【Nuts or CM】 懐かしい昭和のCMの話 & TV-CM動画収集ファイルの覚書き



 1989年頃の映像が飛び出してきて、思わず懐かしい衝撃を受けてしまった。特にTVCMの部分が私の心を動かした。そこで、何とかしてこの映像を保存しておかなくてはと思い、1999年の初めにビデオキャプチャボードを買い自宅にある数十本のVHSテープからキャプチャーを開始した。その当時のパソコンの性能(Pentium II 400MHz)からして、その作業はかなりキツかった。HDDも10GBそこそこ。キャプチャはコマが落ちたり。編集して保存するにも、圧縮するにも時間がかかり。夜な夜な砂時計と「にらめっこ」の日々は続いた。

The story of the "trigger" that started collecting nostalgic commercials

2023年03月06日 18時56分37秒 | 未分類

I translated and re-uploaded the article that was uploaded in 2006.

Looking back, it was probably the end of the year in 1998 when I was organizing my room. I was thinking of disposing of some old VHS videotapes and decided to check their contents before doing so. It was when I played the tape that I was hit by a nostalgic shock from the footage from around 1989, especially the TV commercial part that moved me. I thought I had to somehow save this footage, so I bought a video capture board at the beginning of 1999 and started capturing it from dozens of VHS tapes I had at home. The work was quite hard due to the performance of the computer at the time (Pentium II 400MHz) and the HDD capacity was only about 10GB. Sometimes frames dropped during capture, and it took time to edit and compress the footage for saving. I continued to stare at the hourglass and my computer screen night after night.


The first TV commercial that captured my heart was this one:
"Fuji Color SUPER HR Minamino Yoko ♪ Hideaki Tokunaga, 1987"

Minamino Yoko is wearing a light purple cardigan and staring intently while Hideaki Tokunaga sings "Shining~♪" (Minamino was really cute back then).


"Lion Page One Nishimura Tomomi ♪ Alfee, around 1987"

Although she is now labeled as the originator of natural stupidity, at the time, I feel like she was still a legitimate idol. I think it was around the time of her debut (the dates may be inaccurate since they rely on my memory).


Then, my friend D got hooked on this one:

"JT Libera Mild"

It features a line of blonde women on stage who turn into the screen and the letters LIBERA are highlighted by spotlights. The hands and feet are also shaped like LIBERA. Does anyone remember this?


And then I thought of something at that time. "Won't the TV commercials we're watching now become nostalgic footage someday?" It's actually true. Looking back, what happened at that time has already become nostalgic. In the end, I decided to proceed with capturing old VHS tapes and TV commercials from that time in parallel. And now, I have collected 20,000 TV commercials (as of 2006).