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freemasonry member of freemason

2013-03-12 19:19:53 | 日記



The purpose of the freemasonry is to create a better world for all people and to teach every member of a lodge to be a freemason. To comply with this purpose the freemasons helps where they are able to do so and tries to improve themselves.

We name ourselves freemasons because the freemason should have a mental activity free of prejudices, and because we use symbols taken from construction of buildings to describe matters that cannot be expressed by words.

To be a real freemason is an ideal, a final purpose if I may say so, that no man on earth can achieve.

Grand Lodge

Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons were originally constituted april 14. 1929 as a cooperation between "Stororienten af Danmark og Norden" (Grand Orient of Denmark and Scandinavia "Den Danske Stororient af Gamle Frie & Antagne Murere" (The Danish Grand Orient of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons).

The Grand Lodge of Denmark was reconstituted november 15. 1932 in Copenhagen. Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons" is working in accordance to "De Gamle Landem誡ker" (The Ancient Landmarks). This means among others, that:

The possibility to be a freemason is open to every man of mature years and good morality, without consideration of his nationality, race, religion, political observance and position or employment in the society

The mason is obliged to obey the moral law, and if he rightly understand the art he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine

The masons work is dedicated "The Great Architect of The Universe"

The mason is obliged to aleays to obey the laws in the country in which he may reside

"Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons" has at the moment no officiel cooperation with "Den Danske Frimurerorden", which works in accordance to a Swedish, purely Christian rite.

Higher Degrees

Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons allow its members to participate in higher degrees, as long as the higher degrees not claim influence on the ruling of lodges under Grand Lodge og Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. As an examble of a higher degree we can mention "Stororienten af Danmark af Gamle Frie & Antagne Murer" (Great Orient), which works in accordance to the Scottish 33. degree system.


Grand Lodge of Denmark is working in accordance to the old English York Rite and to day has relations to Grand Lodges all over the world. The Grand Lodge of Denmark is a member of the international cooperation of grand lodgesC.L.I.P.S.A.S.

Copyright Grand Lodge of Denmark

Google 画像検索結果: http://www.storlo

"Personality disorder" кккшшш2

2013-03-12 07:17:58 | 日記


■Four types of Group B ■

"Antisocial personality disorder"

A criminal has many it.

Perform a brutal crime calmly without feeling an attack of conscience.

Good at reading the psychology of the person, and operating it and am good at being dressed to be attractive.

Because there is not a sense of guilt, repeat a criminal act.

It is not attacked by uneasiness and a depression feeling.

Cannot understand the feeling of the person without loving people.

Antisocial personality disorder has a way of thinking to be psychopath. (the psychopath is the meanings such as a person or the pleasure criminal repeating a crime and is often used)

"Border-related personality disorder"

Increase very much recently.

About "a border with neurosis and division disease ," Said to be "the border line". (the border line means a state lacking a symptom as division disease as neurosis)

It is very impulsive and goes through a lot of emotional ups and downs, and personal relationships are always unstable.

Power to control feelings is weak, and anger is mixed with dejection and it is sometimes violent and attempts suicide because, in addition, it is very impulsive.

"Is got rid uneasiness", in conjunction with "emotional disorder ," take the self-destructive action. (reckless driving, quarrel wrist slitting, impulse buying, overeating, alcohol, drug, gamble, impulse-like sexual intercourse)

Do not understand the person "being an "identity obstacle" tendency to homosexuality" and the contradiction.

It is said that "it is a serious dissociation symptom" and is related to "various abuse of the childhood period".

It is very complicated for a cause, and there is that the prime example includes it for that "a parent was not able to make border characteristics with the child from period for childhood" and "abuse".

Therefore "Got rid and am uneasy" and produce the serious symptoms such as "emotional disorder" "identity obstacle" "tendencies to homosexuality" and bring about various "incest" on the top. A tendency succeeded from a parent to a child is very strong, and the "obstacle" is concerned about most.

