神海(シンカイ)‐ハルノウミナナキソナキソ…arena8order 慧會隴

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My soul work…"天照-Amateras"…

2013-03-15 12:01:53 | 日記


My soul work…"天照-Amateras"…

"Pretense, Ami of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" seemed to know 狽狼-Hairou of the scream thunder of "非夭楊"Pyongyang's family of non-country Machu Picchu.

The Internet of the world continues being destroyed by a cyber attack of the terrorist clan.

The whole families mistake the Internet for their possessions.

Not stop subversive activity with a feeling to fight against me with a game sense.

Seem to misunderstand it when want to use the electricity for an Internet sense free.

Because it is the "terrorist whole families of the false Operation Army" whom the reason that the fixed amount of the Internet does not know did not need to pay that worked either.

The claim for payment reaches the relative of the own country and is gone bankrupt failure in sequence…. Close a company… Drive it to the situation not to be continued, and there seems to be the dead person.

The whole families who do not have the understanding that words do not reach.

The race only for being young, and there being the pride by medicine and cosmetic surgery.

It is not in Japan.

Because find nobody easy to talk to, restrict it with fetters.

The VIP that the partner gathered you from all over the world….

藏王慧黎南 -Seylena Zaoh Hiyama Eve (織田繪璃奈, Nojima collar, Yokohama collar)
Freemasoneve. Miller Eleonora de' Medici.



非国 マチュピチュのPyongyang 非夭楊 非妖楊一族の悲鳴雷の狽狼『自称、朝鮮総連のアミ』は知っていたらしい。


一族はインターネットは 自分達の所有物と勘違いしている。



インターネットの定額も知らない理由は働いた事も 払った事も無い『偽進駐軍のテロリスト』一族だから。







藏王慧黎南-Seylena Zaoh
Freemasoneve. Miller Eleonora de' Medici.

Sun-God=Yahweh=Jesus Christ.g.

2013-03-15 09:58:47 | 日記


I write it as Sun-Goddess, 天照皇大神 Amateras-Ohmikami

Grammar information (noun)

Side-by-side translation Sun Goddess; AmaterasuOomikami

Sun-Goddess = Yahweh = Jesus Christ = Susano-Oomikoto


Momotaro | where I sealed in <<Jesus Christ TOP| Mystery of Momotaro (peach boy Mason) who took a seat of the first Emperor >>

August 07, 2009

I touched it in mysterious "real nature of shrine "castle Rapyuta of the heavens" of Jesus Christ" of "Momotaro = Antichrist" and the false Sun-Goddess a little, but am shown in "日月神示 Hitukishinji as follows.

In "Oga, qg. God will be made to still know appearance from pg., g. Iwato among Iwato".

I was pressed, and hit Sun-Goddess of Makoto, 天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami, 大神揃-Ohkamisoloe of the day, and appearing howled

What are the Sun-Goddess of Makoto, 天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami, the difference of Oga of the day?

It is sun god, but will you express all "the Trinity of the sun god" like Egyptian sun god?

At first "the Sun-Goddess" "is Yahweh".

This is because ancestors of the Yahweh are Egyptian sun god.

Because "天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami" is the Sun-Goddess as ancestor of the Emperor God, it may be said that "it is Jesus Christ".

Then "Ogami of the day" will correspond to a Christian "spirit of a dead person".

And of "Makoto"……It is expected that "false Sun-Goddess" "天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami"Oga of a false day" of the false" appears in the world at tork, the present.

The all things in nature are shown in bipolar pair, "日月神示-Hitukishinji" in this way.

"Two God stay of the same name." Good and evil. When mistake sun claims to be good and evil; g.j. encouraging. Iwato key to opening one. The name is the same; the right side and the wrong side. Do not think it to be the back, a list

The god of justice is still covered to Iwato, and, as for the people, "a god of justice may misunderstand "a god of justice in evil gods" because it is now in the world that an evil god rules over when it is an evil god".

Speaking in terms of bibliology, "it is the times of the spirit of a dead person of the tree of death" now.

Called the "false Sun-Goddess = Lucifer" "天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami = Sun-Goddess = Antichrist "Oga = false prophet of a false day" of the false" it is expected.

In addition, it becomes the following composition if I add "Sun-Goddess = Susano Oh(King)" which is Jesus Christ and express it.

