ことば宇宙 universum verborum



2022-01-01 | ニュース

It rains diamonds on Jupiter.


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2021-04-18 | ニュース

Now an international team of scientists working on a project in the United States say that they have discovered strong evidence for the existence of a new force of nature. They say that some subatomic particles called muons don't behave in a way predicted by current theories of physics. The British Funders of the Research say that scientists are on the precipice of a new era of physics. Our science correspondent Pallab Ghosh has the story.


The theories of modern physics have given scientists a new understanding of how the universe works. But the current ideas aren't able to solve some of the biggest scientific puzzles such as how the universe, as we know it, came into existence. Now scientists at Fermi-Lab, a particle accelerator just outside Chicago, have got a result that might take us a big step forward in answering those questions. They've been accelerating particles inside this giant ring close to the speed of light. And they found that they might be behaving in a way that can't be explained by the current theory of physics at the subatomic level.


We found that the interaction of a muon, which is a heavy electron with a magnetic field, is not in agreement with our current best theory of physics. And clearly that's very exciting as it potentially points to a future new laws, new particles and new forces in physics which we haven't seen to date.


You've heard of electrons. Well, there are similar particles called muons, which are much heavier and spin like tops. In the experiment, they were made to wobble using magnets. The current theory suggests they should wobble at a certain rate. Instead they wobbled faster. This might be caused by a mystery force that in turn is created by another yet to be discovered particle. Scientists believe that there are four fundamental forces of nature: one for gravity, another for electricity and two nuclear forces which control the behavior of atoms. Together they explain the way the world works. But in recent years astronomers began noticing things in space that can't be explained by the four forces such as galaxies spinning faster than they should. And they can't explain why the stars and planets and everything on them including us exist at all. The new results suggest there might be a fifth force which could explain some of these mysteries.


I think it's quite mind-boggling. And they have the potential to turn physics on its head. We have a number of mysteries that remain unsolved. And this could give us the key answers to solve those mysteries.


Evidence for the fifth force has been growing. Just two weeks ago, researchers at the Large Hadron Collider just outside Geneva had a similar result.


The race is really on now to try and get one of these experiments to really get the proof that this really is something new. They will take more data and make more measurements and hopefully show evidence that these effects are real.


These very early results aren't definitive yet. But they are generating a lot of excitement about the prospect of a giant leap forward in our understanding of the universe. Pallab Ghosh, BBC News.



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Global National: Dec. 28, 2020 Everyday Heroes

2021-01-02 | ニュース

2020 is the year thousands of people perfected the WFH experience: working from home. But when you really think about it, that's a privilege. Essential workers have to show up in person to keep this country functioning, keep us fed and keep us alive. Donna Friesen reflects on their role in this pandemic.


So much of our humanity rests in our hands—who we hold, how we comfort and how we use them for work. Among the heroes of 2020 are those in the eye of the storm—the doctors and nurses. For them every day is about life and death. It is as demanding and essential as it gets.


In those moments where there's high stress. You know, every family member just wants to be there, holding their hand and they can't.


In the spring we began to salute them, using our hands to applaud them.


For these heroes, getting up every day, getting back in the fight, getting back to the front lines comes at a great price. It comes with a personal sacrifice. Nevertheless, every day these brave men and women show up.


And it dawned on us. Health care workers aren't the only ones using their hands to help us.


If you're working in the grocery store during the pandemic, I want you to know you're making a real difference. I'm sure it hasn't always been easy for you but your work is essential.


Thousands of others are doing essential work, too. When we hoarded food, they kept the shelves stocked, kept the checkout lines moving. Thousands of people doing work that isn't glamorous or well paid, risking their own health to serve us and help us.


Our social workers, transition house staff, our home care workers and all those trying to assist people in need. When you're out on the street, rescuing women or children, or feeding the hungry or providing support to the disabled community, a lot of their work is still face to face. And they are still showing up every day.


Showing up to care, feed and comfort our elders and care homes, to deliver our packages, drive the buses, collect our garbage, teach our children. All of it, hands-on work that keeps our world in motion and integrates so seamlessly into our modern lives. We tend to take it for granted.


I hope that one of the things that this pandemic has taught us is that people who do some of the work which is most essential for our actual, our literal survival are among the lowest paid people in our country.


