
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年03月27日 | Weblog
 In this morning, vacantly I watched TV. And the TV program introduced a new movie, DORAEMON Nobita no Kyouryuu. It seems to have been remade to 2006 version.
Some TV personalities said that it was a so emotional movie. In fact I also was impressed and moved to tears, though I watched only a short introduction of the movie.ww
Surely I will be impressed in seeing whole the movie I want to go to see it, but I am a little ashamed to do so. I wonder that there are many children loving DORAEMON...among them can I bear seeing DORAEMON in such a situation Look for one who go with meww
You shouldn't look down on DORAEMON because of animation for children!! There is a deep story even adults can be addicted to, I think.
By the way, I rented a video of....after all...DORAEMON.ww I'm satisfied with it for the present.


2 コメント

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Unknown (チェミー)
2006-03-29 13:52:33
I also think DORAEMON's new movie is very good story I cried to see the movie "Nobita no kekkon zenya" in my junior high(maybe) There will be many children to see it. But we are over 20… It is better to rent a video



Unknown (ナッツン)
2006-03-30 08:39:00

のびたの結婚前夜私も見た あれも本当に感動的 いやぁドラえもんてやっぱ奥深いものがありますな(笑)

