

I was trapped in the big swimming-pool.

2009年12月28日 22時48分38秒 | 僕の漢詩
26th Dec, it is a remarkable day of our city, today the fastest business running railway in the world is begun for its 1st business trip. It is between wuhan() and canton(広州). It only has another 2 station of the whole long way, changsha and shaoguan, It is said that(shown on the TV) the fastest speed could reach 394km/h. Usually it could run as fast as the fastest train--新幹線 of Japan. But I wish it would not sell not enough tickets for its high price.

28th Dec, it is another amazing day of our city, today the 5th subway has opened for running to public. Because of catching the lucky No. day, many equirment were still being installed in 27th. Until today, 3th, Jan, 2010, some roads and some equirment are still being fixed and installed.

I have got a serious cold since 28th. Because that day, 田中さん turned on a heater in the office, it was very hot i. But when I stepped out of it, a heavy rain was waitting for me. For the repairing causes, all the road seemed to a big swimming-pool, I was trapped in there. (Because I went home just by walk.) when I came back home, I looked like a wet-chicken, specially of my foot. Maybe that I began the low fever and cough.

After having some medicine, today, 3rd, Jan, I could almost recover, except there are still some cough.

Yesterday, it was a rainy day again. It was raining almost one day. And, at the same time, I have to go to my hometown to see my grandfather. But luckly, maybe his praying, my fever could disappear last night and I could recover soon.

Today, I begin to work again. Good luck, I wish myself in the new year.

Never mind, Santa will not forget next year.

2009年12月27日 21時56分00秒 | 僕の漢詩
The day before yesterday, it is 23 degree. Hot and wet, I could see the wet drops on the 1st & 2nd floor steps. But the weather report said that there was a cold stream on the way to our city, and cold would come back soon.

Yesterday the sky is dark, almost no sunshine.

Today it rained at about 10:45am, carrying the cold wind, but the dark in the sky for lasting 2 days has been rushed out. I could see the blue sky and clouds. When I come back to our office, I could see some water are still lying on the roadside, or the low surface of some stones. In front of the building gate, I could still see the bags for carrying umberlla being hung on their shelf.

Today only one is in the room, it is me. My mind goes back to the 25th, Christmas day. Morning, when riko got up, she said, "Let me see my sockets. Oh, why my sockets are empty. I couldnot see any gifts in them?" "Maybe the Santa cannot find mine, but I have put them beside me. " (I forgot to put gift in her sockets. I am shame.)

I had to say, "Never mind, Santa will not forget next year. Maybe this year he was very busy."

Crowded in the streets, but lonley in the office.

2009年12月24日 22時55分09秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Today, it is 24th Dec.2009. It is eve of Christmas.

When I come back to office, there is only one-myself. Maybe they are all enjoying the happiness with their friends.

Looking around the empty room, the scenes of crowded street appear in my eyes. This evening, I could see many different ages people walking in the street, taking photos, laughing and talking... Some people who are wearing Xmas-dresses, Santa's hats or not are handing some shining light-bars, Santa's hats or other's Xmas present for selling. Many beautifu decoration-bulbs are turning on for Christmas, yellow, red, green, orange, white and blue etc. They make you be drunk in front of so beautiful night-scenes. Normally, you couldnot see so many kids, couples in those shops that I pass every day. But today, it is totally different. And everyone wears very nice cloths.

Today it is 22 degree. It is quite hot. I just wear 2 T-shirts, 1 short and 1 long. Old man said, "Warm in winter, will cold in Spring."

But maybe our earth is moving to a warm period. I wish we could have real efforts to make it decrease to become hotter soon. Or, ...

Today, I do a very wonderful job. I found a missing tel-book and took some calls with many of my teachers. I am very lucky, many of them didnot change their phone No. yet.I have sent off my Xmas wishes, even if some suddenly forgot me(after some talking, certainly they remember me.), but I still feel very happy. Long life friendship! I would remember it forever, "No teacher, there is never me at present."

Christmas is a wonderful day!! I love it.


2009年12月24日 08時00分57秒 | グルメ




Could this perfume drive off drunk??

2009年12月22日 22時28分18秒 | 僕の会社に生活

One evening, when I came back our company, I saw 田中さん and 山川さん。And the whole room was spreading off the wonderful coffee's sense.

After I worked a short time, 田中さん said that she had drunk a lot today. I said, "You are very wonderful, you donot get a drunk after a lot of alcohol in your body." Yes, maybe she is a strong girl. (I have heard that her father works in a wine factory. When she was young, she begined to drink wine. )

About after 20 minutes, she was going to leave. Suddenly, I saw her was spreading a bottle of perfume. And I asked, "Could this perfume drive off drunk?""Haha," she laughed,"This is a very normal perfume, I just like its sweet smell."

I was the last one to leave this evening. When I checked the coffee pot before I leave, I saw that there was a half bottle of coffee in the pot. So I got to know that the source of the sense. Maybe it was the true reason helping 田中さん drive off the drunk. Not the perfume. Haha!!

Sometimes after you think more, you would be close the truth more.


2009年12月22日 00時04分16秒 | グルメ

Today is Chinese traditional 'the Winter Festival'. In tradition, Chinese has a sentence, that is: 'the Winter Festival' is more important than ' the Spring Festival'.

