillant blue sky! On a big lake, artificially made, however it deserved a cruse. And made a gorgeous trip, as much as they could!!!!

 She induced him to make a trip! Anyway, I will pay! If you have time, here we go! I don't like to travel alone!!!

 She didn't know the rule, they said. In Latin country, who should pay is "homem" or "hombre" or man. And she likes to do so. My charge, she says as always. I am not rich, however, I can afford to do so!!! Her keywords. And they accepted it.

  Some kind of amusement, she wanted. And any kind man is enough to the object!!! And they failed. She likes to dance. With any generation OK type. With rich and poor, OK type. Female OK type. To dance, no age, no sex, no richness, no poverty!!! Why not? Because dancing is just a physical movement to feel sympathy among us. Yes, exist sexual one. However, Miyuki is yet in a pupil of Salsa. Thus, training is important. If she were in Colombia, she could dance everyday, after school work. However, in Shirakawa...too too nasty to dance BON-ODORI!!!!

 And she remembered that why teachers praised her dance. Her name was Akiyo YOKOMURA. Probably she learned Japanese traditional dance, which is too too expensive to learn. Only some rich girl could learn it type hobby.

  Thus, they failed.Why YOKOMURA was treated differently? Because her family is rich, was the reply. And also today, she found another lot for forests devastation's result. She found at first a lot of thinly cut bunch of woods. Some amount of bunches were there. Then, with a smell of newly cut ones, she found a lot of naked slumbers. Many as you can imagine in a lot of 300 ㎡ and then she was shocked at the objective of the cut...really valuable nakid pine trees were just for producing chips!!!! Are you lying again? Really? Miyuki almost fainted. They cut the sacred woods to make chips...

  Oh, pulp ficction....MICCHIKU life it means. MITSUBISHI pulp company induced the system, and they imitated it and now, repetition, with a big damage for us all. Finally just for chips. Joking? Alzheimer's Idiocray's terrible result of forests' devastation.

  DDMs just wanted to destroy our planet, because our planet is so beautiful, and they are too too jealous against any beautiful objects.

  Thus, YUKARI failed. She wispered her mother as always, and her mother got upset at Miyuki instead of Alex. She did compremented him as usual, and Miyuki was in the bed. Why she accused Miyuki bacause of not asking on his part time job? She was in doubt why her mother accused Miyuki so harsh because of not recognizing fact to her.

  Strange gap between her mother and Miyuki. They felt like a mother of Alex, and Alex doesn't feel as if he were their son. Miyuki doesn't feel anything at all. He is cycling today, and it is good for him, Miyuki thought. And suddenly, her mother's scolding on Miyuki. Why you didn't stop him going to the interview to the part time job? You should do it, because you met him in the morning...???? Miyuki was in doubt at her mother's mental sanily.

  And YUKARI dashed to Miyuki's front and thraw a vacant pet bottle to her, as if she wanted to threaten Miyuki. Alex said something to his grand mother? Or YUKARI said as if he did so?

 Miyuki doesn't know anything at all with his part-time job story at all. If I were he, I would not tell it to grand mother. Too too disturbing anyway. And why he said as if I would have allowed him to do so? This is much more relevant for her at all. IF he did so, he would be punished. Miyuki didn't recognize it, and he faked her accordance as if she had done so. YUKARI's way of life, he is doing now.

 Thus, they failed. Miyuki was free from it, her aunt common sense said to her mother. She didn't know it at all, and only YUKARI deduced it, and informed it to her mother, according to her deduction, as if Alex's words.

 Thus, YUKARI gor nervous, and wanted to cancel her remarks. However, too too late. Again, Auntie? You made a mistake. I said only you, not Miyuki. And I did my work, not your work, Auntie. Thus they failed.

 Miyuki is not so reluctant to his part time job. Just a kind of job, she worries as predicessor. Her mother deduce it, a kind of sake serving job, and Miyuki is in wonder. He is only 16. Such kind of job, he prefers? And he can work only days, not night. Strange story, my mother believes.

 Thus they failed again. Too much kinkiest stories were told by his auntie as much as possible, and she said as always, "You believed it. Thus, you failed. Your decision. I am free from your mistake, mother."

