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Finland mourns 'revolution' massacre victims

2007-11-09 13:03:33 | Reading
The Finnish government ordered a day of nationwide mourning Thursday after a youth killed six students, the head teacher and a nurse at his school before turning the gun on himself.

Pekka-Eric Auvinen, 18, was known to support radical causes and he carried out his massacre on Wednesday's 90th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

Flags were at half mast on the presidential palace and government headquarters and all public buildings in line with an order made by Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen at a crisis cabinet meeting in the hours after the shooting.

The public followed suit with many homeowners also putting flags at half mast outside their homes.

Auvinen filmed a warning of his plan which was placed on the website. He shot dead five youths and a girl, the female head teacher and a nurse at the Jokela High School in the small town of Tuusula, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Helsinki. None have yet been officially identified.

Auvinen shot himself in the head and died from his injuries during the night, authorities announced.

The teenager was known to support radical causes, classmates and teachers said. The Finnish press highlighted how the November 7 date of the massacre, which has gone down as one of the worst tragedies in Finland's recent history, was also the anniversary of the Bolshevik takeover in Russia.

--- Vocabulary ---
Mourn : 嘆く
Revolution : 革命
Massacre : 大虐殺
Victim : 犠牲者
Mourning : 哀悼
Turn the gun on oneself : 自分に銃口を向ける
Radical : 過激な、過激派
Cause : 原因、要因、動機
Carry out : 実行する
At half mast : 反旗を掲げる
Presidential palace : 大統領宮殿
Government headquarter : 政府本部
Cabinet : 内閣
Crisis : 危機
Shoot dead : 銃殺する
Identify 身元確認をする
Injury : 負傷
Authority : 権威、当局、権力、権威
Press : 報道機関、マスコミ
Highlight : 強調する、目立たせる
Go down as : -として伝えられる、歴史に残る
Tragedy : 悲劇
Takeover : 奪取、買収

Cubs is targeting Fukudome

2007-11-09 12:20:00 | Reading
--- Translation of Japanese into English ---

MLB team Chicago Cubs target Kosuke FUKUDOME who is negotiating with his current team Dragons. Sun Times that is Chicago's popular newspaper said Cubs have a lot of interesting about him who has possibility of being traded to another team with Free Agent System.

According to this source, Cubs is searching about japanese famous starter Hiroki KURODA who belongs to Hiroshima Carp. Recently, he declared "Free Agent" therefore he can choice in where he want to play baseball not only in japan but also in United States.

General Manager Hendry said if he would suit our team we will not have hesitation about acquirement of him. Last three or four years, japanese players who came from NPB to MLB have made great job for us.

Additionally, they said Cubs is officially starting to acquire Rocky's field player Kazuo MATSUI who have had a right about Free Agent.

--- Translation of English into Japanese ---




--- Vocabulary ---

Target : 狙う
Current : 現在の
Be traded to another team : 移籍する
Search : 調査する
Declare : 宣言する
Acquirement : 獲得
Additionally : 加えて
Officially : 公式に
Right : 権利