It is a question of value to quote Oscar Wilde “Do we know the price of everything and the value of nothing?” When this coveted crisis is over, there are deeper questions to tackle about the worth of heartfelt hands-on work. For now, what we offer those doing essential exhausting work is profound gratitude. Donna Friesen, Global News.


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Global National: Dec. 27, 2020

2020-12-31 | ニュース

Good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin tonight with more confirmed cases of the new variant of COVID-19 in Canada. This afternoon health authorities in Ottawa announced a case there and now a confirmed case in BC. All of the cases are now linked to travel. But health experts believe community spread of this new highly contagious variant is inevitable. Abigail Bimman has our top story tonight.


This is now just the tip of the iceberg.


It's pretty much entrenched. It's going to be with us.


While there are only a few confirmed cases of the UK variant in Canada, experts believe there are likely more. Genome sequencing to find it doesn't happen automatically with every COVID-19 test. Ontario is now ramping up sequencing dramatically.


We tested less than 10% of the positive cases to date. But we expect to be at much higher numbers very shortly.


The new cases in Ottawa and Vancouver Island involved individuals who returned from the UK. And Ontario now says the two cases east of Toronto did have contact with a UK traveler contrary to what they said Saturday.


There certainly are a lot of unanswered questions.


There is no evidence the new strain is more deadly nor causes a worse illness.


The general consensus is that it's probably a bit more transmissible. It's just not quite clear how much more.


This is a perfect curve ball for our attempts to control the pandemic.


The scientific director of Ontario's COVID-19 advisory science table says a virus that's even a little more contagious could pose a big problem. Peter Jüni wants everyone to follow the rules a new province-wide lockdown kicked in Saturday.


Even 10% means that we need to do even more restrictions to keep this sort of under control. And we know already how much we struggle right now. We need to take that very seriously.


Something experts are tracking carefully you may have heard of the spike protein.


This virus is like a little ball. But it has these molecules of protein which are like little spikes that are stick up on the surface. They make it easier for the virus to attach to the cell.


It needs the spike protein to get into our cells and cause an infection in us. It's also the part of the virus that the vaccine is designed to target.


It has a lot of mutations in the spike protein--seven changes. But the spike protein is pretty long and so there's still a lot to recognize.


The consensus is the new variant won't have an impact on the vaccine's effectiveness. But more research is underway. And so is more sequencing to figure out how many cases exist in Canada and how long they've been here. Coleen.


Abigail Bimman in Ottawa. Thanks, Abigail.


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Global National: Dec. 21, 2020

2020-12-30 | ニュース

The lava port of the Kilauea volcano following about seven earthquakes on Hawaii's big island. A 4.4 magnitude earthquake then followed the eruption. It has now stabilized with no reports of significant damage or anyone being hurt. In 2018 a major eruption forced many residents to leave their homes. About 700 homes were destroyed. Kilauea is the most active of Hawaii's five volcano.


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Global National: Dec. 19, 2020 イタリア

2020-12-29 | ニュース

Italy has ordered a nationwide lockdown over Christmas and New Year's to stop an expected surge in cases over the holiday season. The entire country is now under red zone restrictions. Non-essential businesses like restaurants and bars are closed. And people can only travel for work and emergencies. Italy has the highest death toll in Europe. More than 68,000 people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.


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Global National: Dec. 19, 2020

2020-12-28 | ニュース

Good evening and thank you for joining us. Tonight a new faster spreading strain of Covid-19 is bringing holiday plans to a halt in parts of Britain. The new variant was first reported earlier this week. It's common for viruses to mutate. Here’s what we know about this strain. It's not considered deadlier. However it is 70 percent more transmissible. In London for example the strain has been linked to 62 percent of new Covid-19 cases. So, as of midnight London, east England and the southeast move into a new Tier 4 alert level forcing families to cancel Christmas. As crystal Goomansingh reports, all of the United Kingdom will soon see lockdowns put in place.


We don't want to, as I say, to ban Christmas, to cancel it and I think that would be frankly inhuman.


It is with a very heavy heart I must tell you we cannot continue with Christmas as planned.


It took just three days for this political 180. A new emergency lockdown in the UK is set to throw millions of lives into turmoil.


As Prime Minister, it's my duty to take difficult decisions to do what is right to protect the people of this country.


