The Works Of Trevor Horn


【update】Israel - Home of Hope (2008)

2013-03-25 22:27:35 | 2005~2010

イスラエルの主席法師Jonathan Sacksがイスラエル建国60周年記念に製作した2枚組コンピレーションアルバム。"Levi Levin/Ke-she-halev Bocheh: When the Heart Weeps"、"Shimon Craimer/When You Believe"、"Lionel Rosenfeld & The Shabbaton Choir/Hatikvah: The Hope"の3曲でトレヴァー・ホーンがアレンジとプロデュースを担当。ただしメイキングビデオでは別の楽曲のレコーディングに立ち会ってるホーンの姿が確認出来る。ホーンがプロデュースを引き受けた理由は、昏睡状態が続く妻のジル・シンクレアが元々熱心なイスラエルの支持者だったため。
"When You Believe"はアニメ映画「プリンス・オブ・エジプト」の主題歌のカバー。

レーベル:Office of the Rabbi (UK)

・The Jewish Land of Hope
・Exodus: Main Theme (Gold)
・Though They No Longer Lived in The Land, The Land Lived on in Them
・Im Eshkachech: If I Forget You (Craimer)
・A Holy People in a Holy Land
・Ana Hashem: Truly G-d (Carlebach)
・They Left Their Land, Their Birthplace and Their Father's House
・Hasidah: The Stork (Gronich/Idisis)
・The Longest Exile
・Akevot Be-chol: Footprints in the Sand (Asnafi)
・Whenever They Could, They Returned
・Yedid Nefesh: Soul's Beloved (Zweig/Zweig/Azikri)
・The Dream and the Nightmare
・Yerushalayim: Jerusalem
・Not One Inch They Could Call Home
・Keili Keili: My G-d, My G-d (Senesh)
・A Pillar of Cloud Marked the Place
・Keil Maleh Rachamim: Memorial Prayer for the Dead
・The State is Born
・Odecha: I Will Thank You (Secunda)
・So Many Prayers Have Been Answered
・Ki Malakhav: His Angels (Gerstner)

・The Bitter and the Sweet
・Al Kol Eileh: For All These (Shemer)
・The Ingathering
・Ha-masa: The Journey (Gronich/Idisis)
・And There was War
・Yerushalayim Shel Zahav: Jerusalem of Gold (Shemer)
・Seeking Peace
・Inshallah: G-d Willing (Elbaz)
・Hopes and Disappointments
・V’hi Sh’am’da: The Promise (Levey)
・A People Sustained by faith
・Arim Roshi: I'll Raise My Head (Dahbol/Ozeri/Gabso)
・Remembering Jerusalem
・Jerusalem (Miller/Douglass/Corraliza)
・Im Eshkachech 2: If I Forget You (Carlebach)
・Im Eshkachech 3: If I Forget You (Levey)
・The Journey is not Yet Over
・Oseh Shalom Bimromav: He Who Makes Peace (Levey)
・Remembering Those Who Died
Ke-she-halev Bocheh: When the Heart Weeps (Elbaz/Gibspan/Tzfadia)
・I believe, Therefore I am
When You Believe (from The Prince of Egypt) (Schwartz)
・Israel, Home Of Hope
Hatikvah: The Hope (Imber)

"Levi Levin/Ke-she-halev Bocheh: When the Heart Weeps"
"Shimon Craimer/When You Believe"
"Lionel Rosenfeld & The Shabbaton Choir/Hatikvah: The Hope"

Produced and Arranged by Trevor Horn


Music Videos

