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Death Sentence

2007-11-06 16:43:24 | Reading
Death sentence upheld for man who killed 2 housewives in Kanagawa
The death sentence was confirmed for a man convicted of murdering two housewives after the top court dismissed an appeal on Tuesday filed by the defendant.

Koichi Shoji, 53, an unemployed man of no fixed address, will be sent to the gallows for killing two housewives in murder cases in Yamato, Kanagawa Prefecture, in 2001.
The third petty bench of the Supreme Court rejected Shoji's appeal on Tuesday, which confirmed the death sentence he was handed by the lower courts. Earlier rulings convicted Shoji of burglary and murder in the 2001 murder cases.

In handing down the ruling on Tuesday, the judge said, "The defendant's responsibility is extremely grave for killing two innocent people brutally during a short period of time."

Death sentence : 死刑判決
Uphold : 進展する、支持する
Confirm : 確認する、承認する
Convict : 有罪判決を出す
Top court : 最高司法府
Dismiss : 解放する、解任する、追放する、退ける
Appeal : 上訴
File : 提起する
Defendant : 被告人
Gallow : 絞首刑
In murder case : 殺人事件
Third petty bench : 第三小法廷
Petty : 小さい
Bench : 法廷
Hand : -を手渡す
Lower court : 下級裁判所
Earlier : 前の
Ruling : 判決
Burglary : 窃盗、泥棒
Hand down : (判決を)言い渡す
Judge : 裁判官、判事
Resonsibility : 責任、義務
Extremely : 極度に
Grave : 重大な、深刻な
Brutally : 残酷に