神海(シンカイ)‐ハルノウミナナキソナキソ…arena8order 慧會隴

私腹ノート。黒革の…It's wonderland!!!

Twitter…@arena8order 他

樋山依誣 Ivu.Eve Toyama…New blog

2013-03-23 22:14:02 | 日記



慧吏載地衛 帝兜(跿・徒) Catro.
亂盂酒靈・盂亂繻怜衣・柊麗伊 依誣eve
亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)
藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh=樋山依誣
會理主宮 繪擡 悔滞 繪苔 懷滞 繪対
Ereoana de'mediti

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kazu8teto8yusuke/ http://blog.m.livedoor.jp/arena_yokohama/ http://mblog.excite.co.jp/user/Kaztsi http://yaplog.jp/cannonbell/ http://blog.m.livedoor.jp/arena8order/http://blog.goo.ne.jp/arena8order/ 他


蔵王瀞治(蓙邑瀞弍・遠田静治)=高橋維淨・三浦鍼縉…私は孫の藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh (樋山依誣・織田繪璃奈・野島えり-横濱えり)

died as heaven and Hell only…

2013-03-23 18:59:06 | 日記


With the hell…

After a person died, it may be said that there are only "heaven and Hell".

Welcomed by a good act by ancestors, and tell and it is guided in the world that was not able to see and hear what did not know in this world…

Study for the future life while continuing a pleasant trip while space-time and the world are guided to the ancestors.

Ancestors are teachers.

If the permission is given, rebeared.

Welcomed by ancestors, and few time becomes the hell.

A sermon and chastisement continue until the permission is given.

Without a more pleasant conversation, stand alone.

The permission is not given.

Cannot be rebeared.

Time only sad cruelly lonelily strictly of the eternity continue (eternity).

It is not thought other than it.

I am Freemasoneve.

It is the top of the imperial family in Miller…I knew it with 天照 -Amateras.

I understood that it was a meaning of Himiko.

When I am a fine weather woman, I notice it.

I become 49 years old this year.

I knew nothing.

I was poor with misfortune.

The operation broke water in the sixth month without being able to learn nothing in life without money, and being able to go to wherever without the physical condition being superior and experienced the stillbirth.

There is not a child and is made to be prolonged by a divorce.


Do not rely.

I knew the ancestors from generation to generation in the clans of the person who was the classmate of elementary school days named "Ami of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" which continued tormenting me for many years when I had been tormented.

Furthermore, my whole families were kidnapped in the clans by Italy, and mother was shot for the middle when was broken in Sapporo after was brought in Japan and knew it even if I was born.

I was life under one of Sapporo until 2000.

Even if it was moved to Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, I knew that it is for a Korean, but all is a company and personal expenditure now because it was a transfer.

It was used, and the single house which I bought was in Sapporo, but rent for rent was trampled down by the person thought to be the Korean and I redecorated it and sold.

In the red.

Furthermore, a loan is left in the middle of the reform when a transfer was decided.

The reason of the divorce was fickle, but it knew the thing that there was not in the fact by the threat of the Korean recently.

The partner is made to leave the office to protect the life of the captive people of the Korean terrorist who did nothing and does application of the welfare in the Fujisawa-shi government office.

I knew that Fujisawa-shi government office is my belonging recently, but do not have you file for me.

The welfare when I came back to Sapporo seems to be 120,000 yen a month.

Japan is a splendid country.

I know the world with a book on TV other than Hawaii that I went by a honeymoon.

The world is wonderful. Admirable.




善い行いで 先祖に温かく迎え入れられ、現世で知らなかった事を教えて頂き、見聞き出来なかった世界に案内される…

時空と世界を先祖に案内されながら 楽しい旅を続けながら来世の為の勉強をする。




説教と折檻が 許しが出る迄続く。






私は Freemasoneve. Millerで天皇家の頂…天照-Amaterasと知った。










私を長年苦しめ続ける「朝鮮総連のAmi」と名乗る小学校時代の同級生だった人の一族に 先祖代々、苦しめられて来たと知った。

更に 私の一族が その一族にイタリーから誘拐され、日本に連れて来られた後に 札幌に拐われる途中に母が撃たれ、私が産まれたとも知った。

2000年迄 私は札幌の中の下の生活だった。

今は 朝鮮人の為にと 神奈川県藤沢市に移されたとも知ったが 転勤だったので 全ては会社と個人の出費である。

札幌には 中古で買った一軒家があったが 朝鮮人と思われる人に貸し、家賃を踏み倒され、改装して売った。


更に転勤が決まった時は リフォームの最中でローンが残っている。

離婚の理由は浮気だったが それも 朝鮮人の脅迫で事実では無い事も最近知った。

相手は 何もしてくれなかった朝鮮人テロリストの捕虜の方々の命を守る為に 退社させられ、生活保護の申請を藤沢市役所にしている。

藤沢市役所が 私の持ち物だとも最近知ったが 私の手続きもしてもらえない。

札幌に戻った時の生活保護は 月12万円になるらしい。




El(Ar)eana Iajg.ajg.Lancasta Oda Medici Vallantine Brown Bacckuth Vintevecom Yokohama Zaoh Toyama Alcaponelig (Remirow) Rminmartin
藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh
Eleonora de' Medici.
Freemasoneve. Miller

亂盂洒靈 烏繿繻儷 烏亂襦怜衣
Woota_teto 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨

hostage(captive) with fetters…

2013-03-23 16:54:09 | 日記


"An ash wolf, a pheasant, scream thunder" and the whole families called the "field savage tribe" "leech group" are imprisoning a hostage (captive) with fetters in Tokyo Bay.

