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Russia’s best ballerina to dance in Rome

2009年12月13日 | Weblog


The perfect performance: Russia’s best ballerina to dance in Rome

Published 27 November, 2009, 16:36

Svetlana Zakharova, the star of world ballet and the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, is on tour in the Italian capital.

On November 27, Zakharova will dance the premier performance of the outstanding classical ballet “Swan Lake” – staged by Galina Samsonova – on the stage of the Rome Opera House. All tickets to the shows featuring the famous Russian ballerina are sold out.

Italy already knows Russia’s brilliant ballerina Zakharova as she has been performing in Milan’s La Scala. Ballet lovers consider her a perfect example of a ballet dancer and wait anxiously to see Zakharova on stage.

“I am happy that Swan Lake, one of the masterpieces of classical choreography, is being staged in Rome,” Svetlana Zaharova told RIA Novosti news agency.

“This immortal ballet is such a favorite among both the spectators and the cast. Traditional editions are no less interesting than the contemporary versions. I have danced as Odette-Odile for many years in many version, and each time I feel great pleasure. I am glad that I can share it with the Italian admirers of classical ballet.”


