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R 02

2024-05-21 | 講義

Hi, I'm Meredith from Peachie Speechy. I'm a speech-language pathologist, and today I'm going to show you how to save the “r” sound. “R” is one of the trickiest sounds to say, so if you're having trouble saying it, you are not alone.

ハイ、Peachie Speechyのメレディスです。私は言語聴覚療法士で、今日はrの音をしっかり出せる方法をお見せします。rは発音に最もコツがいる音の1つなので、発音に苦労しているのはあなただけではありません。

There are two ways to say the “r” sound: one is the bunched position, and the other is the retroflexed position. This video is going to talk about the bunched position, where we're bunching our tongues back in our mouths to make the “r” sound. You have to slide your tongue back and up so the back sides of your tongue touch the insides of your back teeth, and you turn your voice on, and it sounds like “r, r.”

rの発音方法には2つあります:ボッコリ型と巻舌型です。この動画では、舌の奥をボコッとさせてrの音を出すボッコリ型についてお話します。舌を後ろにスライドさせ、上に移動させ、舌の後ろ側が奥歯の内側に触れるようにし、声を出しすと、r rと聞こえます。

When you're saying “er,” your mouth might move a little differently depending on the sounds around the “er.” Today, in this video, we're just going to focus on the sound “er.” So remember, the sides of your tongue are going to touch inside your back teeth and these places here. You're going to pull your tongue back and keep it tight and high. It's going to be kind of shaped like this, like it's bunched. So pull it back and up and tight as you turn your voice on. And if your tongue isn't high enough or isn't tight enough, it's not going to sound quite right. It's gonna sound like “oh” instead of “er.” So you have to make sure it's nice and high. If you drop it, it'll be “oh,” but you want to keep it high and tight. “Er.”


I'm gonna open my mouth a little wider than I usually would so you can see my tongue. Watch as my tongue goes back and up and gets tight so I can make the “r” sound. “r, r, r.” Now you try. How did you do?

いつもより大きく開けてますので、舌が見えますね。よく見て、舌を後ろに引き上げて、引き締める。rが出ます。r r r。やってみましょう。どうですか?

Okay, now you are gonna practice ten more times. You're going to see mouths on the screen that look like this. Every time you see the mouth, make sure your tongue is high and tight and say the sound.


Great job practicing. Here's something I say to my students when we're working on the “r” sound. I say, “Take your tongue and slide it back, make it bunched, make it tight. Slide it back, make it bunched, make it tight.” Those are things you can remember to save the “r” sound.


Thank you so much for watching my video. I hope you have fun practicing the “r” sound. I definitely had lots of fun. You can see more videos at Peechie Speechy.com. To the SLPs and parents watching this video, I wrote a book called “I Can Say the R Sound.” You can get a digital copy at PG Speechy.com or order the printed copy on Amazon. It takes you step-by-step through teaching the “r” sound with really great visuals and over 300 pages of activities. So, this is awesome. The link is in the description, and thank you for watching this video.

ご視聴ありがとうございました。 rの練習、楽しんでいただけました?私もとても楽しみましたよ。Peechiie Speechy.comでもっと動画をご覧いただけます。この動画をご覧になっている言語聴覚療法士や保護者の皆様、私は「I Can Say the R Sound」という本を執筆しました。Peeechie Speechy.comでデジタル版、Amazonで印刷版をお求めいただけます。本書は素晴らしい図と300ページ以上の活動で、rの音を段階的に教える方法が載っています。すごくいいですよ。リンクは概要欄から。ご視聴ありがとうございました。

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