"Histrionic personality disorder"

Said to be the hysteria character (different from the hysteria).

Collect the interest of the person of the circumference and am not always satisfied when there is not oneself at the center.

It is egocentric and is vain with selfishness and is childish.

The thought is shallow and, with thin feelings, expresses it in an exaggerated manner.

It is easy to be affected by another person and the environment.

It is sexual inadequately and is fascinating and, using physical appearance, takes a provocative attitude to attract interest in oneself. (it is sexual and is fascinating and, on the back of a provocative manner, often has a deep sense of guilt)

"Narcisism-related personality disorder"

It is the human being who is ultimate egocentric (narcissist), and separated by two kinds of types.

Oneself is always convinced that it is one of a kind.

It is not worthy very much that oneself is criticized.

Because oneself feels that it is a special human being, there is defect in various personal relationships.

For the person of the circumference, feel that it is natural to respect oneself.

Consideration to another person lacks.

Use a partner unfairly to achieve one's purpose.

"Unconscious type"

There is many it in Japan.

It occurs because of overprotection of mother and is caused by the fact that love was poured too much.

In what was treated as "a special child", Convinced, "oneself is a special human being".

Strength of the greed for shameless pride size, unveiling.

"Excessive caution type"

There is many it in the United States.

It is caused by the fact that brought up without being praised without the love of the parent being received since it was small.

Imagine, "oneself is actually great" and am going to regain stained pride.

"Is unique";" is perfect"; when "there is talent ," express oneself.

They feel, "a common person cannot understand it".

It is easy to be hurt and erethism is strong and has secret narcisism.

"It is the most important", and, in a personality disorder, a lot of types are included.

■Three types of group C ■

"Evasion-related personality disorder"

The type that it is the group where uneasiness and a sense of fear are strong in, and uneasiness is the strongest in in that.

Because it is very sensitive to disgracing itself, for fear of refusal, criticism from another person, Avoid contact with another person.

The work chooses only the light thing of the responsibility without challenging a new thing because afraid of failure.

"Stay indoors", and about half of people such as the "school refusal" "attendance refusal" is said to be caused by this type.

It is said that connected with "character" of Japanese and modest culture "not to insist on self".

Because it is considered,, on the contrary, "ability is lacking" in the United States, it is said that a social evaluation is low.

It is that the children who "the ability for judgment is poor, and are easy to be hurt by "declining birthrate, father absence, mother and child-binding overprotection" very much" of increased as problems in the recent country.

"Dependent personality disorder"

Dependence is very strong and it is obedient and is like passiveness and leaves it to a judgment of another person without anything being decided by oneself.

Cheerful charge account and encouraging are always necessary from the circumference.

"An excessive desire to want oneself to mind" and "an obedience-like action to maintain it."

A woman relatively has many it and is frequent in the youngest child.

Resemble "an avoidant personality disorder" and am caused by how to contact to a child parents.

Interferential mother and father exist excessively.

If a child is faithful, Dote and am not going to let you become independent.

Avoid a certain responsibility position by any relations and choose that passivize.

Even if a partner has an affair and uses violence, Continue being related without it leaving it to lose a depending object because scary.

"The evasion-related differentiation with personality disorders is necessary a borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder"

"Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder"

Because attachment is strong, for a rule, perfectionism, order, there are not flexibility and effectiveness.

Connection with the depression is suggested.

Preciseness, a thrifty person, selfishness.

Insist on one "right way" and "principle of things" and refuse a viewpoint and a thought of another person.

Abnormally particular about small accshident, a schedule, a rule, constitution.

May not be accomplished to be too much particular about than required perfect principles.

Not flexible to be seized with one sense of values, morality, ethic too much.

Though there are not a memory and contemplation, a worn-out thing and a worthless thing are not thrown away.

When another person does not follow one's way, Not leave work.

"Personality disorder" кккшшш1

2013-03-12 07:13:51 | 日記


Personality disorder, border-related personality disorder

■Personality disorder, border-related personality disorder ■

"Character" to be formed under the influence of "temperament" and environment, society, the culture that a hereditary element resists is included in "a personality".