Britain's Labor leader supports protection measures but is appalled by the government's handling of the pandemic.


The Prime Minister has a habit of pushing away challenge, of refusing to see a problem until it later confronts him and I think lots of families will be saying how has this come about at the 11th hour in this way.


Starting Sunday London, East and Southeast England will move into the toughest set of coronavirus restrictions, now known as Tier 4. All non-essential business must close and people have to stay home. That means millions of canceled Christmas get-togethers, gatherings will be permitted in the rest of England and Wales as well as Scotland but only on Christmas day. And right after December 25th Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will go into lockdown. This week alone more than 173,000 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the UK. And there is a new strain of the virus circulating. It's up to 70 percent more transmissible than the original. The highest occurrence has been in southern England.


In order to reduce the risk of more of this strain being imported into Scotland, we intend to maintain a strict travel ban between Scotland and the rest of the UK.


Earlier Saturday anti-lockdown demonstrators clash with police on the streets of London. The new restrictions will only add to mounting frustrations. Crystal Goomansingh, Global news, London.


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Asymptomatic spread

2020-08-12 | ニュース

There remains a lot of concerns and questions about asymptomatic spread whether people without any symptoms of COVID-19 might still be spreading the virus. Well now researchers in South Korea have published new evidence that shows that even people who don’t develop any symptoms do carry large amounts of the virus. That study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association analyzed the samples from 193 symptomatic and 110 asymptomatic people. And it found both groups had similar level of viral load in their lungs, noses, and throats throughout the entire course of infection. Experts say it strongly suggests that people without any symptoms can unwittingly spread the virus. It also found that asymptomatic people became virus free around day 17, compared to day 19 or 20 for those with symptoms. That’s longer than the quarantine period required in most countries including Canada.


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Massive explosion rips through Lebanese capital Beirut - BBC News

2020-08-05 | ニュース
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コロナ期のアジア人差別2 The rise of anti-Asian racism during COVID-19

2020-06-21 | ニュース

To help guide us through some things to combat this I’m joined by Professor Carol Liao. She teaches law at UBC with focus on business law, ethics and corporate governance. She’s a second generation Taiwanese Canadian. Professor Liao, thanks for joining us. You know we like to believe in Canada that were enlightened and tolerant and that racist acts are isolated. What is your sense of how pervasive anti-Asian racism is in Canada?


You know, well, there’s a false sense of Canadian exceptionalism that forgets our very racist history. But we need to be honest about colonialism, the Chinese head tax and exclusion act, Japanese internment, ongoing anti-black and anti-indigenous violence and over incarceration. You know, we desperately want to see our past is disconnected from our present like we reach some sort of self-determined island and we don’t like to acknowledge systemic racism. Right, it’s much easier for people to be disgusted with hate crimes. You know, of course, we’re against that. And to compartmentalize acts of violence it's isolated events until they finally come to a head like they are in the US. But it’s much harder for us to admit our own racist tendencies both conscious and unconscious. You know I’ve lost counts of the number of people that have told me that they are colorblind or don’t see race. There’s a lot of defensiveness and it’s just not something I found people are generally open to talking about here even though there is prevalent casual and systematic racism that exists.


So when it comes to this pandemic in COVID-19, how does it compare to anti-Asian racism that was linked to SARS 18 years ago. Is it worse now?


Well, you know, I don’t have to even look back to SARS to be reminded of anti-Asian sentiment. You know, in the past few years as Vancouver’s housing prices have skyrocketed. You know, there’s been a lot of collateral racism. I’d be having coffee with a group and overhear someone saying they don’t want to sell to Asian person. And I’m right there. You know and I had a man shout of a racial slur in my open car window as he drove by and my three young children were behind me and heard it all and that was pre-pandemic. So you know this anti-Asian sentiment, none of it is surprising to me. You know, it was all predictable with some politicians practically inviting it and you know given the protracted period of COVID where the end seems so far away and with the widespread suffering of so many people and this convenience of misdirected blame on not just Asian but any Asian looking person. Yes it is worse.

