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Jockey Yutaka Take notches up 3,000th JRA win

2007-11-05 00:55:49 | Reading
Top jockey Yutaka Take clocked up his 3,000th Japan Racing Association (JRA) win on Saturday, becoming the first to achieve the record.

The 38-year-old jockey reached the milestone when he finished first in a race in Kyoto on Saturday.

Take made his debut in March 1987. In July 1995, he notched up his 1,000th win, and he reached the 2,000-win mark in record time in September 2002, becoming the youngest jockey with that many wins.

In July this year, he broke the record for the most number of JRA wins when he surged past the 2,943 wins set by 59-year-old former jockey Yukio Okabe, who retired in March 2005.

Former jockey Takemi Sasaki, who retired in 2001, still holds the all-time record for local racing, with 7,151 victories.

notch up : 達成する
click up : 記録する
milestone : 筋目、画期的な出来事
make a debut : デビューする
surge : -を波立たせる
all-time record : 史上最高記録