■Personality disorder ■

With "personality disorder ," Deviate from a normal normal state and am in condition to result in a disorder for a social life.

It often begins early for youth and adulthood and is accompanied by pain because the state passes for a long term.

The obstacle generally calls a thing when other "mental disorders" do not have a cause "a personality disorder".

◇Way of thinking about personality disorder ◇

■Way of thinking about personality disorder ■

It is not mental disease (including schizophrenia, depression, neurosis, schizophrenia), the brain tissue-related condition of a patient (including epilepsy, dementia), but mind is a few state despite normalcy obviously, and it is usually thought with "mental disease and a thing located midway with the normalcy" or "a thing different at all".

For the pervertedness of the personality, an abnormal man of integrity who person oneself is troubled, or can trouble society is called a psychopath.

Many mental physical change in quality signs are discovered in "a criminal" and are reported.

◇Group A, B C of personality disorder◇

The group of personality disorder and each type.

"Group A"

Autistic and am easy to have a delusion and tend to be it is strange, and odd, and personal relationships do not go well and often have division disease quality hereditarily.

Affected by the stress of personal relationships.

Separated by three kinds of types of "paranoid personality disorder" "quality of division disease personality disorder" "division type personality disorder".

"Group B"

It is emotional and is dramatic and often sees it for caprice and has intense emotional confusion.

Tend to be considerably poor at stress.

Separated by four kinds of types of "antisocial personality disorder" "borderline personality disorder" "histrionic personality disorder" "narcisism-related personality disorder".

"C group"

Uneasiness and a sense of fear are very strong.

An evaluation or the eyes from the circumference become the stress very much.

Separated by three kinds of types of the "avoidant personality disorder" "dependence personality disorder" "obsessive-compulsive personality disorder".

It greatly becomes three kinds of groups, and each is distributed more.

■Three types of Group A ■

"Delusion-related personality disorder"

It is supposed by some criminals.

From abnormal is suspicion, Always on my guard against neighboring people and doubt it.

Convinced that a lover has an affair at morbid jealousy depth and continue looking for the evidence.

Because stubborn and am non-friendly, there is a property to be easy to quarrel immediately.

Conscious of one's right and significance of being excessively and bear a grudge abnormal meaninglessly against the authority.

Not readily accepted to be on its guard against a new thing very much.

There is strong self-confidence and holds the conviction that is paranoid when that cannot show one's talent is that another person disturbs.

"Quality of division disease personality disorder"

It is supposed by some criminals.

A type not to know whether autistic, and there are feelings for loneliness whether there is not it.

Stand alone from the society without not being interested in "the person" who included the opposite sex, and liking interpersonal contact.

Do not show feelings on a list; for nothing interest seem to be unconcerned.

"Division type personality disorder" division disease and hereditary relations are close, and it is said that approximately around 25% shift to division disease for stress.

There are not the clear hallucination and delusion, but a behavior is funny and feels looking abnormal and certain hardness.

Connect a behavior of irrelevant another person with oneself without permission and react one-sidedly. (consideration concerned)

"Example 1" : For having heard the laughter of neighboring people, Convinced, "Listen in on oneself and laugh" without permission.

"Example 2" : When passed the neighborhood that neighboring people gather, and talks, convinced, "Speak ill of oneself" when a conversation is over accidentally without permission.

"The evasion-related differentiation with personality disorders is necessary a border-related personality disorder a quality of division disease personality disorder"


2013-03-12 07:09:04 | 日記





























































































































3月11日(月)のつぶやき その2

2013-03-12 04:55:27 | 日記

УSTD - Wikipediap217.pctrans.mobile.yahoo-net.jp/fweb/0120EFGMl…STD STDは、数多くの英語の語や名称を表す頭文字である。代表的なものは以下の通り (アルファベット順): Doctor(ate) o photozou.jp/photo/show/237…