

ジョージア工科大のセミナー 2003年秋

2007-09-07 14:09:25 | Weblog
ジョージア工科大のセミナー 2003年秋

Network Measurements seminar


Traffic characterization (protocol & application mix, flow sizes, packet sizes, etc)
Presenter: Amogh Dhamdhere

Delay and loss measurements and modeling
Presenter: Sanjeev Dwivedi

Per-hop and end-to-end capacity estimation
Presenter: Ravi Prasad

Available bandwidth estimation
Presenter: Manish Jain

TCP-related measurements
Presenter: Charles Simpson (Robby)

Internet traffic predictability (stationarity, "constancy", etc)
Presenter: Zhongtang Cai

Network distance estimation
Presenter: Sridhar Srinivasan

Internet traffic variability (long-range dependency effects)
Presenter: Dheeraj reddy

Flow measurements (counting, sampling, etc)
Presenter: Abhishek Kumar

Interdomain routing reliability measurements
Presenter: Srini Seetharaman

Interdomain routing performance measurements
Presenter: Xenofontas Dimitropoulos

Measurements in overlay networks
Presenter: Cameron Craddock

Traffic matrix estimation and applications in traffic engineering
Presenter: Mehmet Umut Demircin

Internet topology measurements
Presenter: Yang Chen

Network tomography
Presenter: Christos Gkantsidis

Use of measurements in anomaly detection (flash crowds, DDOS attacks, etc)
Presenter: Bugra Gedik

DNS measurements
Presenter: Hua Huang

Web performance measurements
Presenter: Yi Ma

Measurement-based admission control
Presenter: Parag Shah

Measurements of peer-to-peer systems/applications
Presenter: Pradnya Karbhari

Measurements of streaming/multimedia/gaming applications
Presenter: Ali Cengiz Begen