
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

She Came Finally

2006年11月22日 | Weblog
She arrived at Lewis & Clark college finally!! She was one of classmates in Japan, and now she is studying at Southern Oregon University. We hadn’t met each other for a long time, so I couldn’t wait her arrival before she came here.

But sadly it took more time than usual for her to come here from SOU, because the road seemed to be very crowded. I had heard that everyone goes back to his/her home town on Thanks giving break though. Anyway, we could meet finally here. wonderful!!! She said that it took about 6 hours to come here. WOW!! Thank you so much for coming all the crowded way, Nao-chan!!

She came here by her friend’s car. But at the first time I met him, Austine, when Nao and him got off his car, I didn’t imagine that I could be such a good friend with him only during this short break. He looked very big guy, yes just big...I thought that at that time. But actually, he was so kind, funny, and told me a lot of English words. I hope the words he told me during this break help me greatly in my daily life. The words are mainly bad words though. Also he told me a lot of gestures. Yeah, it should be very useful in my daily life. Maybe…

Anyway, we chatted almost all the night!! Topics to talk didn’t run out at all!! This was the first day of our Thanks giving break!! Awesome


2 コメント

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Unknown (なお)
2006-12-01 09:12:54
アーロンに″Whatever"てジェスチャーつきでやってみたら?笑 きっとびっくりすると思うよ。 
Unknown (なつこ)
2006-12-15 14:10:37
なおちゃん、どのやつのことを言ってるんだい?? もしや、シュ~ッ!のやつ!?笑 次会うのはサンフランシスコだね~★