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2015年02月17日 | 好きな歌






The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament (Personal Size) 
ハードカバー: 927ページ
出版社: Tyndale House Pub; 4版 (1993/10/1)

   対訳文(インターリニアー)は、英訳聖書NRSV(New Revised Standard Version・新改訂標準訳)の併記です。
「新改訂標準訳聖書」を読む 旧約新約



AV/KJV 欽定訳 King James Version 1611  標準訳として長く用いられる
RV 改訂訳 Revised Version 1884 主としてイギリスでの改訳
ASV アメリカ標準訳 American Standard Version 1901 RVのアメリカ版
NWT 新世界訳 New World Translation 1950 エホバの証人による翻訳、1971年脚注改訂版
RSV 改訂標準訳 Revised Standard Version 1952 ASVの本格改版
TJB エルサレム聖書 The Jerusalem Bible 1966  カトリック系、フランス語からの重訳
NEB New English Bible 1970 英国プロテスタント諸教会が協力して訳したRVの改版 
NAB New American Bible 1970 カトリックによる翻訳
TLB リビング・バイブル The Living Bible 1971 徹底した意訳
NIV New International Version 1978 ファンダメンタリズム・福音主義教会による翻訳
NKJV 新欽定訳 New King James Bible 1979 現代語を用いたKJVの改訂版
REB Revised English Bible 1989 NEBの改版、カトリックが参加
NRSV New Revised Standard Version 1989 RSVの改版、カトリック・正教会が参加
TEV Today's English Version 1989 聖書協会訳、意訳を用いる
GNB Good News Bible 1989 TEVと同じ
CEV Contemporary English Version 1991 子どもなどに配慮し、平易な英語訳
CEB Contemporary English Bible 1995 ユダヤ教差別是正、意訳を用いる
OSB Orthodox Study Bible 1993 東方正教会訳注解聖書
NIVI New International Version 1996 新国際訳の包括用語版
ESV English Standard Version 2001 改訂標準訳の改訂版

こちらもご覧下さい→日本語訳聖書一覧 英語訳聖書一覧


「KJV・欽定訳」と「NRSV・新改定標準訳」と比較 ヨハネ1:1-5

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
[2] The same was in the beginning with God.
[3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
[4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
[5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
[2] He was in the beginning with God. 
[3] All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 
[4] In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.
[5] The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.


こちらは、ギリシャ語(新約聖書)とヘブライ語(旧約聖書)の双方が利用可能で便利です。→Interlinear Bible: Greek, Hebrew, Transliterated, English, Strong's

Matthew(マタイによる福音書 第1章1節~25節) ・・・ 1 ←クリック


 出典→ギリシャ語文法の豆知識 ここ 

   新約聖書ギリシア語原文と文法情報 ←〔原文の単語をクリックするとその単語の文法情報が得られます。〕




推薦のことば ←クリック  

サンプルページ 下記をクリックして下さい。  

テサロニケ人への手紙第一 4章16-17節

テモテへの手紙第二 1章10節

使徒の働き 2章33節

ローマ人への手紙 8章11節


ポーロス会「インターリニア新約聖書」の使い方 こちらをクリック→(別ウインドウで表示 




 パソコンを用いての聖書研究が実用的になってから、個入的に、インターリニア新約聖書を作成しました。それを読むことによって、別の聖書を読んでいるような感動を覚えました。そして、新約聖書の一部ではなく、新約聖書全部のインターリニアを作れば、聖書の各書、あるいは特定の聖句をすぐに原語で読み、味わえると気づき、実行しました。 そうすると、今度は、多くの聖書を愛する入々も同様のことを求めていることに気づき、このインターリニア新約聖書が必要とされていると判断しました。聖書のすばらしい光を、より多くの方々に知っていただきたいと願い、ここに「ポーロス会インターリニア新約聖書」の刊行を企画いたしました。 












ギリシャ語本文のそれぞれの語の結びつきがどのようになっているかが。各節の部分訳 によって示されています。この部分訳によって、ギリシャ語各語の単なる日本語訳の並びではなく、語の相互関係がどのようになっているかがわかります。


それぞれの行の部分訳を組み合わせて、節ごとの逐語訳を付けました。この逐語訳によ って、読者が、ギリシャ語本文がどの程度正確に翻訳されているかを確かめることがで きます。


ポーロス会インターリニア新約聖書のギリシャ語本文は、M,A.Robinsonと W.G.Pierpont編集のビザンチン・テキストで、多数写本(Majority Text)と呼ばれています。今日の代表的なギリシャ語本文であるネストレ第27版(Novum Testamentum Graece.27th ed, Stuttgart:Deutsche Bibelstiftung,1993.)と対応した表示をしていますので、読者は両方のテキストでの読み方ができます。






