

pulling the strings behind the the scenes in cyberspace is the company you all know, yahoo

2017-12-10 14:24:26 | 悲しみと愛
l,m being attacked from cyberspace.The one doing the attacking is a name you all know,yahoo.
l'd like to remain anonymous.Even now, l'm being attacked every day from cyberspace,but
yahoo is behind it somehow. l am a blogger, and l have written about it every day on my blog from
the very start.
l had also been writting a Rakuten blog,and since the number of people reading my blog had increased,by chance,l got an email telling me that my blog's ranking had gone up.Ever since then ,viruses from cyberspace have been attacking me.The people from the blog company helped me, but to no avail. l wracked my own brains, and it was all l could do to continue writting my blog.
lt continued for a half-year,then a year.
My pictures are deleted,and it won't let me upgrade my my version of windows. l'm blocked from the internet.My software is deleted. l'm blocked from posting on my blog,blocked from posting on Twitter, and blocked from Facebook. l was blocked from everything. Yahoo's cyberspace lets in evil information and posts it on the internet.l haven't done anything wrong.But from yahoo cyberspace, many people are using viruses or force to delete software and commit fraud. lt's been happening for almost 10 years, l won't stand for it any more.
l consulted with the police more than just one or two times. The way the internet industry is now, the laws are two lenient, and there's nothing that the people can do.
How did l know it was Yahoo? when l went to the Yahoo auction site, l was suddently attacked, my computer stopped functioning, and the viruses flower in. l didn't even get a single word from Yahoo
saying they wanted to tighten control of my blog.
lt feels like they're expelling one single human out of the computer industry by fore. l bet that Yahoo has something like a black list. They don't deal just in computers, but they've gotten their hands into cellphones and other stuff. l thought maybe outside my home l would try using Android wifi, but l bet they can capture your lp address using sateffites. lt wasn't long before l was being attacked outside too.
You would not belive how well- know this big corporation Yahoo is. Regardless of whether it's night or day, they attack. What is it l've done?
All l did was write a blog. lf you don't like it, tell Google, and have them delete everything on my blog. Yahoo is an arrogant company. They round up weak people,and attack them. They don't listen to people wishes, and tiihink they can use power to do what they lik. They're violating our human rights.
' This person is weak' When attacked psychologically, there's nothing you can do. Strong people thing of that kind of thing. in a weak county, when the people give in to the unjust power, it's all over. We must fight the unjust power no matter what it takes. There are countless people around the world suffering from hunger. Why is that❓ Because they want to live as long as they can. This is a human right that everyone has. Nobody can infringe uppn that.
l've been getting attacked from cyber space for 10years. There's only so much that someone can take. When l go on Twitter for just a while, l get attacked. l can't even login now. They're trying to confine me by force. l only wish that the people in the media would print how l am suffering every day. please understand what l'm suffering, and help me somehow.
Is it OK to be stupid in a world filled with evil people? I want to know if there's anyone virtous here.
I can't even exchange information by email. yahoo's awful email deleted everthing. They're interfering with my computer. Even now, a powerful virus has gotten into my Android cellphone, and I can't use it.
It's the same as coming into some stranger's home uninvited. You would't try going into a stranger's house in America. They allow you to shoot to kill in self-defense to protect yourself. people's rights have to be protected.


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