Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Movies & Television (P31-P32)

2007-11-05 00:31:00 | English Conversation
jewish : ユダヤ人の
jew : ユダヤ人
rid : -から取り除く
would have to say : -と言わざるを得ない
crazy about : -に夢中である
stand for : -を表す
extraterrestrial : 地球外生物

<Talk about Movies / Partner A>
1. How often do you go to the movie theater ?
I go to the movie a few times a year.
Especially, after I have had a child opportunity clearly decreased.
What about you ?

2. Which is better, watching movies at the theater or watching movies at home ?
Recently I like watching movies at home more than at the theater.
I have two reasons.
First, I don't have much time to watch movie.
Second, I cannot afford to watch movies at the theater.
What about you ?

3. What kind of movies do you like ?
I like suspense, historical and comedies
On the other hand I dislike horror.
What about you ?

4. What the best movie you've ever seen ?
My best movie is "Catch Me If You Can".
That is Skinner's story.
Leading actress is Leonard Willhelm DiCaprio who is very cool.
I like this movie's story.
What about you ?

5. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once at a movie theater ?
No, I have not.
Even if there was a great movie, I would not see the same movie more than once at a movie theater.
What about you ?

6. Have you ever bought the soundtrack from a movie ?
Yes I have.
Quite a few years ago, I bought the soundtrack of "Back to the future".
What about you ?

7. Who is your favorite actor?
About an actor, I like Leonard Willhelm DiCaprio.
Because, he is cool.
About an actress, I like Miranda Otto who appears the "Road Of The Ling" that is representative example.

8. Who is your favorite movie director ?
I like Yan-De-Bon Whose representative movie is "SPEED".
Except SPEED, another movie is "Black Rain" or "Tomb Raider".

9. Besides America and Japan, what other country has produced movies that you like ?
Suffice it to say that I like France.
For example Taxi is funny movie that was made by Luc Besson.
What about you ?