ミルトス社・ホームページ http://www.myrtos.co.jp/

  The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament (Personal Size)について、最も参考になったカスタマーレビュー

 52 人中、49人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 投稿者  tosh8  投稿日 2003/11/1
形式: ハードカバー Amazonで購入 
有名なGordan FeeのNew Testament Exegesis(邦訳『新約聖書の釈義』教文館)でも、新約聖書ギリシア語のインターリニアはこの本が取り上げられています。ギリシア語本文の各単語の下に英訳がついており、また欄外には比較的ギリシア語の直訳的な英訳聖書NRSV(New Revised Standard Version)が示されています。これ以外の出版社では、KJV (King James Version)を英訳の基本としているものや、コンコーダンスやStrong Numberingまでついたものがありますが、そうした付録はないものの、とにかく印字がキレイで明瞭なのは本書です。また、価格も類似品の半額程度でお得です。 

8 人中、8人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 投稿者  マリオン  投稿日 2009/8/8
形式: ハードカバー

投稿者  為則泰明   投稿日 2014/7/12
形式: ハードカバー Amazonで購入 

4 人中、0人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 投稿者  Light  投稿日 2011/6/8
形式: ハードカバー
またページの外側にはNew Revised Standard Versionの英語聖書本文が小さく併記されています。
しかし聖書の勉強に用いるのならば、未信者の聖書学者が編集に加わるNestle-Alandよりも、伝統的なTextus Receptusのギリシャ語聖書のほうがよいと思います。

ここから下の「カスタマーレビュー後半(英文)」は、機械翻訳文を併記して、こちらに続けました。The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament 購入者のコメント


 159 人中、159人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。

 Perfect small group Bible-study Bible 2002/12/10 

投稿者  Daniel L Edelen  - (Amazon.com)

形式: ハードカバー

After studying Greek for a few years in college, my graduation found me wanting something a bit less intimidating than my Aland Greek New Testament as I entered back into the world of "mere mortals". Not wishing to come off as "that know-it-all Greek guy" in the small group Bible studies I attended by toting in the Greek-only Aland, nor wanting to lug around more than one Bible, I was fortunate enough to stumble on this Greek interlinear.
I bought mine the year it was published and have used it constantly since then.
My impressions:
1) Exceptionally well-made, with a textbook-quality binding. It's amazing how well it has stood up under hard use.
2) For its size, which is small (5.75" x 8.25" x 1"), the type and layout are excellent - very easy on the eyes. And despite the 913 pages crammed into an inch thick volume, the pages are thick enough to prevent type bleed-through from becoming a distraction.
3) The Greek font used is one of the more beautiful I have seen and is a pleasure to read.
4) It is perfectly suited for use as a single source in small group Bible studies. It also is helpful from a perspective other than the Greek resource in this regard, as the New Revised Standard Version is unique enough to be a counter to all the NIV, KJV, and NASB sources out there while also avoiding being a paraphrase. People in your group will eventually realize that when the inevitable question, "What does the Greek say?" comes up, someone will have a decent answer if using this interlinear.
5) Certainly some Greek geek will have quibbles with the interlinear translation, but I've found it to be very serviceable. Let's be honest - don't most people use the Greek translation in an interlinear Bible as a crutch of sorts? I almost always find a word, tense, or slang phrase I'm not catching immediately and the Greek translation helps. Other references are always helpful when doing in-depth study, but on its own this interlinear stands up.
All in all, this is a very well-balanced Greek/NRSV interlinear that I would heartily endorse for anyone considering such a Bible.

88 人中、88人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 Handy Book!!! 2002/2/25 

投稿者  Eric Campell  - (Amazon.com)

形式: ハードカバー

I have four interlinear Greek NT's, and this one is the most handy. The English words translated in this book are not as literal as some other interlinear's (i.e. McReynolds or Marshall) but they are much more readable/understadable.
This is a great sized book, a nice small, compact hardcover, that is great for "quick reference".
If your looking for a more literal translation of the greek, go with McReynold's interlinear (which also has Strong's number written above every greek word, and a great word study in the back). But if your looking for a good quick reference, that is understandable and readable, this is your book.
I would recommend getting BOTH this and McReynold's interlinear. Almost every other greek word, McReynold's and Comfort will choose a different English translation of that word. (McReynold's more literal/Comfort more understandable)....If your not very sharp in greek, it's nice to see how both authors choose to translate each word, and then compare that to how NASB/NAB/NIV, etc. chose to translate the word.
Both Comfort and McReynolds use the same Greek Text (UBS3/4) --- Whereas Marshall uses the NA-21 and Zane Hodges interlinear uses the Byzantine (KJV) text.
If you study several different Bible versions and compare word choice and word order between NIV/NASB/NRSV, etc., and want to check the greek to see what is the actual word order, definitly get this interlinear. If you want a more detailed and literal study of the greek, go with McReynold's.
I highly prefer these two over Marshall's are Zane Hodges interlinears.