 Thus, the story ended up. Again, you, Auntie? I said to you, Auntie. I planned it, and forget it, because just my supposition.

 Alzheimer patients can't recognize the difference between hypothesis and the reality. Thus, they can't do their jobs. Thus, she is too too dangerous to others. And she didn't say it to Miyuki at all. Just said, "I can't work outside, you know." And Miyuki failed. Just a communication problem she suffered, Miyuki thought. However, probably, already in Hachioji, she was the patient of the real Alzheimer disease, and she did know well, thus, she said so.

 Then, why she didn't get out of the house and move to her own place? Miyuki thought. IKKYO likes her so much, because she is just like them so much. Resembling example in a resident family, they really thought sympathy to her.

  Thus they failed in a body. YUKARI is their type, a real bitch. Betrayers, they are. And YUKARI can't recognize anything important to us all.

  For her, yellow sand is a kind of rainny weather or so, and hanging the washed clothings under the roof is enough. Terrible confusion she took, Miyuki thought. Oh, Auntie! You rememberes M29? She said PM29. And now, it would be time of AM4 for her. For her, any resembling word is sufficient to speak BLA-BLA-BLA. And they already know that she is in the maximum powered dangerous period now.

 However, Miyuki could manage the situation at least regarding her. She ignores YUKARI as much as possible. And Alex would say the fact now. YUKARI would like to be her pet. Old mad dog, she wanted to be for him. And he? He didn't want. And refused her kind offer. For free, she said. And he said not to her. We have one already. Enough for us all.

 Watch dog project, they called it. At least, Miyuki could be a messenger. She dislikes to replace others however, she could manage the situation anyway. And they forgive her to scold so harsh. Anyway, she is always the victim of the nasty sister.

 Always, yes. Since she was born, Miyuki was disliked by her, probably. She is always lucky type. Anyone praises her, even she is a naughy girl in the school. Point-getter, at least, for 3 years, she admitted. Without it, she couldn't enter into the versity. Thus they failed. She liked to study hard, yes at least, better than others. Likes when she trained quiz type questions. However, memory oriented type, not at all!

 And yesterday, she found that YUKARI's ex-mate's house. Oh, not so beautiful type. Like my old house. 四方X she was called. She turned to be a associate professor of 東北学院大学. She remembered her. Miyuki went to public swimming pool to learn diving from the starting board. And she tried and tried and failed. Finally, she got no success. Just pain in a belly, she decided to try any more.

 They yelled and instructed to dive from the top of the head, however, Miyuki couldn't. Thus, she thought that diving is a kind of showing up better. Thus, for swimming, not necessarily required. And I am not such a type...

  A common OTAKU type girl, with chatting others, positively. She remembered her another pupil in 1985 in summer. They watched the TV news on OSUTAKA Mountain disaster. Plane crash in the top of the mountain. Kyu SAKAMOTO and the gymnastic performer of NISHIDA style died. Only few could survive. One of them was a girl called KAWAMOTO, and later, she turned to be a nurse to save others.

 They remembered the story. However, OMANKO journalists forgot it, and just refered to the crash of 1985. Because, the vistims' relative is also the relative of another snow fall damage's victim. For IKKYO like mind, it would be a big news, however, for us, nasty coincidence. She caught again mistakenly type totally unhappy coincidence. And now, it was revealed that these disasters were caused intentionally.

  Kyu SAKAMOTO was a professional type. He was a real performer, thus, he was in good mood always on the stage. Even he were not in good mood, he should pretend to be nice on the stage. Professionalism, it is.

 Kiyoshi NAKAHATA is the same type. Even in his bad condition, he appeared to say, "OK, I am in the best condition." This is professionalism, OKINO and MIYUKI thought indeed. If he said, "I am not in mood" on the stage, the audience would suffer. They came to see Active Positive performer Kyu SAKAMOTO, not a private real SAKAMOTO himself. They paid for his active performance, and he recognized it. Thus, he should be high in mood on the stage. Any artist should be like him.

  And they failed. Just performing well, was enough for them all. IKKYO performers' standard is too too low. Just shout their own desire as they like type terrible anti-humanistic comments here and there. They lost shames already, Miyuki got to know. Shameless situation, they are. MATSUKO is an example. And there are various MATSUKO for fat performers.

