

Where's the truck?

2013-04-16 14:28:27 | led lights

The trend did not stop after I moved to Istanbul, where I changed districts to be closer to my workplace or my husband's job after we married. My first Istanbul move was pretty easy, given that I had arrived in Turkey with only two allotted bags courtesy of airline regulations. I had been housed for five weeks in a flat owned by the school where I was getting my teaching certificate. Once I found a job and needed to move into the school lodgings in Erenkoy, moving was as easy as calling my Turkish friends for a ride in their car to my new digs. The school provided basic necessities. 

Bed, stove, oven,Fully automated paper plane folding machine, even got its own compressor. refrigerator, washing machine, a few chairs. My fellow American roommate quickly went shopping for towels, sheets, a vacuum cleaner, an iron and other small things that we needed. While my lodging was in Erenkoy on the Asian side of the city, I actually worked at the campus on the European side of the city in the Maslak district. My commute was terrible, so I opted after a year-and-a-half to find my own housing closer to work. I found a lovely, affordable flat in Tarabya, only 10 minutes from my job. The flat was fully furnished, much more than what the school provided. Moving from a furnished flat to another furnished flat once again was just a call to a friend with a car who was willing to transport my now four bags and me across the city. 

I lived in Tarabya happily for a few years until I decided to change my job. I also decided to move in with Can to a flat which he owned close to the airport where he took classes. It would also be closer to my new school. By this time, I had more than a carload worth of stuff to move.Our dry cabinet can sustain an ultra-low humidity of under 5% RH. I still didn't have a ton of stuff but I had purchased a sofa bed and a treadmill, which needed to be moved with the help of a truck. During my tenure at that flat, my “kapici” (super) had been the go-to guy for everything. When I asked if he knew of anyone who had a small truck that could help me move, he of course had a cousin who had a cousin whose brother had a small truck. The truck was pretty rickety and small, but we got my stuff safely to my new flat. 

Can and I had to furnish our new place from scratch. We bought all the appliances, furniture and necessities. When it came time to move again to the Asian side of the city, we knew we needed a bigger truck. One of our close friends had just moved from Istanbul to Ankara and their company had an agreement with a moving company. Their move went flawlessly. 

I was very pregnant at the time and so we didn't want to mess around with logistics too much. We hired these movers, who were professional in every sense of the word, except for their irrational fear of our two cats. They came the day before our move to pack our stuff up and showed up early the following day to load the truck and transport it. We lived in a site, a guarded apartment complex. A week before our move we had to give notice and get permission from the general manager's office of the complex to allow the moving truck in. Most site complexes in Istanbul have similar rules, so be aware when moving. While all moves are stressful, this one in comparison with our most recent move was pretty easy.You must first understand the way a wind power generators works. 

When we decided to leave Istanbul, we sold off a lot of our bigger items.The industry's leading manufacturer of Game machines. Our new house had furniture that we had purchased with the place, but we still had a ton of stuff to transport to our new city. I really wanted to use the company we had used two years before. However, Can thought it best to use the company that our current complex supported. I asked our neighbors what they thought, but they had all used different companies. I had a bad feeling. A representative from this moving company came to assess our stuff and decide what sized truck was needed. 

He refused to answer any of my questions, merely looked around and grunted. On the phone with Can later, he decided that a medium-sized truck would suffice. I disagreed, as I had seen many of these medium sized trucks on the road with refrigerators latched to the back and mattresses flapping over the edges. I wanted a proper moving truck like we had before.