48 人中、48人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 An Outstanding Interlinear 2004/5/21 

投稿者  SLS  - (Amazon.com)

形式: ハードカバー

I have been using this interlinear for some time now. I have many other interlinears as well, but I have found that this one is my favorite. Why?
1. It is a handy size. It fits easily in my zippered Bible cover along with my English translation.
2. The Greek text is very clear (and not too small). The literal English translation below the text also does not "crowd" the Greek text. Visually its just really nice and works for me.
3. Brown and Comfort do a good job on the literal English underneath the Greek text. And all in all, they DO capture the tenses in a thorough and consistent way. Not perfectly, but very adequately.
4. There is enough blank area on each page for me to write in my own notations(which is cool).
5. This work gives brief space to textual variations which is ok by me (that's what Nestle's text is for). But this work also provides brief relevant cross-references at the bottom of the page. Again, not exhaustively, but still points one to key cross-references for one to explore.
As far as production quality: I used the hard-back for some time. But after I realized that this was the interlinear I used most every day, I bought a calf-skin leather-bound version from leatherbibles.com. It's expensive, but the quality is unsurpassed.
As far as the New Revised Standard Version that attends this interlinear. Well, I remember the old adage--"Eat the watermelon and spit out the seeds." The NRSV does have its seeds (especially the politically-correct gender manipulation found in a number of passages). But I also find that it is also a very good translation in many, many ways. I would have preferred to see the English Standard Version accompany this interlinear. But there are not enough "seeds" in the NRSV to make me choke--just slightly cough here and there to clear my throat (LOL).
Bottom line: This is an excellent interlinear. It's compact, clear with a pleasant Greek font, and obviously has solid and excellent scholarship behind it. I give it 5 stars. If you want this interlinear in very lush "leather", you can find it at leatherbibles.com. Again, it's expensive. But it's the only company that produces this interlinear leather-bound

77 人中、72人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 Sometimes quirky translation, but great anyway 2003/1/3 

投稿者  J. Martin  - (Amazon.com)

形式: ハードカバー Amazonで購入

I use and like this book much more than I expected to. The interlinear translation is quirky sometimes, not always exact or consistent or as literal as an interlinear should be, and if I didn't know Greek at all I'd never know. But there aren't many of those mistakes. 99% of the time it's fine, far more literal and exact than even the NASB.
The biggest surprise for me is the NRSV translation that runs in the margin, alongside the interlinear. Knowing the RSV's reputation as a liberal, ecumenical translation, I expected to discount it, but I've been converted. I find that it's often more literal and conservative than the NASB, especially with the NRSV's excellent footnotes. I never will like the NRSV's "wind from God" in Genesis 1:2, but that's irrelevant here. I haven't found anything correspondingly weird in the NT. (I know wind and Spirit are the same word in Hebrew (and Greek)--that's not the point.) Anyway, I'm glad to have another good translation to consult.
There's a lot of powerful information in this book, in a very manageable size and at a reasonable cost. I like it.

36 人中、35人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
 Very good for reference or improving your Greek 1998/10/14 

投稿者  カスタマー  - (Amazon.com)

形式: ハードカバー

Text: UBS4 Greek text (same text as Nestle-Aland 27th ... the very latest) with interlinear translation by Brown and Comfort, placed parallel with New RSV. Since the NRSV is based on this version of the Greek text the Greek and English translation match up very well. The interlinear wording does not follow the NRSV wording, which is either good or bad depending on your point of view.
Layout: Greek interlinear occupies about 3/4 of the page ... NRSV appears in smaller type in a narrow column at the outer edge. The English text runs a little short so there is always a couple of square inches at the bottom for notes.
Type: Greek interlinear is large and readable ... Greek is a bolder face than interlinear so that you can read the Greek without being too distracted by the English until you get stuck. NRSV is in fairly small type.
Size: big and heavy. You won't be reading this lying down. There's also personal size version which I have not seen. (amazon cleverly lists that one under Brown & Comfort ... Douglas is the editor) 



The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament 購入者のコメント


