
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Long-Distance Runner

2006年05月20日 | Weblog
Today I was very tired, though I don't know why...
Till 2 p.m., I was printing the June resume of my club at student hall, and after that I went to work part-time I ran and ran and ran from the student hall to the Takadanobaba station, from the Tanashi station to my dormitory, from the domitory to the Tanashi station again, and from the Higashihushimi station to the shop where I work Very very tired. I should have enough time to do anything, I often think recently. Yesterday I also ran Do I run too much!?...as if I'm a long-distance runnner...ww
But I can consume much calories, yeah... though I don't want to run anymore It's a good excercise, I know... but it makes me very very tired. I'm sleepy Good night


2 コメント

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おつかりんこー (なお)
2006-05-21 23:48:10

私みたいにジムに行かなくても日ごろから鍛えてるんだ?笑 今日は暑かったでしょ?

Unknown (なつこ)
2006-05-22 00:38:31
めっちゃ走ったよ なおちゃんもジムに行くより、時間に余裕を持たない1日の方が絶対運動不足解消できるから 是非是非 ってあまりオススメはしませんww