

Holidays are being almost touched!

2011年09月30日 02時23分06秒 | hot news today

I will be on holiday since from the 1st, Oct to the 8th, Oct.

I have to pause my writing. Sorry for all of those friends who are loving me.

Yesterday, it was raining from about 2:30pm to 5:30pm, the 2nd heavy rain was from about 8:00pm to 9:30pm. How long they are! Luckly, it wasnot on the heavy traffic pressure period.

All, have to thank for the No. 17th typhoon.

チベット(4)、交通手段 Transportation in Tibet (1) 

2011年09月30日 01時09分01秒 | 美しいチベット 旅行Travelling in Tibet

(Photography in 2010 by fujifilm A175) 

小型バス Mini bus

バス中 Inside a bus

1層バスA (Normal bus) 1層バスB (Normal bus)

2層バス Double-decker bus 

2層バスの銘板 Nameplate about donated on a bus

乗用車 Car

タクシーと三輪車 Taxi and Tricycle



Our baby's record(0046)-Recently, about our baby's new progresses.

2011年09月29日 23時41分27秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Recently, our baby ever showed very sensitive, he just relyed on those he knew, this began since about the 30th Aug then lasted and ended till about the 20th, Sep. Now, he has resumed his smile for those strangers and could allow them to hold in their arms. I think this maybe is because he was down from sofa several times with our carelessness, then he was hurt some emotion functions.

So, with a baby, every parents should pay their highest alert. Every next movement should be after putting your baby on an absolute safe place.

Reassuring, he seems to resume completely.

On the 27th, Sep, we played in the local library. But suddenly, 1 of his foot stepped on a book, then he slipped then the head hit a side of the barrier, maybe the force happened very suddenly and quickly, I couldnot hold him completely, the hit made his head grow an about 4cm long and 0.3cm high raising. Luckly, this raising has disappeared in the next morning.

This proves again: no one who owning a baby could be careless.


These 2 weeks, our baby could eat a little cup of thick gruel. Firstly, we cook a thin gruel and thin yolk mud for him, but he seems not too likely. After several days, we occasionally found him to like that we gave him a little piece of yolk to eat. So, we try to change the food that we cook. Luckly, we succeed.


And, now we found that he could have more food at lunch than at breakfast and dinner. Would every baby like this?


He could rely on the barrier for walking at the library since the middle of Aug. Although he couldnot walk a true step by himself, he could walk by barrier, and he could be free in hand and stand up and sit down quite easily. That is his recent progresses.

You know, the No.17 typhoon? Our baby has blown some air from his mouth on Monday(26th, Sep). Our traditional provb said," If a baby boy blows, then wind would come soon; if a baby girl blows, then rain would come soon". It was proved the 3rd time by him.


A lot of traditional provbs arenot fake science. They are treasure.

チベット(3) 様式食品 Food in Tibet (1)

2011年09月26日 22時45分53秒 | 美しいチベット 旅行Travelling in Tibet

以下の食品はレストランでラサ セラ·ゴンパお寺隣から:(Those food are supplyed nearby at Sera Monastery)(photography in 2010 by fujifilm A175) 

レストランAで(At the Restaurant A)

1、チベット様式お茶(無料)Tibet charming tea

2、チベット様式凉皮(リャンピィ)(4 yuan rmb, 50円くらい )(1種の軽食。)Tibet charming steamed cold noodles.(a snack)


レストランBで(At the Restaurant B)

3、チベット様式ラーメン(4 yuan rmb, 50円くらい )Tibet charming hand-pulled noodles with Yak Beef.(a snack)

美しい 中国広東恩平 君堂鎮 西園村(1)

2011年09月25日 22時49分54秒 | 旅行Travellor

西園村は160キロメートル中国広州市から離れます。それは汚染はわずかて、空気はよくて、風景はよくて、史跡(中国の世界遺産:遺構群-望楼 参考-http://community.travel.yahoo.co.jp/mymemo/cchobii/blog/117180.html; http://community.travel.yahoo.co.jp/mymemo/China21/blog/19384.html)の美しい純朴なローカルが充満します。(Photography in the July, 2010 by fujifilm A175)







What is happiness (1) ?

2011年09月22日 23時15分49秒 | 僕の考え

Our local area recently are discussing "What is happiness?".

I think there would be different answers for different persons, different classes, different benefit groups...

For me, now, what is happiness?

I suddenly think, if you know what isnot happiness, so maybe we would know what is happiness.

So, when I am surfing on the internet, what isnot my happiness? When I click: www.google.co.jp my computer will be stopped to surf a few minutes; when I click: www.youtube.com my computer will be stopped to surf a few minutes; when I click: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp my computer will be stopped to surf a few minutes; when I click: www.blogger.com my computer will be stopped to surf a few minutes; when I click: www.facebook.com my computer will be stopped to surf a few minutes; ...

Those all are my dishappiness while surfing. So, you know...


