
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Haunted House

2006年10月28日 | Weblog
I don’t like a haunted house (obakeyashiki) so much….but today I tried to go a haunted house in the downtown. I don’t know a lot about it, but maybe I think it is opened only during Halloween.

There are three haunted houses in the hall, and they have different themes, like an old hospital, a clown’s house, and a prison.

We went to the old hospital at first. It was so scary. I was always screaming. Especially when some skeletons popped out in front of me because I couldn’t see anything in the dark. So of course I didn’t notice what happened around me in the dark. That’s why I was so surprised at the skeleton who appeared suddenly right in front of me when light was turned on. I was almost falling because of the surprise. Also Sadako was sitting on the floor, although the theme of the haunted house was an old hospital in Americawww I thought Japanese ghost like Sadako is scarier than American one.

I was almost satisfied with the first haunted house already, but of course I tried to go to another one in order not to waste of money I paid at the entrance.

The next one was like a “clown’s house.” It was a little less scary than the first one fortunately. After coming out of it, the most thing I remembered of the house was a “panda man.” Actually I’m not sure if he is a worker as a ghost there or just a visitor, but he was so funny. He is a short man, wearing a panda costume, and speaking to anybody coming there. The funniest thing of him is that he has no motivation to work as a ghost. He was just walking around there and sometimes speaking to people without letting them funny or scary…just talking to people with no motivation. That’s why I couldn’t tell if he is a worker or just a visitor, and even now I can’t tell. Anyway the second house was also scary. The panda man, who was near the entrance, was a only part I felt funny. Thank you “Panda man”, though you didn’t have any motivation for your work!! A kind of good job!!

And the last house we went to was like a prison, where were a lot of skeletons closed in jails. Before entering it, I heard someone says, “This is the scariest one among three.” Really!? Are you serious!? I really didn’t want to believe my ears. Also the long line for the house made me scarier, because I heard a lot of screaming of someone who is surprised at something from the house in lining for it. After lining for a long time, our turn was coming. Actually it was sometimes too dark to see anything, so we griped the others’ shoulder so that we are like a train. It was a kind of fun.

An American haunted house was a little different from Japanese one, though I don’t know what it is. I thing Japanese one is scarier than American one, because I could keep my eyes open almost all the time in the haunted house today. When I tried Japanese one, I couldn’t open my eyes. I don’t mean American one is not scary. It was scary enough for me. I mean Japanese one is tooooooooo scary for me.


2 コメント

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Unknown (ちえみ)
2006-10-30 22:20:35




Unknown (なつこ)
2006-10-31 09:37:15
ちえみ~!! めずらしく文章をちゃんと読んでくれたのかい!?w

そうだよねー、もうすぐ就活だよね>< 頑張れ~^^ 体重はこっち来て一回しかまだ量ってないんだよね・・・。そろそろ二回目の体重チェックした方がいいよねw