ことば宇宙 universum verborum


Trudeau urges Canadian premiers, mayors to "act now" as COVID-19 cases spike Nov 10, 2020

2020-11-17 | スピーチ

Hello, everyone. I want to begin by addressing the COVID-19 situation in Manitoba. The record numbers the province has seen, the province has seen over the last few days is really concerning. In light of this search we're partnering with Manitoba first nations to provide over 61 million dollars in immediate funding to support their response. This funding will support public health measures, food security and other surge capacity needs. In addition, Indigenous Services Canada is mobilizing contact tracers and equipment to further help affected communities. Of course, Manitoba isn't alone. Across the country and around the world we're seeing rising numbers of COVID-19 cases. This was the main focus of my calls with president-elect Biden and Prime Minister Johnson yesterday. With rising cases of COVID-19 here at home there's added pressure on all orders of government to keep people safe and to protect jobs. But I would hope that no leader in our country is easing public health vigilance because they feel pressure not to shut down businesses or slow down our economy. I understand that worry but let me tell you: that's how we end up with businesses going out of business and the economy damaged even more. Beating COVID is the only way to protect our economy. Yes, we have great news of possible vaccines on the horizon. But a vaccine later won't help you or your family if you get sick now. The federal government is here to help your communities. We are providing unprecedented direct support to those businesses impacted by any shutdown orders. We are there for workers who lose hours, who lose their job. It's tough but I know we can get through this. We're seeing record spikes this morning across the country. So I urge the premiers and the mayors to please do the right thing, act now to protect public health. If you think something is missing in the support we're offering your citizens, tell us. We will work with you as we have since day one. The federal government promised to have Canadians backs and we will whatever it takes for as long as it takes. We all know the virus is surging. So once again I'm asking all Canadians to please follow your local public health guidelines: wash your hands, wear a mask, keep a safe two distance two meters distance from each other and download the COVID alert app. Together we will get through this.



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