

Former Tory cabinet minister Lord Tebbit slams Cameron

2012-10-23 14:01:16 | led bulb

He insisted in a letter to the Prime Minister that he had not referred to an officer on the gate in Downing Street as either a 'pleb' or a 'moron' but acknowledged delivering, after being told he could not ride his bike through the main gates, the parting line.

He was swiftly replaced as chief whip by Sir George Young.

MPs from across the party have called on Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne to shake up 'the government machine', claiming that too many members of the Downing Street inner circle were 'teenagers' from privileged public school backgrounds with no knowledge of business or executive control.

Criticisms voiced yesterday focused on Cameron's closest advisers, including Ed Llewellyn, his old Etonian chief of staff, as well as the Downing Street communications team.

They claimed the quality-control mechanism in Downing Street was broken, failing to spot potential difficulties and aid Cameron to make the right decisions.

A Tory MP told The Sunday Times: 'I feel very strongly that accusations of being out of touch is so right. We need to look at the sort of people who are forming policies - these are not the people who go to Sainsbury's regularly, or understand the cost of childcare. They haven't got a clue. It doesn't help that Cameron and Osborne are both privileged public school boys.'

David Ruffley, a senior member of the Treasury select committee,This tile roof machine can rollform metal roofing step tile. told the newspaper No 10 needed to 'tighten up the machine' and change personnel.

He said: 'There have been unforced errors made. We can look at the budget, we can look at the rail network. In every case it has been ministers culpable.

'This disgruntlement on the back benches is not just about this Andrew Mitchell resignation. I would expect the prime minister to shore up the government machine.'

The alliance of Tory MPs making up about half of the party which decided Mr Mitchell's fate has been dubbed the 'battle of the tea room'.In a elevator cable system, steel cables bolted to the car loop over a sheave.

Witnesses to the unsettled scenes in the Commons tea room and the 1922 Committee meeting last week said the majority of the 148 MPs elected to Westminster two years ago had 'signed his death warrant' by relinquishing support for the Chief Whip.

According to The Independent On Sunday, one MP recalled 'they hit as a pack', while another said Mr Mitchell 'was trying to be charming but was given the cold shoulder'.

'There was blood on the carpet', said another MP,SQ Series Metal flattening machine is the accessory machine for expanded metal shearing machine. as Tory Deputy Chief Whip John Randall told MPs that Mr Mitchell had damaged the interests of the party and threatened to resign if the Chief Whip did not.A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor Solar carport. The MP added: 'It was clear then he wouldn't last the week.'

At a union rally in Hyde Park today, Labour leader Ed Miliband said the Government remained on the wrong path despite Mr Mitchell's resignation.

'Andrew Mitchell may finally have resigned, but the culture of two nations runs right across this government.

'They cut taxes for millionaires,Metal roofing roll forming machine from Englert. and raise taxes for ordinary families. They leave young people out of work while the bonuses at the banks carry on.