まあ、反アジア系への感情を思い出すのに、SARS を振り返る必要はありません。数年前、バンクーバーの住宅価格が急騰しましたよね。たくさんの付随する人種差別があります。私は或るグループとコーヒーを飲んでいて、誰かがアジア人には売りたくないと言ってるのが聞こえてきます。私がそこにいるのにです。実際、男が車で擦れ違いざまに私のオープンカーの窓に人種差別的中傷を叫び、私の3人の子供も私の後ろに乗っていて、全部聞きました。それはパンデミック以前のことでした。ですので、この反アジア系感情は、私には全く驚きではありません。何人かの政治家が実際にそれを引き起こそうとしているのも予想できましたし、終息ははるか先のよう思えます。新型コロナウイルスの期間が長引くのを考えると、とても多くの人々の広範囲の苦しむのも、アジア系にだけでなくアジア系に見える人にも誤った責任を押しつけられる都合のよさがありますから。はい、もっとひどくなっています。

There’s overt racism we know and there’s unconscious bias. You do training sessions to help companies overcome unconscious bias. Can you explain in simple terms, what that is?


I’m sure a simple example is how we hear someone with an English accent and think they sound smart. Yet research has shown any other accent we judge more harshly. You know empirical studies also show time and again how women and people of color have to work harder to establish competence in the workplace and prove it over and over again. So you know the increased anti-Asian racism. It should reminds Asian Canadians that we’ve often benefited from a system that’s rooted in anti-blackness and how much the model minority position. It’s only used to bolster the status quo until it’s taken away and you know in Vancouver in particular I hear people claim there can’t be that much anti-black racism here given how many black people they perceive are in Vancouver you know. And I’d like to ask what is the right number for people to recognize racism. You know I’ve also heard so many people expressing surprise that there is anti-Asian racism, given how many Asian people there are. It seems we’re either too few to matter or too many to matter. So what’s the right number before we’re willing to recognize these things?


What are the obligations? Do you think of business leaders and politicians not to enable racism not to be complicit in it?


You know representation matters. Take a look at the makeup of your leadership. The numbers are abysmal in the corporate sector. Less than six percent of board seats are comprised of people of color and less than 1% are held by indigenous peoples. You know, the organizations should commit to anti-racist biased training and it cannot be one-off either. There must be education and deliberate ongoing interventions from both an individual and organizational level. You know they should amplify marginalized voices. They should have whistle, whistleblower protections and non retribution policies demonstrable inclusion practices. Each organization of course has their own issues but there needs to be some on the power dynamics within each institution.


Do you think this pandemic could be a teachable moment about racism or could it make more pervasive?


You know it’s behold on all of us to recognize that we where we’re situated in all of this. We can’t have public ambivalence. You know, my heart’s been just broken many times watching the uptick in overt racism caused by very live issues in this city. And we need to think about what we can do long term to address the systematic racism within our communities and hopefully now with everything that’s happening we can spend less time discussing whether racism is real and exits within our institutions and focus more on what can be done about it. You know the change is the result of concerted, persistent and ongoing efforts of many individuals and I collectively move us towards change. And you know time doesn’t change things. Deliberate actions do and we’re living in history right now. So it’s time for us to step up and listen to those seeking change.


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コロナ期のアジア人差別1 The rise of anti-Asian racism during COVID-19

2020-06-20 | ニュース

Before George Floyd was killed, this pandemic was infected with racism. Asian Canadians have been targeted and yelled at, spat at and worse, people lashing out at them in the mistaken belief that somehow their Asian descent makes them responsible for the novel coronavirus as Robin Gill reports. That is reopening old wounds.


Andy Hsu’s flower shop in Toronto’s East End has been in his family for 48 years, passed on to him from his parents. He grew up in the multi-ethnic neighborhood and had never experienced racism. Then he noticed his customers acting strangely when COVID-19 surfaced.


People started getting a little bit more apprehensive about coming inside. After the whole Wuhan thing earlier in the year in the news, people started kind of questioning. Was it safe to approach me anymore just because of my Asian background?


He was even asked if he had ever been to Wuhan


I’ve never been to China myself.


The virus originated in Wuhan China and that fact has fueled attacks against Chinese Canadians like Trixie Ling. She was just going for a walk when she was confronted by a young white man who called her names and then spit on her.


I actually felt really angry. That was probably the strongest emotion I felt.


