
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Badminton with Coworker

2006年03月04日 | Weblog
I haven't written my blog in English for long time...ww
So today I'll do so

Today I played badminton with some coworkers, with whom I am working part-time as a clerk in a clothing store. It was very funny to play it with them, because I am not so friendly with them until now. I felt that they were just only coworkers and usually topics of our conversations were about merchandise of UNIQLO. So to play with them itself was surprising for me!!

Anyway, this badminton plan was successful We enjoyed and decided to play again. ww In my opinion, I was a litele happy to be seen as a person with experience playing badminton not a beginer My badminton skill is still not good, but among this members I could be a coach and teach some skills as my club members taught me some skills One of this members called me "MASTER!!"...ww Thank you, sir

After that, we went to eat Yakiniku at Gyuukaku Very very delicious It was lucky to be able to hear some of inside stories of them. And after all I paid only 75 yen...it was very lucky I was satisfied that.

I could enjoy badminton and Yakiniku very much But the most important thing is not it but to notice that my coworkers were funny and good persons, because until now I haven't much liked them so I built a kind of wall betweem them and me... Following this, perhaps my feeling not to want to go working part-time will decrease...though I can't still like sewing pants by sewing machine
