∞開運ひとりごと♪~強運人生一本道∞ ☆(・∀・)!


11月29日(木)のつぶやき その1

2012-11-30 | ツイッターでつぶやき

おはようございます♪ どうぞお許しくださいませ 天晴れ!天晴れ!


相互フォローよろしくお願い致します #followme #followmejp

Spiritual insight gained through prayer is the seed of the fulfillment of your hopes.by masaharu taniguchi

Gratitude will cause even a barren desert to produce ab undantly. by masaharu taniguchi

Looking through myself with spiritual eyes, I see my entire being filled with the spiritual light of health. by masaharu taniguchi

Be grateful to the mystic power of Life that sustains you today . by masaharu taniguchi

The secret of education is to awaken man to his good points. by masaharu taniguchi

Praise is the sunshine to dispel the dark clouds. by masaharu taniguchi

I now see my DIVINE SELF with spiritual eyes. by masaharu taniguchi

Open your eyes! Awaken to the Truth! All that you require is within you. by masaharu taniguchi

True love marches silently forward with farreaching benefits of mankind. by masaharu taniguchi

Thoughts are seeds. When you cherish loving thoughts within, divine order is naturally established without. by masaharu taniguchi

Man is the blossoming of Universal Life. by masaharu taniguchi

I am grateful to all things in the Universe; therefore, Health and Prosperity are naturally mine. by masaharu taniguchi

Be Happy! Be joyous! Happiness is infectious; it echoes and re-echoes. by masaharu taniguchi

With firm determination I pursue the realization of my ideals. by masaharu taniguchi

Man is joined in oneness with the grand Life of the Universe. by masaharu taniguchi

Let us use good words in abundance like a shower of beautiful flower petals. by masaharu taniguchi

What you seek already lies within your hands. by masaharu taniguchi

Heaven is found in a grateful mind. by masaharu taniguchi

It is the wise man who can do the ordinary. by masaharu taniguchi


面白いことを考えてしまいました。明日から実験してみます! わくわくを少しでも感じたことを実践してみることは楽しいことですね。また「目標に対してのできることは何か?」を常に考えてゆきたいと思いました。