Angry that she’d been singled out in this humiliating way based on her racial background


A lot of these racist incident that has increasingly appear, a lot of them is done by white folks and so when it’s that aggression and racism against people of color, there’s odd ring you don’t belong here.


The Vancouver Police Department says there’s been a 600 percent increase in reports of hate crimes targeting the Asian community, whether they’re of Chinese, Korean or Japanese descent. A woman punched at a bus stop, an older man pushed out of a store. Chinatown sprayed with graffiti. British Columbia’s anti-racism Network doesn’t think there’s a rise in hate crimes. It’s always been there. More people are just coming forward.


We’re in a time right now when people are feeling more open about expressing their feelings, their exposing their racist ideas.


The anti-Asian sentiment also labeled the Yellow Peril is entrenched in public health emergencies going back to when the Chinese first started immigrating to Canada. Sandra Hyde is a Montreal professor whose research focuses on the correlation between pandemics and how different cultures get targeted during health care.


In a pandemic where we have no cure, no vaccine, people are afraid and they wanna place blame and it’s easy to place blame on somebody else who’s different than you.


The Chinese were blamed for the 2003 SARS crisis because it first appeared in Guangdong. A Pittsburgh paper felt compelled to publish the controversial political cartoon. Then in 2020 a major Toronto newspaper took a step further. And Canada’s top doctor found herself in the cross hairs of racist rhetoric by a member of parliament.


Does she works for Canada or for China?


It doesn’t help when celebrities get in on the action. Take this racist branch posted on rocker Bryan Adams Instagram.


Come from China. It’s not a racist at all now. Not at all. He comes from China.


Then there’s an influence of the US president. Donald Trump has been deliberately disparaging calling it Chinese virus.


It’s always an open season and I think recently it’s been easier to be an open season because of the link between Asia and the epidemic, you know, coming from China. People like Trump calling it the Chinese virus or the Wuhan virus without understanding that ,you know, viruses know no borders.


Iran was too a hot spot for the corona virus but the Iranian Canadian community kept a lid on any attacks.


In terms of anti-Iranian’s sentiments there are and actions, there are cases that I’m aware of. But generally speaking the community’s not looking for conflict and they just want to let it slide and we’re trying to encourage them to come forward to speak out and feel comfortable to us.


The outbreak of racism is so probable in BC that the left-handed governor launched anti-racism campaign.


But sadly our success has been marred by a troubling increase in race-based violence.


“DifferentTogether” is aimed at quelling the hate. But it’s a challenge with the overt anti-Chinese language coming from south of the border.


It’s a topic that people need to be talking about and we need to be normalizing the discussion about racism. What’s happened in the United States, Donald Trump has normalized the ability to be a racist. And in Canada we need to do things differently. We need to normalize this discussion.


Anti-racism advocates believe it starts with education in elementary schools and should continue in the workplace.


You have to make it mandatory just like universities are now making workshops on sexual misconduct mandatory. I think you don’t set it up as if it’s an option.


Trixie Ling knows she’s now going to be a voice for change to end systemic racism.


It's not just one-off individual thing, is actually collective structural problem that we have.


And Andy Hsu has a message for anyone who wants to turn this pandemic into cultural war.


This virus has no face. It could happen to anyone and we shouldn’t be afraid of each other.


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Global National: June 11, 2020

2020-06-19 | ニュース

The US now marked another grim COVID-19 milestone. More than 2 million cases have now been diagnosed in that country. And in countries like Canada where infection rates are relatively low, the World Health Organization is urging officials to remain on high alert. The biggest threat now it says is complacency.


Almost 75 % of recent cases come from just 10 countries, mostly in the Americas and South Asia. In Africa the pandemic is accelerating. More than 200,000 cases have been confirmed there and more than 5600 deaths. And more than 10,000 new infections were reported in India today, bringing the total in that country, to more than 297,000.


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ジョージ・フロイド葬儀 George Floyd funeral

2020-06-15 | ニュース

Good evening and thanks for joining us. We begin with the funeral for a man who never heard of until fifteen days ago. A man the world only learned the name of after he died in police custody, a forty-six black man whose name is now synonymous with calls for racial justice, George Floyd. His body in a gold casket was laid to rest today in his home town of Houston, Texas.


All of us know the name of George Floyd. Out of his death has come a movement, a worldwide movement. That movement is going to change the world.


