
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第7章・・・ソロモンの街道 SOLOMON'S ROAD

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第7章・・・ソロモンの街道 SOLOMON'S ROADOutside the cavern we halted, feeling rather foolish."I am going back," said Sir Henry."Why?" asked Good."Because it has struck me that--what we saw--may be my br . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第8章・・・ククアナ国に入る WE ENTER KUKUANALAND

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第8章・・・ククアナ国に入る WE ENTER KUKUANALANDAll that afternoon we travelled along the magnificent roadway, whichtrended steadily in a north-westerly direction. Infadoos and Scraggawalked with us, but . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第10章・・・魔女の人狩り THE WITCH-HUNT

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第10章・・・魔女の人狩り THE WITCH-HUNTOn reaching our hut I motioned to Infadoos to enter with us."Now, Infadoos," I said, "we would speak with thee.""Let my lords say on.""It seems to us, Infadoos, t . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第11章・・・証拠を提示する WE GIVE A SIGN

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第11章・・・証拠を提示するWE GIVE A SIGNFor a long while--two hours, I should think--we sat there in silence,being too much overwhelmed by the recollection of the horrors we hadseen to talk. At last, ju . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第14章・・・グレイ連隊の最後の抵抗 THE LAST STAND OF THE GREYS

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第14章・・・グレイ連隊の最後の抵抗 THE LAST STAND OF THE GREYSIn a few more minutes the regiments destined to carry out the flankingmovements had tramped off in silence, keeping carefully to the lee ofthe r . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第15章・・・グッド病床に臥す GOOD FALLS SICK

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第15章・・・グッド病床に臥すGOOD FALLS SICKAfter the fight was ended, Sir Henry and Good were carried intoTwala's hut, where I joined them. They were both utterly exhausted byexertion and loss of blood, . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第16章・・・死者の住家 THE PLACE OF DEATH

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第16章・・・死者の住家 THE PLACE OF DEATHIt was already dark on the third day after the scene described in theprevious chapter when we camped in some huts at the foot of the "ThreeWitches," as the tri . . . 本文を読む

「ソロモン王の洞窟」第19章・・・イグノシとの別離 IGNOSI'S FAREWELL

2014年01月21日 | 好きな歌
「ソロモン王の洞窟」第19章・・・イグノシとの別離IGNOSI'S FAREWELLTen days from that eventful morning found us once more in our oldquarters at Loo; and, strange to say, but little the worse for ourterrible experience, except . . . 本文を読む