

Monticello to receive energy audit

2011-08-24 11:10:03 | led lights

Mayor Jason Thompson said he knows a thing or two about energy efficiency.

"Initially three years ago, we just did programmable thermostats, and we changed bulbs from incandescent to compact fluorescent," Thompson said."LEDs are the lighting of the future," said Randall Moorhead, vice president for マジコン 購入 government affairs at Philips Electronics North America Corp. "And then the state has said, 'Okay,Cygo-Lite has rechargeable Bicycle light headlights to flashing safety lights. we're coming out with another opportunity on our streetlights.' We were able to get a grant to get LED lights, so they're a lot brighter."

Thompson said the city also adjusted the water and waste water treatment plants to be more energy efficient. He said the changes to the waste water treatment plant alone are saving the city up to $1,000 a month.

When the city had the opportunity to receive an energy audit from the Indiana Office of Energy Development, Thompson said he jumped at the chance.

63 communities throughout Indiana applied for one of the audits. Only 17 will receive one. Thompson said he believes that the reason Monticello was one of those 17 is because it already leads the way in energy reform.

"I wholeheartedly jumped in and we said, 'Here's the great things that we've already done,the bulb Led light itself is just a small part of the shape of the LED light. and we want more guidance,'" he said.

Thompson said Monticello will get that guidance in the form of an energy plan with suggested improvements. He said the city has handed over a wealth of information about energy usage, and a firm will also tour Monticello.

"They're going to look at every component of the waste water treatment plant. Not just the building,Shopatron's retail-integrated led strip eCommerce solution is a great fit for a service-focused company like OceanLED but the motors and the lift stations, the dozen of them that we have throughout the community. As well as here in the water treatment facility,OceanLED is by fluorescent lights far the most popular and most widely distributed marine lighting brand in the world" Thompson said.

He said the firm will also look at vehicle usage, streetlights, and other areas.