Hundreds came to the Houston Church for the funeral including the families of other black men killed in police custody.


I shall see his face...


For more than two hours they sang, they prayed and demanded justice. Floyd’s body was then taken by horse-drawn carriage to his final resting place, a grave in Houston next to his mother.


This was not just a tragedy. It was a crime. Lives like George will not matter until somebody pays the cost for taking their lives and until we know the price for black life is the same as the price for white life. We’re gonna keep coming back to these situations over and over again.


In that eulogy the Reverend Al Sharpton highlighted the long history of black men killed in America. Jackson Proscow had a service that was both deeply personal and resoundingly political.


The man whose death sparked a national movement was celebrated in the city where he spent most of his life.


And you find it…


George Floyd was honored by friends and families, people who wanted the world to know about the person they’ve lost.


…Thank God for giving me, give me my own personal Superman. God bless you.


No one has big Floyd—those close to him. He was remembered as a gentle giant, a man who would never have expected to become a household name.


Don’t school offices were literally open for nine minutes and then so they have a heart or soul. This is not just murder but a hate crime.


Inside the Houston Church a celebration of life was mixed with reflection on two weeks of national outrage.


We are for all these young black men that are coming up in the world today and just hug them and love them because we don’t ever know when the time will come.


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden who met Floyd’s family on Monday spoke by video joining calls to address systemic racism in America.


I can’t turn away. We must not turn away. We cannot leave this moment, thinking we can once again turn away from racism. It stings that our very soul.


The mother of Eric Garner, will you stand?


In the crowd of mourners the families of other black Americans killed at the hands of police coming together in hope this moment will finally bring about change.


All of these families came to stand with this family because they know better than anyone else the pain they will suffer from the loss they have gone through.


George Floyd will rest in history as a man who inspired the national reckoning, buried it next to his mother, the woman he called out for during his final moments under the knee of police officer. Jackson Proscow, Global News.


What mourners in Houston, Texas, vowed today is that laying to rest George Floyd will not stop the movement his death has started, that the calls for justice, the calls to recognize a black life is worth as much as white life will not go quiet. The story won’ t end. We leave you tonight with more moments from George Floyd’s funeral.


Say good-bye to what we had...


II don’t know if I’ll ever be able to overcome the words I can’t breathe.


Who would have thought that his name would now be mentioned in South Africa, Canada, Nairobi, Berlin, South Korea, Europe, a person who may not have been known by many before.


I don’t know where this road is going to lead.


These laws need to be changed, no more hate crimes, please. Someone said, “Make America great again,” but when has America ever been great?


We honor him toady because when he took his last breath, the rest of us now will be able to breathe.


All I know is where we’ve been


Right now, I want justice for my brother, my big brother. That’s big Floyd. Everybody know who big Floyd is now.


I hope it’s all worth the pain. It’s so hard to say good-bye to yesterday.


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コロナ第2波とは? What would a second wave look like? | CNBC Explains

2020-06-08 | ニュース

Of the last five pandemics, the world has faced in about a century, four had multiple waves of infection outbreaks. In some cases, the second or third waves turned out to be far more severe than the first. As the government around the world weigh the trade-offs between reopening the economies and continuing lockdown restrictions. What can we learn from history?


The worst pandemic in modern history, the Spanish flu, which is estimated to have infected a third of the world’s population, had three waves of infection. The first wave was in the spring of 1918, while the second wave happened in autumn that year. The third wave occurred a few months later, which lasted till the spring of 1919. You can see the pandemic peaked in the highly fatal second wave, which was responsible for most of deaths. Many health experts have said that history may repeat itself. The World Health Organization has warned that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to come. But with widespread unemployment and many companies battling to say afloat, there are calls to end the social restrictions and reopen the economy. TESLA CEO Elon Musk has also lashed out at government "stay at home orders" as “fascist”. And that’s a feeling shared by an increasing number of Americans.


You heard Elon Musk’s comments. I think that reflects a growing sentiment in this country where people want this to be over. So that’s going to tug against what the governors have to do. They have tough decisions to face.