チベット (2) 、文化: チベット博物館  Tibet Museum (1)

2011年09月21日 23時09分24秒 | 美しいチベット 旅行Travelling in Tibet

二、チベット博物館  Tibet Museum:

(photography in 2010 by fujifilm A175) 



2. http://jp.ujayou.com/product.do?method=detail&id=1268

Live Broadcast Radio-Websites(31): 90.6MHZ広東仏山三水台

2011年09月21日 22時17分44秒 | ラジオ生放送Live-Radio Web
Warmly welcome everyone to listen!(聞く誰でも歓迎してください!)
(Since 2011-09から)

午前(Peking Time 北京時間):
(1、12:05pm-12:35pm 90.6MHZ広東仏山三水台 -《倚天屠龍記》金庸)-播講者:張悦楷))

夕方(2、6:35pm-7:05pm 90.6MHZ広東仏山三水台 - 《倚天屠龍記》金庸)-播講者:張悦楷))





Our baby's record(0043)-Our baby maybe begin his true life now.

2011年09月20日 23時21分59秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

Since 18th, Sep, 2011, our baby could show a quite obvious step his first step, today he could move almost 3 steps on the ground. Obviously, his controling ability is increasing.

1 side, I feel very happy for him; the other side, I seem to feel the great pressure coming from the reality society: the society is begining to step in his body. In the shortl future, he has to face the crue society...

Sometimes I donot want to think more about it ...

チベット (1) 、フレスコ画はラサお寺に Frescos in Temples at Lhasa of Tibet (1)

2011年09月15日 23時32分27秒 | 美しいチベット 旅行Travelling in Tibet

I want to share my photos long long ago. But I didnot have enough time. Today it maybe is a begining.


1.ラサ セラ·ゴンパお寺に At Sera Monastery Lhasa Tibet(photography in 2010-by fujifilm A175) 

2.ラサ セラ·ゴンパお寺の正殿に Assembly hall of Sera Monastery Lhasa Tibet(photography in 2010-by fujifilm A175) 

3.ラサ セラ·ゴンパお寺に At Sera Monastery Lhasa Tibet(photography in 2010-fujifilm A175)


The gate has closed for the people who need it.

2011年09月15日 22時49分36秒 | 僕の考え

Recently, I passed the gate of our local manager's place. I found there was 2 police cars nailing at a corner's 2 sides in front of the gate of it. At least 4 policemen were wondering the gate.

I havenot passed those kinds of gates for a long time. This made me sob. Over 15 years ago, I usually passed them. At that time, when the public whose rights got unfair treating thing, they could go to those gates and stand in front of them to ask officials to know their requirements or againt what. Although this would made those officials annoying, I think this at least could give them a chance to express or show their problem.

But now, I guess that if someone who want to close those gates, they would be thrown into somewhere(not prison) immidetely, a place where is more terrible than prison.

Is this is a backwards?

I donot know. But I think my smart audioneses could judge.

The gate has closed for those who need it.

Our baby's record(0041). Our baby has become more sensitive now...

2011年09月12日 22時33分26秒 | ベビーAbout Baby

I must write something today, another is I like to write.

1stly, I have to say, my foot is resuming. But there is still some pain at the right ankle joint.

2ndly, our baby has open a new  1 pack of 64 brand: (花王メリーズパンツ m since 20th, August.

3irdly, I have to say very very sorry to our baby. I miss my promise. During 30th, August to 6th August, we fell our baby on the ground 3 times. 1 by my mother, the other was done by I . Since that, I think he has become more sensitive and become more fear for stay alone. Even he stands alone, he would use 1 hand to catch you. Before that, he was more brave. And he become more like to cry.

4thly, I have to say, since 30th, August, I was begining to study Chinese traditional massage in our teacher's home. Now, we have to correct our wrong hands action...my finger are enjoying some pain. Bit I really want to learn.

5thly, the most upset thing is: Because my classmate introduce our classmates to buy a USB saver - but a fake usb flash disk. It claims it is 16GB, but it isnot enough even 4GB. I have saved about 1000 photos in it. Before I turned off the computer, I saw they were there, then I deleted the backup. When about 15 days later, I just could see the folder, an empty folder, nothing were inside. I checked the answer on the net-just show: fake usb flash disk. Then, I have tried a lot of ways to scan and wanted to see them again. Unfortunately, the time has passed over about 15days, and I didnot save it on a non-system disk, and the most important is I have defrag the disk about 10 days ago. I worked for it 2 night, but... YOU KNOW, there are about over 200 photos travelling at Jiangmen, about some important disappeared old building in our local, and the most and most important is about 700 photos of our baby's everyday's life's record...

I hate those fake goods' maker, those trouble maker, those just like the money survivor.

Today(12th, September) is our traditional autumn festival(中秋節). In order to avoid crowded people in the restaurant, we selected to have a happy lunch instead of dinner this evening.

This evening's surprise: When I am complaining we couldnot see the traditional paper-lantern, suddenly in a local primary school nearby store, I glance a line of varity paper-lantern hanging over the door of store. Very warm.

Because of the rocketing price, this years's traditional food of Autumn Festival: Water chestnut(菱角-means smart), taro(芋头-means rich), River snail(田螺-means rich), Grapefruit(柚子means no failure)and moon cake(月饼-means reunion) , we just bought taro and moon cake. There is a little bit uncomfortable feeling in our memory.