COP15 世界の環境NGOは相次いで批判の声明を発表した

2009年12月21日 07時36分40秒 | 温暖化の足音

COP15 批判相次ぐ 「仕切り直し」求める声



 (From 毎日新聞)【コペンハーゲン大場あい】国連気候変動枠組み条約第15回締約国会議(COP15)が、政治合意「コペンハーゲン協定」をまとめ閉幕後、世界の環境NGO(非政府組織)は相次いで批判の声明を発表した。先進国、途上国間の溝を世界に印象付ける結果となっただけに、来年のメキシコでのCOP16に向け「仕切り直し」を求める声が強い。













(きこうへんどうわくぐみじょうやく、正式名称:気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約、英語:United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change、略称:UNFCCC、FCCC)は、地球温暖化問題に対する国際的な枠組みを設定した条約。国連気候変動枠組条約、地球温暖化防止条約、温暖化防止条約ともいう。




京都議定書(きょうとぎていしょ、英: Kyoto Protocol)は、気候変動枠組条約に基づき、1997年12月11日に京都市の国立京都国際会館で開かれた第3回気候変動枠組条約締約国会議(地球温暖化防止京都会議、COP3)での議決した議定書である。正式名称は、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の京都議定書(英: Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)。



26ドルのソフトで 米軍無人偵察機通信を傍受

2009年12月18日 21時34分12秒 | 日本語












閑古鳥はない 「鳥の巣」=北京五輪メーンスタジアムが人工スキー場に変身

2009年12月18日 20時52分54秒 | 日本語


 (From フジテレビ)「鳥の巣」の愛称で親しまれた北京オリンピックのメーンスタジアムが、12月19日から人工スキー場としてリニューアルオープンします。
















楽しいとかかわいとか声から......(From such happy, cute voices)

2009年12月17日 23時17分34秒 | 僕の会社に生活
One day, there are 3 persons in the office, 田中さん、山川さん and I.

I am working. Suddenly, I heared 田中さん and 山川さん talking with each other... They were talking and talking...

After they finished, I spoke to 田中さん, "I never heared two of you talk too many things." 田中さん said, "Really? " "Yes." I said. "Haha..." , she laughed.

"Really!" I thought in my heart., "田中さん’svoice is quite clear and it could be listened as so many words. But 山川さん'sspeech is a little bit fast and as a gun's shooting and couldnot be heared it so clear. And two of them are all from 東京。Surprise?"

After that, 田中さん said, "It is very sad, I still donot meet a rich and handsome boy as my friend." I pointed to the photo that was pasted on her table( I have saw it someday ) and said, "That isn't?". She laugh and said, "That boy is one of a former collegue of our company before. He is not my boyfriend." Than, she took it and went to show to 山川さん (because 山川さん is just come here 2 months earlier than I, now I know her never to meet him too. )

I thought in my heart again, " Maybe all females want to marry rich and handsome men( it is the same as men searching for rich women), but a lot of these are the begining of the diseasters. Relying on others, always is a doom. I just think the same class is always the right. Marrying the different class is always wrong. Divoice always happens. Even if two of you donot divoice and keep the marriage on the surface, but no love with each other will make still hurt each other. Right?"

But when I were listening to two girls' happy and cute voices, I have got the clue, "Every one has the right to pursue his or her life, this is the improvment of the society and is the freedom of the society."


日記@BlogRanking <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

blogram投票ボタン <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

"やや"や 、"ちょっと"と"'少し"の意味など...

2009年12月17日 07時52分35秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Yesterday, 山川さん works O.T(over time) again.

I read the newspaper then asked her something about Japanese.

1st, in "収入やや減少し", "やや" means what?

She said, "やや" means a little bit. I asked, " 'やや' is ad. or adj. ?" She said,"Adv." I asked, "If it has the almost same meaning as 'ちょっと' and '少し'?" "Yes. And 'やや'is more used in writing Japanese, but 'ちょっと'is more used in oral."

2nly, in" '...'とあいさつし。", "あいさつ"is greeting's meaning and it seems not the same at here.

" 'あいさつ'"at here is '紹介' "'s meaning, she said. Oh, I see.

Every day, if you want to keep an eye to watch, you could get the new thing from your life.


日記@BlogRanking <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

blogram投票ボタン <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

昭和基地 ペンギンの群れが歓迎

2009年12月16日 19時57分19秒 | 旅行Travellor







特例会見「元首相が要請」? われわれがルールを曲げたわけではないと聞いている!

2009年12月16日 01時12分38秒 | グルメ


 (From 時事通信)前原誠司国土交通相は15日の記者会見で、天皇陛下と中国の習近平国家副主席の会見が特例的に実現したことについて「元首相から話があったと聞いている」と指摘した上で、「元首相なので、自民党から要請が官邸に届いたのであって、われわれがルールを曲げたわけではないと聞いている」と述べた。




天皇会見への関与否定 小沢氏

2009年12月14日 19時03分45秒 | 日本語


 (From 時事通信)民主党の小沢一郎幹事長は14日午後、党本部で記者会見し、天皇陛下と中国の習近平国家副主席との会見が特例的に実現することについて「私が会わせるべきとか言った事実はない」と述べ、自らの関与を否定した。



総務副大臣が首相批判 天皇特例会見

2009年12月13日 19時14分01秒 | グルメ


 (From 時事通信)鳩山由紀夫首相が中国の習近平国家副主席と天皇陛下の会見を特例的に実現するよう指示した問題について、13日のテレビ朝日の番組で、与野党から批判の声が相次いだ。



