臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

desirable environment 理想的な環境 1

2020-01-07 | Diary of a saucy kid

When RyuTanMan was born, I declared to my husband that he should be bilingual in English and Japanese.  

My husband was laughing and said like, "Are you serious? There is no way he can be, 'cause we are both Japanese."

Maybe most of people believe that the better way is one of parents is English speaker and the other one is Japanese speaker.

However, recently, I realized that it is more desirable environment for growing bilingual that the parents are the same language speakers.

During my boy was an infant, Dad and I tried to talk to him in English priority, so that he accepted English naturally.

I considered that as long as living in Japan, he would learn Japanese sooner or later.

Of course, he participated in certain English conversation school when he was half and 1 year-old to get enough English, even though he could not speak at all.

A nice surprise was that my son took to the European teachers, and was never shy.

He never took to Japanese neighbors, and cried loudly everywhere.

You know, many babies of that age, have the term of shyness.    

Might be it was affected by my husband appearance that looks like half European....

(To be continued)