  Alex would like to be one of them, and failed. He went to the audition, and was said, "Oh, you are too handsome to be a MATSUKO". Thus, he got in a good mood, and failed as they liked.

  He wanted to perform on TV, however, they didn't give him a chance. In SHIRAKAWA? Oh, my country! And he did a good surprise for them. Oh, American boy, who was born in Shirakawa. And his parents were all different countrie's foreigners.

  Oh relatives! Oh, Russians, also. Oh, Italians, Oh, Spanish, Oh, Chinese, Oh, Vetnamese, Oh, Thailandese, Oj, Portugues, Oh, Japanese also!!! Oh, ethnic foods, he wanted to eat!!!

  Your mother cooked well? They asked. Thus, he replied like that. And they confused as always. She? Yes, she does well. And she likes Japanese sweet...hearted one.

 Thus, they confused at max. Oh, is she Shirakawa resident? Probably. Why probably. Because she is different. She moves a lot. Oh, such a car? And by train. Sometimes by plane. Oh, she is...a kind of foreigner? A kind of. And she was born in Shirakawa? Not at all. Thus they failed.

 Miyuki should be born in Shirakawa, however, she refused to say so, they thought. However, she was born in another more beach near place. Thus, they thought that South Lake were ocean, when she was born.

 Thus, it smells seafood, sometimes. And they got crazy on this project. Shirakawa was targetted to be the next video taping of her own birth place. For whom? My mother was not born here.

  Thus they failed again. YUKARI would be reccomendable for you. She is my Auntie, and she was born here in Shirakawa. However, she is not so positive type. Nasty dark type as usual IKKYO believers. Thus they failed again.

  His Auntie is the real IKKYO believer, was said by others. however, they didn't believe it. Anyway, you are desqualified to this project. And they failed again.

  With a bicycle, he was said. Thus he rode it, and he lost it. Oh? Thus they called him? And her grand mother really scold him because of his lost bicycle. Why you did go there by bicycle? You should take a ride by my car. And they failed. Anyway, iron was requiered to make their own product. For repairment. Heavy iron? Alminium is better for flying. And they failed again.

  Today, Miyuki watched two tiny Blue Impulse on the blue sky, and both as always went downward. And she remembered that last night she watched almost 10 lines of clouds in the dark night sky. She got in wonder. Strange. Tonight, I could watch the line clouds so obviously. Too too bright moon? No. An almost half lacking type moon. Why I could see such evident stream like ten lines on the night sky???

  And now, she got to know it. Oh, Night Impulse, they did. For the end of the golden week, they did night flight, like Saint Teg Jeppelie, the writer of Petit Prince.

  A sad nasty reading sensation, this book caused, she said to the Platinum Tribe mates. Why in Japan, this tragedic nasty story is popular?, she was wondering. The BAOBABU story is good. However, the rest, always "I am lonly. Anyone could save me. I want to go back to my birth place, however I can't." type loneliness here and there.

 Oh, nostargy to MONOLIS, he had, and his followers were sympatisants of this book, probably. And the writer couldn't appear for several ten years after his vanishing. Lonely DDM, he was, probably.

 Miyuki was too too right to deduce it. Why such a nasty story was written for kids? She was given it as a good book, however, she was not in mood after reading it. She tried again, yes. However, the same sansation she had. Other more British type Kids' books gave her different impression. Anyway, be positive, and more naughy, was their order.

 Thus, she is now following to this order. Thus, as professional School pupil, she is busy, anyway. Addictionally, she should do her cooking jobs, and some messenger boy type job, yes. She is busy, anyway. And she should develop her skill and knowlege, and ability yes. Thus, she passed the kids' park today, on the way back home.

 And, astonishingly, there were many kids and their faked parents! Almost all of them were infants. And their moving was not good. And bigger ones, yes. Why they move like wooden made toys? Miyuki recognized the strange way of moving. Worse than Miyuki in her real youngest ages. Her grade was 2, as usual, sometimes 3. However, they all were worse than Miyuki in physical skill. Why they are so hard???

  And mush worse was thier faked parents. A man with a smart phone was takeng a picture of the infants from the bottom upward. It means that he was photographying inside the skirts. And his movement was so reluctant to move.

 Oh, dull worker or jobless, without moving type. Why IKKYO belivers are so hard?