"Sun-Goddess (Oga of 天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami, Sun-Goddess) = スサノオ-Susano Oh(King) = Izumo family = ogre of Makoto"

"Negative Sun-Goddess (Oga of the day negative negative 天照皇大神-Amateras-Ohmikami) = sun group = Momotaro"

If do violent expression, "is the imperial family as of Momotaro ="; called "Antichrist = Momotaro" it is expected.

The secret government is really Momotaro who exterminated world northeastern (unlucky direction) Japan with an atom bomb.

In addition, it is a dog, a pheasant, a monkey, but, as for the one which I accompanied of Momotaro, it is associated with opposite "dog" "ti" "monkey" of the unlucky direction.

However, it is not located in the complete opposite on the diagonal.

This is because Yin, Yang and five elements combination theory affects it, but leaves it out here when I say why it is.

There is one big mystery here.

God in Ying-Yang School "国常立尊-Kokujyou Risson" of ogre Susano Oh(King) = Gon sealed in an unlucky direction "is fallen angel Lucifer" saying in the Bible.

Even if Momotaro who exterminated it thinks "the Antichrist" to be strange, "Momotaro originally becomes the Antichrist" because of a god of justice 国常立尊 (スサノオ = Lucifer = Jesus Christ).

The thing will decide to announce it as "a right and wrong reversal theory" in future.

By the way, a pyramid is expressed with "a crowd of God" in the Bible, and Mount Fuji is done with "a crowd of God" in "日月神示"; called "mountain = newly Mount Fuji of the stairs pyramid = truth of the Jerusalem = sun of God" hypothesized, but let's introduce because there is the description that "seems to be Jerusalem newly" in "日月神示".

"Anything must be worthy of in mountains of Fuji motion bears". The top is hard. Even if is anything, die prematurely; do not appear

A prediction of the Mount Fuji eruption is shown in 神示-Shinji everywhere, but only this part is different in some states.

The expression "to change" is strange, but it is inevitable that Japan reaches the catastrophe if Mount Fuji erupts.

However, it is said, "I endure it till then and must not die prematurely".

If Mount Fuji totally moves, the people can interpret it as if I am freed from pains…….

The eruption of Mount Fuji is said to be a matter of time, and there is not only various parts of Japan but also the scholar that dormant volcanoes and extinct volcanoes of the world explode if it becomes so.

In form to block up the Japanese Islands, will solar artificial Mount Fuji "new Jerusalem" drop then?

When does it happen if the great miracle of such a news sensation happens practically?

"New Jerusalem" may appear with a one set with "planet Yahweh".

That means, it is time when "planet Yahweh" approaches the earth.

It is the Armageddon that "planet Yahweh" brings a natural disaster on the earth, and it may trigger the Mount Fuji eruption.

Wild goddess "Susano Oh(King)" which "is Yahweh = Jesus Christ = Susano Oh(King)" is a symbol of the planet Yahweh (the anti-earth).

The grounds that are a one set have "new Jerusalem" with "planet Yahweh" one more.

In the Bible, it is foretold that "new Jerusalem" descends as a bride of Jesus Christ.

If "it is Yahweh = Jesus Christ ," "new Jerusalem" is a bride of "the planet Yahweh".

In that case, "Armageddon" and "空中携挙-fly attack" are one sets, and the dream snake ogre theory is logical for the time being.

I often introduce me, but there is the following hint in "日月神示".

"Fuji clears and is fair weather". Astonishment box ago. Lose, and lose in the summer, and is defeated in autumn, and is defeated in winter in spring; and Armageddon. When Ooh does not reform itself already, I may not go over the vast mountain pass of the Armageddon. As for great mountain pass at subject as Afan how to didn't speak. Large washing, general cleaning, Glenn.

Will you express eruption of Mount Fuji with "an astonishment box?"

"Stand and break it and rebuild it, and it becomes at a time"

The interpretation that Mount Fuji eruption and Japanese Islands landing of "new Jerusalem" almost happen for the same period is possible.

"All the world people raise it for reform this time, and there is everybody once"

As for the thing called "all the world people", will all humankind be saved in 空中携挙?

"The physical selection will be included in no, the word "increase", too".

To be exact, the physical selection has "evolution" and two kinds of "the death".

[latest story of the Ascension wave abusive mark compound interpretation] was breathed in by a black hole; "yes key."

Momotaro (a peach boy.) who took a seat of the first Emperor

Of "castle Rapyuta of the heavens" and the moon which Lotus Sutra Nichiren that real nature and Jesus of the peach Satoru Taro sky where I sealed preached Jesus Christ foretold.

God of Jesus Christ "castle Rapyuta of the heavens."

