Business English Study

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Japan Beaten Kenya at WC Women Volley Ball

2007-11-11 22:53:07 | Reading
--- Translation of Japanese into English ---

Japan beaten Kenya straight and come to the final stage in which they keep 2 games defeat.
The 8th day of world cup volley ball that combines elimination of Beijing olympic took place at Hokkaido prefectural total sports center in the city of Sapporo on November 11th, 2007. Japan beaten Kenya who is said weak compared with Japan. Japan's total score is 6 wins and 2 defeats that is same with Serbia and Cuba and competition range about 4th place. They have three continuous match against Cuba, USA and Brasil who all are tough enemy from November 14th, 2007.

On the other hand, Italy and USA are clean sweep and Brasil is second place with 7 wins 1 defeat.

At 1st set, Japan beaten down Kenya with especially Oomura's strong attack who was starting member for the first time. At 2nd set, Syoji or Kawai joined game and main force were made rest. But they didn't give enemy any initiative.

--- Translation of English into Japanese ---

日本がケニアにストレート勝ち! 2敗守って終盤戦へ



--- Vocabulary ---
beat : 打ち負かす
straight : ストレートで
comt to the final stage : 終盤戦に進む
defeat : 敗戦
combine : 兼ね備える
elimination : 予選
Beijing : 北京
take place : 行われる
prefectural : 道立(県立)
November : 11月
weak : 弱い
continuous : 連続した
tough enemy : 強敵
on the other hand : 一方
clean sweep : 全勝
beat down : 圧倒する
starting : 先発
for the first time : はじめて
main force : 主力
rest : 休む (=take it easy)
enemy : 敵 (=opponent)
initiative : 主導権

SUGURI maked a comeback

2007-11-11 00:42:04 | Reading
--- Translation of Japanese into English ---

SUGURI maked a comeback and finished 4th place.
On the other hand Yona-KIMU came back and won at Figure Skates China Cup.

The final day of figure skate grand prix series at china took place at Harbin. In women division Fumie SUGURI (belongs to Avex team) who was 11th place of short program yesterday got 3rd place of free style program and totaled 137.13 points that was 4th overall.

Korean Yona-KIMU totaled 180.68 points that was the highest and came back from 3rd position. Overall 2nd place was American Zan-CAROLINE who is 14 years old. Italian Costner-CAROLINA who was first place in short program yesterday finished 3rd place.

Suguri worked out safety strategy therefore she got 4th place.
She delayed at 11th place in short program yesterday but came back as 3rd place and totaly finished at 4th place.

She said it is better for me compared with short program. But I am not perfect condition so I have to revise several points. She looked like at ease.

Her strategy was safety. For example continuous jumping that she prepared changed to single jumping and triple axel changed to double axel. Consequently she did not tip over. Still there was situation that she broke down the balance when she got down to the ice. She was quoted at practice I have stability but at
game I often failed. She looked like be frustrating not to expose her real ability.

--- Translation of Japanese into English ---

村主、巻き返して4位!キム・ヨナが逆転V フィギュア中国杯






--- Vocabulary ---
make comeback : 巻き返す
on the other hand : 他方
come back : 逆転する
take place : 行われる
division : 部
total : 結果-になる
overall : 全体で
work out : 苦労して成し遂げる
delay : 遅れる
revise : 修正する
look like : -に見える
at ease : 落ち着いて
continuous : 連続の
prepare : 準備する
consequently : その結果
tip over : 転倒する
still : とはいえ
brake down the balance : バランスを崩す
get down : 着地する
practice : 練習
stability : 安定
fail : 失敗する
frastrating : もどかしい、イライラしている
expose : -をみせる、明らかにする