 And she found that the QUATAR's gift turned to be a private sports gymnastic, and only infants could be free users. It means that the faked parents would be welcomed to the organ.

  She took the pictures of the price list, and they found a gold plate to praise the Quatar's gift, and she recognized that Shirakawa residents thanked only to the minister of foreign affair of Quatar, not the people nor the top of the country. Oh, kings, you are contempted by our own subject! Minister of Foreign Affair is the superior to you, here in Shirakawa!!!

 And she remembered that the punishment of Quatar is really harsh to betrayers. Animal army like strictness, they adopted at this point yes!

  Thus, Quatar got a big success. Why their symbol colour was used in the rural local town called Shirakawa?, they got in wonder. And now, the name was revealed. XXX Affayyet like some Minister of Foreign Affair was the betrayer of the country.

  They wanted to know the name of the figure who made their name dirty with their adorable colours. Nasty, they thought. Spooky red brown tiled stone type colour combined with Black and White. Why Quatar??? Abruptly, the name of the country, a not big middle east county famous with oil, appeared in front of her, only in the surroungind place of the public sports park. Why they wanted to help us financially to have gifted one more gymnastic facilities for us? We have already two big halled near. And the third one as a present, devasting our amusing nuts forest for infants? Why they chose the way???

  Miyuki didn't know the reason at all. They just wanted to be kind to others. However, unnecessary devastation he chose, according to the wisper of the wrongdoers called IKKYO believers.

  Religiously nasty he is, they yelled. Public execution would be necessary, they yelled. Why he abused our kindness throwing away it into the ditch????

  They got to know that for IKKYO believers, it is too natural to do so. Anyway, he allowed to do so, at the expense of some money and treat. A beautiful lady is enough for a diplomat, they thought.

  Thus, they were trapped. And thus, Robert would have failed. His Japanilization was understandable for this sake. He lost one, a good vivid type. However, she chose another french black guy. He wanted a better girlfriend, however, they proposed one, orthodox Japanese type. WASEDA University for it. She was a graduate school pupil, and they liked it, however, Robert didn't conceal his regret to losing the previous one, and got jealousy against the black guy.

  "He is a Franch, however, an African type." Roberto said, thus, Miyuki amused, saying, "Oh, thus, she chose A French Guy with the appearance of Brazilian, and not A Brazilian with the appeacance of French like you, Roberto!"

  Too too painful for him, such a joke. Miyuki liked her joke and it made him nervous at all! The same frase was told by his other friends. Why Miyuki knew it? Because is was a good joke!!!

  Laughing theme is as usual. Thus, they failed. If he really liked the latter girl, he would not regret the way he chose. However, he did regret. Thus, he chose the wrong way. Not satisfied one, however, provisionally OK type lover, probably she is, Miyuki felt.

  Not amusing type. She is too too  serious. He claimed. She likes to study yes, however, she doesn't want to play type.

 Oh, IKKYO fiance type. Not amusing, however, to avoid other's approaching, they make a matching couple. And he got some serious type, unfortunately. Not so bad at appearance, however, not amusing type, he suggested.

  And he said that he lived SHINJUKU Ward. Oh, good place! I want to live there also! Center of Tokyo is her admirable place. Rural girl type adore the center of Tokyo, yes. Thus, Miyuki wanted to occupy the center of Tokyo and did it. And she failed and got caught, illogically and illegaly, unconstitutionally, irrationaly.

 And they all fell down! 🎶♫

 Thus they were revealed to be IKKYO believers. Almost all of foreigners turned to be IKKYO believers! Oh, they did???

  For them, no alternative at all. For IKKYO belivers, they provided the residence, wife or fiance, and money and job, also.

  Oh, Phillip Deanou was the type. He said that he had his family in Paris, and he always took a big vacance compared with other foreigners. And he lived in a residence, which HITOTSUBASHI provided for him, and he said, HITOTSUBASHI provided him it for free. Oh, benefitted. And he was disliked to be called by his first name. Once Miyuki called him Phillipe, he got upset.

 And he confessed that he could not memorize the proper family name of others at all.

 He did know well on Japanese culture, however, he is different from normal Latin type. Family oriented they are. Why he could do work without family, who lived so distant from Japan????