Of the native American prediction and Bible prediction.

Prediction "song of the ghost dance" and fly high of the Sioux.

The hope Judgment to 空中携挙 and Ascension and mystery of 空中携挙

posted by dream snake ogre-mujaki-at 00:31| Comment(1)| Ascension wave abusive mark composition interpretation |

Google image search results: http://mujaki666.

天照大御神の英語・英訳 - 英和辞典・和英辞典 Weblio辞書


2013-03-15 09:52:01 | 日記


<< イエス・キリストを封印した桃太郎|TOP|初代天皇の座を奪った桃太郎(ピーチボーイ・メーソン)の謎 >>


































































posted by 夢蛇鬼-mujaki- at 00:31|Comment(1)|アセンション浪漫的複合解釈|

Google 画像検索結果: http://mujaki666.


2013-03-15 05:06:53 | 日記

ккк地方公務員 - Wikipediap217.pctrans.mobile.yahoo-net.jp/fweb/0120EFGMl…地方公務員 出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 移動:案内、検索 この記事は特に記述がない限り photozou.jp/photo/show/237…

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ккк[編集] 給与の種類 地方公共団体の職員の給与については、地方自治法では次のように定められている。 非常勤職員 報酬(第203条第1項) 常勤職員 給料(一般でいう基本給)(第204条第1項) 職員手 photozou.jp/photo/show/237…

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Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 3 RT

@tvasahi_shinso 日本国内で籠城中の朝鮮工作員(戦犯)一族のサイバーテロテレビ朝日のHPの問い合わせフォームはerrorになります。 #ккк #news #terrorism #フィリピン #朝鮮国 #マチュピチュ #戦犯 #進駐軍 #非夭楊 #Pyongyan

「そうだったのか!池上彰の学べるニュース 2時間SP」震災から2年。復興の今を、被災地での取材も交えてお伝えします。 (1)復興にまつわるお金の話…復興のためのお金はどうしているのか、私たちが払っている税金はどう使われているのか、解説します。(他)9:00~ #tvasahi

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 11 RT

厚顔無恥でなんて恥知らずな。いつも嘘ばかり。朝鮮国にはうんざり。#tvasahi 韓国の返還拒否は凄いよな。 bit.ly/VREmy2 @Eve_Toyama_ele @19640811Eri @eve_eleana_eri #news #terrorist

米大統領、サイバー攻撃めぐり中国を名指し cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/M9mQ

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 4 RT

「我々は中国などの当事国が、国際ルールを守るよう強く求めている」…去年のストーカー被害約2万件、相談増え過去最多…マッカーサーは何ジン? 横田と横須賀にはアメリカ人は居ない!? 佐世保や嘉手納は? cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/M9mQ #news #terrorist

住民票不正取得の情報屋に罰金刑 名古屋地裁 bit.ly/ZJKg2c

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 8 RT

住民票不正取得…偽造した行政書士の職務上請求書で住民票の写しを取得したとして、戸籍法違反の罪…名古屋地裁は罰金250万円-2億5000万ウォン(求刑罰金300万円-300,000,000ウォン)の判決 bit.ly/ZJKg2c #news #www #ккк

横浜市の栄公会堂で16日に、映画「毎日がアルツハイマー」上映・講演会。「抱腹絶倒、ときどき切ない『毎アル』な日々」をテーマとした認知症啓発。映画の上映会と関口祐加監督の講演。申し込み不要、先着600人。 bit.ly/10Asxz2

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 2 RT

映画上映「毎日がアルツハイマー」&関口監督の講演開催!~抱腹絶倒、ときどき切ない「毎アル」な日々…認知症啓発上映会・講演会を開催 bit.ly/10Asxz2 #ккк #ррр #ρρρ #スカ #水銀 #膵液 #自爆テロ #火山 #民間療法 #脳症 #非夭楊

@arena8order @Eve_Toyama_ele @eve_eleana_eri 亂盂雨懈詒 吁夘瑠隗蔕 路運凱侘唯嵬…龍頭…竜巻…龍神…霊能 遠山一族は格闘家 大山益龍一族。猛者(武道家 ×舞踏家) 河村一族に非ず。美的王者は河村一族也。

Freemasoneve.Miller.さんがリツイート | 1 RT

@19640811Eri @Eve_Toyama_ele @eve_eleana_eri 遠山家長男はvisual出身。二番目も目指していた…形跡は窺えたが…。三番目は三枚目路線の子供時代を払拭するが如く、硬派路線。