【Nuts or CM】 懐かしい昭和のCMの話 & TV-CM動画収集ファイルの覚書き



 1989年頃の映像が飛び出してきて、思わず懐かしい衝撃を受けてしまった。特にTVCMの部分が私の心を動かした。そこで、何とかしてこの映像を保存しておかなくてはと思い、1999年の初めにビデオキャプチャボードを買い自宅にある数十本のVHSテープからキャプチャーを開始した。その当時のパソコンの性能(Pentium II 400MHz)からして、その作業はかなりキツかった。HDDも10GBそこそこ。キャプチャはコマが落ちたり。編集して保存するにも、圧縮するにも時間がかかり。夜な夜な砂時計と「にらめっこ」の日々は続いた。

The "T" in "JT" is the "t" in "tabaco(cigarette)"

2023年03月06日 21時55分14秒 | 未分類

I translated and re-uploaded the article that was uploaded in 2006.

It's about recent TV commercials for tobacco products, but JT (Japan Tobacco) hardly promotes their tobacco products. Recently, it's almost non-existent. Most of the commercials seem to be filled with advertisements for tobacco manners, corporate image, and beverage commercials such as coffee, "roots" and "peach natural water," "drinking tea house," "green tea," and "senoby." Additionally, the company name is only listed as "JT" and not "Japan Tobacco." Is this also due to the times? Is it shameful to display their own company name? While it has long been said that smoking is bad for one's health, even opinion advertisements from the Japan Medical Association have begun airing on TV saying "smoking is also bad for the people around you." Smoking areas are getting smaller and moving to inconvenient places, and it's becoming a difficult situation for smokers. As someone who doesn't smoke at all, I don't know the struggles that smokers are going through. By the way, my father, who has been smoking for 40 years, has quit smoking at home. He quit perfectly. According to him, he's not quitting smoking, he's just taking a break from it. He said that if he didn't stop smoking with a relaxed attitude, he would feel pressured. 
 Returning to the topic of TV commercials, in the 1980s, when TV commercials for tobacco products were still aired, most of them featured foreigners (mostly white people with blond hair) smoking comfortably, as if in a scene from a foreign movie. Among them, the most impressive one for me is the TV commercial for "LARK."

(Cigarette)JT Mild coded. Lark Speak LARK 1988

In the commercial, a man appears in a suspicious trading place. Another man, identical to him, appears and they both show their photos to the trade partner, who is at a loss as to which one is the real person. Then, an idea for confirmation appears. The trade partner offers a cigar to one of them, and one of the men immediately tries to light it with a lighter. However, the other man takes out a "LARK" and says, "Speak LARK!" The man with the lighter is exposed as a fake and taken away. The actor played two roles in the commercial, but back then, it was impossible to process it with computer graphics (CG), so it was obvious that one of them was wearing a mask.

The story of the "trigger" that started collecting nostalgic commercials

2023年03月06日 18時56分37秒 | 未分類

I translated and re-uploaded the article that was uploaded in 2006.

Looking back, it was probably the end of the year in 1998 when I was organizing my room. I was thinking of disposing of some old VHS videotapes and decided to check their contents before doing so. It was when I played the tape that I was hit by a nostalgic shock from the footage from around 1989, especially the TV commercial part that moved me. I thought I had to somehow save this footage, so I bought a video capture board at the beginning of 1999 and started capturing it from dozens of VHS tapes I had at home. The work was quite hard due to the performance of the computer at the time (Pentium II 400MHz) and the HDD capacity was only about 10GB. Sometimes frames dropped during capture, and it took time to edit and compress the footage for saving. I continued to stare at the hourglass and my computer screen night after night.


The first TV commercial that captured my heart was this one:
"Fuji Color SUPER HR Minamino Yoko ♪ Hideaki Tokunaga, 1987"

Minamino Yoko is wearing a light purple cardigan and staring intently while Hideaki Tokunaga sings "Shining~♪" (Minamino was really cute back then).


"Lion Page One Nishimura Tomomi ♪ Alfee, around 1987"

Although she is now labeled as the originator of natural stupidity, at the time, I feel like she was still a legitimate idol. I think it was around the time of her debut (the dates may be inaccurate since they rely on my memory).


Then, my friend D got hooked on this one:

"JT Libera Mild"

It features a line of blonde women on stage who turn into the screen and the letters LIBERA are highlighted by spotlights. The hands and feet are also shaped like LIBERA. Does anyone remember this?


And then I thought of something at that time. "Won't the TV commercials we're watching now become nostalgic footage someday?" It's actually true. Looking back, what happened at that time has already become nostalgic. In the end, I decided to proceed with capturing old VHS tapes and TV commercials from that time in parallel. And now, I have collected 20,000 TV commercials (as of 2006).


2018年09月09日 16時50分36秒 | 未分類











① 防災の日にテレビで見たペットボトル・ランタンを見よう見真似でやってみた。(A4コピー用紙はワタシのアイディア。時代劇の夜のシーンを参考にした)

② レジ袋を被せることで「光の点」が目に直接入らなくなり瞳孔が塞がり難くなり暗くても少ない明かりで暗い場所が見え易くなったと思う。「防災の日」ごろのテレビでちょっと見たと思う


③ 9月6日の18:40には、こーなった。(北海道は日本列島の比較的東側に位置するので本州や四国・九州より日没が早いと思う)

④ 実はこんなローソク立てを作って用意していた。しかし、ラジオからの情報で「復電の時の電気火災とロウソク火災に気をつけてください。」という情報を聞いたので、初日は余震の発生も心配だったので、急遽ロウソクから懐中電灯に置き換えた。(ロウソク立ては『花畑牧場の生キャラメル』の空箱がたまたまあったので釘を立てて利用した。雪印6Pチーズの空箱でも代用できるんじゃないかな?アルミホイルはロウソクの炎に対する耐火性ではなく灯りの反射を考えてのこと)反射板のアルミホイルはあえてやんわりクシャククシャにして乱反射するように細工してからA4コピー用紙にホチキス止めをして器にマスキングテープで止めた。

⑤ アルミホイルの反射板がロウソクの灯りを乱反射させて『通常のロウソクの3倍の光量が出ています!』

⑥ 二日目の夜には、色々考えてロウソク2本でここまでにしたところで、停電が解消されました。猫よけみたいな水をつめたペットボトルは意外と効果がありました。断水しなかったので、「断水してしまう前に!」用意したペットボトルを活用しました。2リットルのペットボトルは災害用に空のペットボトルだけを保管していました。出来るだけ光を多く反射するようにペットボトルの後に白いA4のコピー用紙を並べているだけです。(6年前にリフォームする際、リビングの壁と天井のクロスはこのような災害を想定して、より多くの光を反射する無地の白色にしてもらいました)