


2016年12月26日 22時40分56秒 | 僕の考え




2016年05月06日 20時58分28秒 | 美しい広州語


In the early morning today, Cantonese famous master: lim zhaoming passed away at 88 years old at the 1st Affiliated Sun Yat-Sen Hospital.


2016年03月11日 11時27分41秒 | 友達淘寶店ーー飾點坊

My friend run a new shop on taobao, if you have time, please enter & take a look. Thank you.


1. search-- 淘寶taobao

2. search-- 飾點坊


私の記憶で 美しい広州語03-弊

2016年03月05日 10時19分52秒 | 美しい広州語

廣州話:。是:糟糕,不好了的意思。一般只是單字使用。作為語氣詞使用。使用時候,一般是用強語氣升調,或弱語氣降調。強語氣的時候,表達突然醒悟,或突然發現情況不妙; 而弱語氣的時候,表達的是悲观,不知所措的心情。




Cantonese: Bad, bad situation. Usually, it is just used in a single word, & as a modal particle. When someone use it, he should usually use emphasis rising intonation; or use weak falling tone. While using rising intonation, it means: suddenly come to realize the truth, or suddenly find that the situation isnot good; while using weak falling tone, it means: showing pessimistic mood, & donot know what to do .

For example:

1. It's worse!(emphasis rising intonaton)

2. Too bad!(weak falling tone)

私の記憶で 美しい広州語02-頂頸

2016年03月04日 10時22分19秒 | 美しい広州語

廣州話俗語:頂頸。你可以想像當有東西頂著你的頸項(脖子)的時候,你會因而變得很難呼吸。這句俗語語的真實意思是:某人對別人所發表的意見針鋒相對,並非一定正確,而是和別人相左(不同)的,常形容此人所說的有為爭而爭,以致令發表意見的人不舒服的含義。隱含並不贊同此人所說的話的意思。所以只適用於略含貶義的使用。 可用於同輩間、晚輩間,長輩間,晚輩對長輩,長輩對晚輩的描述,不過略多用於述及當晚輩對長輩說話的不贊同時,其他長輩對該晚輩的訓斥。有一點要注意的是:晚輩對長輩的使用和同輩之間使用時,不要對著當事人使用;而長輩對晚輩的時候,多用於當面,也可用於背後說。




3、某某,你唔好頂頸啦。( 同輩之間的輕聲叮嚀)(語氣是輕聲一點)


Cantonese folk adage: Press the neck(argue). You can imagine: while something press the neck, your breath would become unsmooth. Its true meaning is: someone is in diametrical opposition to another one, his opinion isnot always right, he is just for showing his oppose. Usually, who say these make others feel unhappily. There is some meaning about that someone donot agree his opinion. There is a little bit sardonic sense, just used as in derogatory sense. It could be used in between the same generation, the younger gereration, elder member in a family, the younger generation for elder member in a family, the elder member in a family for the younger generation. It is used a little bit more while the younger generation say something donot agree the elder, the other elder say this gay.

There is a point should be noticed: while someone use it, he shouldnot use in front of that pointed man; except he is an elder, & discussing a youger generation; or except in order to lightly remind someone not to do it.

For example sentence:

1. xx, please donot argue.(used in other elder say some younger generation)(tone: is a little bit louder)

2. xx, is the most likely argument.(used in the elder member in a family for the younger generation, the younger generation for the elder member in a family, or between each generations)

3. xx, please donot argue.(use to advise someone not to do it. This can be used in between every class.)(tone: is a little bit lighter)