

Welch 1995

2011年05月27日 | 打法

 Hitting a Baseball: A Biomechanical Description


・・・This study uses three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data to define and quantify biomechanics during the baseball swing. The results show that a hitter starts the swing with a weight shift toward the rear foot and the generation of trunk coil. As the hitter strides forward, force applied by the front foot equal to 123% of body weight promotes segment acceleration around the axis of the trunk. The hip segment rotates to a maximum speed of 714°/sec followed by a maximum shoulder segment velocity of 937°/sec. The product of this kinetic link is a maximum linear bat velocity of 31 m/sec. ・・・

 打撃についての慣れ親しんだ文言が並んでいるが、この論文が書かれたのは1995年(実験は1993年)だ。サイトに書いたように、アメリカにおいては打撃大変革の真っ只中で、しかもこの実験の被験者はプロなのだ。こんな凡庸な結論しか導けなかったのか? それともあの大変革は幻だったのか?


At this point in the swing, the hitter can mechanically emphasize either the rotational orlinear component. If the rotational component is emphasized, the center of pressure aligns itself with the center of mass between both feet. This allows significant shear force to be applied by each foot and increases the force couple applied to the hip segment. If the linear component is emphasized, then the center of pressure stays in a forward position at the lead foot and the center of mass moves to align itself over the lead leg. In this case, the only significant shear application is produced by the lead foot, reducing the force couple applied to the hip segment for acceleration. The results of this study demonstrate that the emphasis of rotational and linear movements varies between hitters as shown by high standard deviations in shear force application (Table 1) and center of mass/center of pressure relative movement (Table 3).

 つまり、ステップを踏出したあとの、打撃動作の中心的局面において、ふた通りの動作様式があるということなのだ。打撃技術史の一断面を切り取って見せた刮目すべきデータではないか! ところが、あろうことか、著者は、"Regardless of individual mechanics ・・・"以下、ごく常識的な一般論へ逃げてしまっている。