However many analysts have warned against reopening the economy too soon, which may derail current efforts to stem the crisis. The island of Hokkaido in the northern part of Japan was forced back into a lockdown after a second wave hit the region more severely than the first. Singapore, which was lauded for its early efforts to stem the pandemic, also recorded a second wave of infection in March, mainly from imported cases and migrant workers living in packed dormitories. A survey of more than forty prominent economists in the U.S. found that 80 % agreed easing severe lockdown when infection risk remains high would lead to greater economic damage.


As the debate over when to reopen the economy drags on, the Spanish flu offers some clues.


In 1918, the US had no coordinated pandemic plans at a federal level. It was therefore left to local authorities to decide how and when to intervene to prevent the spread of the disease. The social distancing measures over a century ago are similar to the modern-day restrictions such as the closure of schools, offices and the banning of mass gatherings. Because tackling the infection spread was orchestrated at a local level, the interventions varied widely. This led to the mortality rates and the pace of economic recovery differing from city to city at the end of the pandemic. In 1917, a year before the Spanish flu outbreak, Philadelphia and St. Louis had very similar mortality rates from influenza and pneumonia. However, when the pandemic broke a year later, the two cities had very different approaches to tackling the outbreak. Philadelphia was very late to implement social restrictions and even allowed a large street parade involving some 200,000 people to go ahead in the middle of the outbreak. These days after the parade, every bed was filled in Philadelphia’s 31 hospitals. In contrast, Louis officials intervened quickly, resulting in a much lower death rate.


The evidence also show cities which intervened sooner and more decisively saw their economies grow faster after the pandemic was over.


For instance, this graph shows how cities with stricter social distancing measures recovered faster one year after the 1918 pandemic. However, the cities with red, with more lenient measures, generally performed worse. In cities that implemented social distancing measures quickly and for longer, manufacturing activities and banking assets also saw increased growth a year after the pandemic was over. The evidence suggests that aggressive social distancing measures, not only reduced mortality rates but were also economically beneficial. While there are important economic lessons to be learnt from the Spanish flu of 1918, it is difficult to compare that pandemic, which occurred more than a hundred years ago, with the coronavirus pandemic of today. Advances in technology, global supply chains, the larger role of services and better communication tools may ease the economic fallout significantly, which limits the direct comparisons between the two pandemics. However, the evidence does not imply that decisive social restrictions to reduce the severity of a pandemic plays a key role in the economic recovery process. So how can both livelihoods and lives be saved? While there are no easy answers, revisiting the past offers a glimpse into the future. Afrer all, a healthy economy doesn’t happen without a healthy population.


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ジョージ・フロイドの火 Global National: May 28, 2020 George Floyd's case ignites fires

2020-06-04 | ニュース

Anger in Minneapolis keeps building over the death of an unarmed black man after a white officer kneeled on his neck. The police chief says his department has contributed to a deficit of hope. George Floyd was pleading for help and said he couldn’t breathe before he died. Thousands of people are demanding the officers involved be charged with murder. There’s been rioting and looting windows smashed and businesses set on fire. Minnesota’s governor has activated the National Guard. One of the officers involved had dozens of past complaints against him that resulted in no disciplinary action. Jackson Proscow reports.


The streets of Minneapolis exploded in a sea of rage and grief.


As protesters set their sights on a local police precinct, officers responded with tear gas. And as the night wore on, things only got worse. Sporadic looting broke out. Then came the fires. In the smoldering ashes the city and an entire nation are left searching for answers.


Over the last two days and the emotion ridden conflict, over last night is the result of so much built-up anger and sadness.


Those minutes of horror saw 46 year old George Floyd die in the hands of police. Floyd was arrested after being accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill. An officer knelt on his neck while he begged for mercy.


I can’t breathe.


By the time Floyd was loaded onto a stretcher, paramedics were unable to find a pulse.


Everybody was saying “Stop.” I just don’t understand how could four officers people that [were] hired to protect this, how could they even let them, how could they be a part of it


The four officers have been fired. There are calls including from the city’s mayor for criminal charges.


I wanna see the police every time they do this kind of stuff get charged


Floyd’s death has ripped open a painfully familiar wound in communities across the US.


We feel as if there was a knee on all of our collective necks. A knee that says black life does not matter.


And as protest spread across America, there is a collective sense of outrage and fear that history will continue to repeat itself.


Jackson Proscow, Global News, Washington.


Global National on May 28, 2020


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