
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年11月04日 | Weblog
Oyako-don…I have never thought deeply about oyako-don. But it’s a sad story, I realized that when I explained oyako-don to Seira, who is a conversation partner with me. Sometimes I meet her to help her Japanese assignment. And today we went to a Japanese restaurant together by her car.

The atmosphere of the restaurant was much similar to that in Japan. At the moment we entered the restaurant, a clerk said to us “irassyaimase!!” And she guided us to our table. It was completely a Japanese style. Suddenly I missed Japan. Anyway, after sitting the table, we began to select own order. It was a difficult decision for me. Udon? Donburi? Sushi? I haven’t eaten Japanese noodle, udon, for a long time, so I really wanted to eat it….but my final decision was Oyako-don.

Of course, Seira didn’t know oyako-don, so I explained it to her. 親is “parents,” and 子is ”children.” That means chicken and egg, because chicken breeds eggs. So the relationship of chicken and eggs is a kind of parents and children. That’s why we call it oyako-don, which is a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs. When she knew about that, she said “it’s a sad story.” Exactly, though I have never thought so deeply….but it was a funny story that finally she ordered oyako-don, a sad story rice!!

Soon after we ordered two oyako-don, the clerk served us miso-soup and salad with Japanese dressing. Good taste. After a while, today’s main dish “oyako-don” came to our table!! The taste was completely same as real Japanese one. But the volume was much more than real Japanese one, though I ate all of it because I thought I’ll not be able to eat such a Japanese taste for a long time. Today I was satisfied with oyako-don, and also I realized the sad story of it.


2 コメント

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Unknown (ゆか)
2006-11-28 00:53:14
Unknown (なつこ)
2006-11-29 20:16:22
そうそう、私もそう思った!! でも、アメリカ人は結構みそスープの味にうるさいんだよ★ インスタントはおいしくないってみんな言ってる!! 私結構好きなんだけどな~笑。