The country which tormented me is over.

The terrorist of the Korea country destroyed medicines of the world by "the unauthorized use of electric facilities" of the longtime crime and "the remote terminal electrolysis operation" of the war weapon.

As for their racial medicines….

In "pheasant -ti, gray, 狽狼-Hairou(the gray creature that a person is confused) of the child of 呂雉-Roti named the net of Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan and the Liberal Democratic Party, father is Bigfoot"...A creature of Hansen's disease that both hands were tied to Pyongyang-非夭楊(非妖楊) born in Pyongyang Omen666 Damiens fbi.

The ringleader of atom bomb throwing down and 911.

A war crime.

Nationality deprivation in China.

A terrorist of the statelessness.

Even Korea agent is charity dame society in Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan, but there is not even a Liberal Democrat.

Mean ghost of the country of the baboon…非夭楊-Pyongyang…The head which 呂雉-Roti of 666 狽狼 = 悲鳴雷-Himeirai(scream thunder) = Damiens = 狒犬 laid is the creature of one tooth by five means of transportation that led…Whelp of the Machu Picchu scarlet…A class of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan is Ami of the beast…Bioterrorist…Terrorism 911…AAA war crime…Dysentery in Turkey, typhoid fever in Germany, defoliant…An abettor of the bioterrorism.

"Japan (Yamato) Imperial Court fraud" "Banshu fraud" "imperial family fraud" "Operation Army fraud" "Fujian fraud" "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan fraud" "Liberal Democratic Party fraud"…ККК…非夭楊 Pyongyang…

As for the whole families of the Korea (the Philippines) terrorist, all the members are in the artificial island of Tokyo Bay.

More than illegal stay, one year.

"Pyongyang_Pg.Ami" is a bioterrorist.

The designer of the defoliant.

The patent royalty more than 330 billion yen.

When the whole families of the Korean retardate are free, curse a race other than the world without the fault and repeat abuse while threatening it and let you do a crime.

A dog wolf and a Peking man of the animal experiment mating that continued making a celebrity a cancer in sequence and the genetic whole families (family) of the Bigfoot.

The whole families of the brutal person of Pyongyang.

It is principal offender of all longtime bioterrorism and terrorism in Filipinos of Chinese nationality born in Pyongyang.

The terrorist who is staying illegally of the illegal entry.

"Gray creature 狽狼-Hairou that a person is confused" of 非夭楊-Pyongyang.

Nationality becomes Machu Picchu.

Freemasonreve.Miller-Ereoana-Erena-Eri-WHO Eve.
柊玲衣 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷)






「朝鮮総連や自民党のアミと名乗る呂雉の子の雉(ti・灰色・狽狼)は父親がビッグフット...平壌生まれのPyongyang-非夭楊(非妖楊)」Omen666 ダミアン fbiに両手を繋がれたハンセン病の生き物。






狒国の卑怯な妖怪…非夭楊-Pyongyang…狽狼=悲鳴雷(磊)=ダミアン=666=狒犬の呂雉が産んだ頭が繋がった五本足で一本の歯の生き物…マチュピチュ 緋色犬の子…朝鮮総連の等級が畜生のAmi…バイオテロリスト…テロ911…AAA戦犯…トルコ赤痢、ドイツチフス、枯葉剤…バイオテロの教唆犯。

『倭(大和)朝廷詐欺』『番衆詐欺』『天皇家詐欺』『進駐軍詐欺』『福建詐欺』『朝鮮総連詐欺』『自民党詐欺』…ККК…非夭楊 Pyongyang…









ピョンヤン生まれの中国国籍のフィリピン人で 長年の全てのバイオテロやテロの主犯格である。




Freemasonreve.Miller-Ereoana-Erena-Eri-WHO Eve. 柊玲衣 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)

天照大御神の英語・英訳 - 英和辞典・和英辞典 Weblio辞書


2013-03-23 05:22:24 | 日記

ηヘリコバクター・ピロリ菌とは?ヘリコバクター・ピロリ菌は胃粘膜細胞と粘液中に生息しています。この菌は、ウレアーゼという酵素をだし、尿素をアンモニアと炭酸ガスにかえています。このアルカリ性のアンモニアで、強力な酸であ photozou.jp/photo/show/237…

ККК"Pheasant -ti Ami of the scream thunder" which I do not learn in Korea agent school in the disguise of Federatio photozou.jp/photo/show/237…

ыアドレナリン(R)-(-)-L-Epinephrine or(R)-(-)-L-adrenaline IUPAC命名法による物質名 (R)-4-(1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)eth photozou.jp/photo/show/237…

p217.pctrans.mobile.yahoo-net.jp/fweb/01207V0Bo… 朝鮮総連のアミと名乗る呂雉の子の雉(ti・灰色・狽狼)は父親がビッグフットの可能性が高いらしい。 #ккк #ррр

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