
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年10月24日 | Weblog
Today I seemed to be in the Saudi Arabia, not in the United States. Yes, today was the special day for Muslim people, because they finished one of their important religious activity, Ramadan yesterday. That is to say, from today they can eat and drink anytime even when the sun was seen.

During Ramadan, they couldn’t eat and drink anything until the sun set and it becomes dark. I couldn’t understand what they are doing it for. But they said to me, “we are doing it to appreciate what we are eating everyday without thinking specially.” They mean they can know the importance of foods by placing some restrictions on their eating. But even after hearing so from them, I couldn't understand clearly. I thought it is difficult to understand the different cultures; especially it’s concerned with a religion. They stopped eating and drinking anything during this month in day time, but mysteriously they seemed to be enjoying their situation.

Anyway, they can eat and drink anything and anytime from today. So to celebrate the ending of Ramadan, they had a kind of ceremony,EID, in the dining hall in the evening. The dining hall was much more crowded than I had expected. There were Arabian dance, Arabian calligraphy, and, of course, Arabian foods there. Actually I saw some Arabian guys dancing in the hall lounge the last night, so the dance itself didn’t make me surprised so much. Also Arabian calligraphy didn’t because they sometimes teach me some Arabian words and letters. They were not fresh and new for me. Of course, they were so enjoyable for me though. I thought afresh that I’m touching and getting to know Arabian culture here everyday without knowing!! Wow!

By the way, it was a heartwarming scene that they are working hard for the ceremony. Also they looked very cute in their traditional white clothes and turbaned heads. Actually they looked more intelligent than usual, although they are always noisy in the classroom… I wish their motivation for study were also high...


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Unknown (ゆか)
2006-11-28 00:41:48