Business English Study

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Survey about sleeping was conducted

2007-11-05 15:57:28 | Reading
Japanese sleeping less, working more, gov't survey shows

The average amount of sleep Japanese people get each night has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years, while working hours have increased, a survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has shown.

The results of the ministry's basic survey on social life indicate that many Japanese are working hard but not getting enough sleep.

The survey is conducted every five years, questioning about 180,000 people aged 10 or over from roughly 80,000 households. The amount of sleep people in Japan get has been falling among both men and women ever since the first survey was conducted in 1986.

People aged between 45 and 49 got the least amount of sleep, with the average standing at 7 hours, 5 minutes a night. Next was a group of people aged between 40 and 44, who got an average of 7 hours, 9 minutes sleep each night.

Sleeping the longest was the group of people aged 85 or over, who got 9 hours, 47 minutes of shut-eye on average.

The survey also showed that working hours were increasing. Up until 2001, the amount of time people spent working had fallen, but a turnabout was subsequently seen with an increase in 2006, when the latest survey was conducted.

Regular workers and employees worked for an average of 7 hours, 11 minutes a day -- an increase of 15 minutes compared with five years earlier. Other employees worked for an average of 4 hours, 27 minutes a day, marking an increase of 13 minutes.

The overall average amount of time people spent on meals each day was 1 hour, 39 minutes -- 1 minute more than five years before, but when restricted to the groups of people aged between 45 and 64, the amount fell by between 1 and 3 minutes on average.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications : 総務省
Social life : 社会生活
Conduct : 行う
Roughly : およそ
Houeshold : 家族、世帯
Shut-eye : 一眠り
Up until : -まで
Turnabout : 方向転換
Subsequently : その後に、その次に
Regular worker : 常用労働者
Employee : 会社員
Restrict to : 制限する
Meal : 食事

Jockey Yutaka Take notches up 3,000th JRA win

2007-11-05 00:55:49 | Reading
Top jockey Yutaka Take clocked up his 3,000th Japan Racing Association (JRA) win on Saturday, becoming the first to achieve the record.

The 38-year-old jockey reached the milestone when he finished first in a race in Kyoto on Saturday.

Take made his debut in March 1987. In July 1995, he notched up his 1,000th win, and he reached the 2,000-win mark in record time in September 2002, becoming the youngest jockey with that many wins.

In July this year, he broke the record for the most number of JRA wins when he surged past the 2,943 wins set by 59-year-old former jockey Yukio Okabe, who retired in March 2005.

Former jockey Takemi Sasaki, who retired in 2001, still holds the all-time record for local racing, with 7,151 victories.

notch up : 達成する
click up : 記録する
milestone : 筋目、画期的な出来事
make a debut : デビューする
surge : -を波立たせる
all-time record : 史上最高記録

Movies & Television (P31-P32)

2007-11-05 00:31:00 | English Conversation
jewish : ユダヤ人の
jew : ユダヤ人
rid : -から取り除く
would have to say : -と言わざるを得ない
crazy about : -に夢中である
stand for : -を表す
extraterrestrial : 地球外生物

<Talk about Movies / Partner A>
1. How often do you go to the movie theater ?
I go to the movie a few times a year.
Especially, after I have had a child opportunity clearly decreased.
What about you ?

2. Which is better, watching movies at the theater or watching movies at home ?
Recently I like watching movies at home more than at the theater.
I have two reasons.
First, I don't have much time to watch movie.
Second, I cannot afford to watch movies at the theater.
What about you ?

3. What kind of movies do you like ?
I like suspense, historical and comedies
On the other hand I dislike horror.
What about you ?

4. What the best movie you've ever seen ?
My best movie is "Catch Me If You Can".
That is Skinner's story.
Leading actress is Leonard Willhelm DiCaprio who is very cool.
I like this movie's story.
What about you ?

5. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once at a movie theater ?
No, I have not.
Even if there was a great movie, I would not see the same movie more than once at a movie theater.
What about you ?

6. Have you ever bought the soundtrack from a movie ?
Yes I have.
Quite a few years ago, I bought the soundtrack of "Back to the future".
What about you ?

7. Who is your favorite actor?
About an actor, I like Leonard Willhelm DiCaprio.
Because, he is cool.
About an actress, I like Miranda Otto who appears the "Road Of The Ling" that is representative example.

8. Who is your favorite movie director ?
I like Yan-De-Bon Whose representative movie is "SPEED".
Except SPEED, another movie is "Black Rain" or "Tomb Raider".

9. Besides America and Japan, what other country has produced movies that you like ?
Suffice it to say that I like France.
For example Taxi is funny movie that was made by Luc Besson.
What about you ?