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伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)… 5

2013-03-17 01:16:35 | 日記

How did the world catch Japan-Korea merger?

Think that Japan contacts with Korea in a manner of the consideration. Seem to be going to release Korea from spellbinding from China this time. Think by bringing the Korean nation peace and prosperity and the Westernization to do weak neighboring country Korea of the power in the stable independent country. Bureaucratic most that are Korean intellectuals welcome such a motive of Japan. It is thought that have no objection to the United States.

1 October 4, 904 London Times the reason why "Japan annexed Korea (is called out time with the Pacific War in coming ages) in 1910 on the day of the Greater East Asia War outbreak on December 8, 1941 for 1,941 years when - Japan declared war against the U.S. and Britain on December 8 (Korea) was that the new emperor did" "a petition". It is said that the historian talking about Japan-Korea relations protected the rule of the international relations that Japan was taught by the European and American Great Powers methodically to the really small place and, before Pearl Harbor, praises it. According to the treat professor, Japan "piled up a procedure of one one definitely diplomatically". And achieved the final merger in a treaty not ... declaration. In fact, "it was legal", and the empire building of the Great Powers did not go through means as Annexation of Korea of Japan in most cases.

The government decays with the American mirror, Royal Family of Japanese Helem Miars Korea and finishes being corrupted, and the obstinate clique plunders the fortune of the people. Besides, the people are too asininity. If there is not the national independent qualification in this and does not let Japan having civilization and the economic power that advanced govern it, it will be in the Russian colony.

It is useful, and the people do not object to the measure of the Hirobumi Ito inspector-general for a Korean.

The new gate is put up in front of American Korea diplomacy advisor dough ham Stevenson

South Gate; on the top very much the flag of the Korea empire and a Japanese national flag. A letter of 一進会 which pushed merger of Japan strongly in the gate.

"Statement 一進会 requiring union on Korea day"

Japan let Korea become independent by Sino-Japanese War.

Saved edible Korea where was just before by Russo-Japanese War in Russia.

However, Korea did not thank for this.

Arrive at that country, and arrive at this country, and ... will lose the diplomacy right after all.

However, this is the situation that we caused by oneself.

After all we who caused Hague case are responsible for having concluded Teimi treaty.

Hirobumi Ito watches the Korean nation, and it is not forgotten to lead the Crown Prince, and to have made it for Korea.

However, an assassination case has happened.

Will not know what kind of danger comes in future.

This is the situation that a Korean caused by oneself again.

Therefore make Japan and union, and let's make a large empire than it is protected as the inferior nation.

Will live while receiving service identical to a Japanese as the first class world nation.

※December 4, 1909 "statement 一進会 (1 million Korean members) requiring union on Korea day"

Words of the then Korean diplomat Li Ch'eng ball

With an ability of the current Korea race, Can hardly keep the honor as the independent nation.

The destroying a country is inevitable.

The way relieving destroying a country has only merger.

And a merger partner has only Japan.

The Westerners think of a Korean like a dog or a pig, but Japan is different.

The morality that is Japanese style as for the Japanese

Not like that swing it around and scold noisily,

This is because regard a Korean as the same kind.

And Japan leads Korea and is the only well-qualified person letting you participate in civilization of the all humankind.

Other than it the our Korea race,
Escape from the circumstances of the pig,
There is not the way where the happiness as the human being is caught.

And Korea cured the cause of the good government of Japan, capital, the assets which one, Japan suddenly poured into the Korean Peninsula by defeat of 1945 to the modernization in current value, and it has been to a terrible sum more than 80 trillion yen.

It was deficit operation without becoming the black after all.

(the country where Japan was the world and merely took out national budget into for one country, a colony)

The foreseeability of Isao Ito was right. It was right a superior politician.
Might it be unhappy for Korea not to mention Japan that Isao Ito was assassinated?
>>Isao Ito misunderstood the manager somehow extremely until recently when the Japan-Korea bad person who annexed it, the cheap equal root "were heroes of the anti-Japanese movement".
Really sorry. give a condolence heartily.


伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)… 4

2013-03-17 01:11:16 | 日記


Words June 19, 1908 when Hirobumi Ito held a party with a Korean influential person

Came to Korea to make Korea the excellent country.

Did not come to destroy Korea.

Understand the heart of mobs who call itself an independent campaigner.

However, they only have anger towards the extinction of the country.

Not have at all a method, the prospects to retain this country.

Therefore will destroy a country even if they achieve "independence" after all.

As for the feeling to love Korea, both and they are the same.

But means of that purpose is different.

Words July 29, 1907 at the party where Hirobumi Ito invited a Korean newspaper reporter to

The human being who cannot understand my thought says, "Japan took independence of Korea with Ito" and gives an independent campaigner and advertises a stupid thought to a commoner and is going to achieve "the independence only for the name that there are not contents".

Japan did not think that exploited Korea.

The Korean misunderstands a thought of Japan immediately.

In addition, a Japanese insisting, "you should annex Korea" because this case (Hague secret messenger case) happened says that.

think that is not necessary.

The merger increases a problem.

One raising ability for rule of the Korean government than it is useful in Japan and Korea.

Even if Korea becomes "the strong, rich country" as a result of instruction of Japan, support, believe it when it is not for a Japanese menace.

Japan expects that Korea becomes "the strong, rich country".

It is only one that Japan demands from Korea in return for an effort of that purpose of Japan, support.

Korea is Japan and a friendly nation, and it is to be a reliable ally.

It will surely become the profit of Japan.


The entertainer of the neighbor who contributes it to a terrorist praise movie and merger Japan-Korea for 1,910 years

At first the merger was pushed forward legally by the petition of the Korean side.

In addition, there is not ability to run a nation in the Korea dynasty, and the cause betrays a relationship of mutual trust with Japan and must not forget the fact that was the merger that I got rid of international credibility.

There is not power to rule the country and is a plot and betrayal and the natural consequence of the Korea dynasty which lost a country to end of the treachery.

伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)… 3

2013-03-17 01:08:38 | 日記


Voice to criticize a mob from all over the world

■German words
It is a very sad thing that a Korean assassinated Ito.

This is because Ito was the Korean best friend.

When Japan corresponded to Korea in a severe manner after Russo-Japanese War, encountered resistance of the unexpectedness.

A plot and the casualties of the Japanese settler happened in succession.

Exclaimed then when the speech organization "would give severer means" with a Japanese hard-liner.

However, Ito persisted in a mild policy and did not work.

The politics of Korea incredibly decayed in those days.

Ito understood the times and worked to let it be understood that the rule in Japan was happy by right reform.

Therefore undertook the job full of difficulties called the commander at advanced age beyond 60 years old.

※Dr. Erwin Velts "memory of Hirobumi Ito"

■Russian words

"It is a limit of the feeling embarrassed" so as to think if think.

In Ito having said before the last great war (Russo-Japanese War), as for that miserable war, there was not the dishonor called the defeat of Russia when Russia heard it either.

Ito is not a person doing a forcible claim, "Russia leaves Manchurian".

The death of "the aged great great man" whom you should respect is not only a loss of Japan.

It is my loss of Russia.

It is a great loss of Korea.

※Wholwat major general "Harbin Westnict"

■British words

Will compare Ito with the Western politician.

Ito was not military principles like Bismarck.

It was peaceful and was a type same as Gradston.

It resembles beer (the name of the politician) that fiscal knowledge was abundant.

Quick-wittedness and the boldness when perform a policy resemble the beacons field.

It was the person who Ito extracted the characteristic of all Western great politicians, and seemed to join it.

And he had judgment of the admirable future.

It should really say "a grand scene left in the human history" that such a person took a national leadership role for a long term of 40 years.

※"Character Brinkley editor in chief U.K. "Japan email" of Ito"

■Words of the Korean emperor

An Oriental great man disappeared by having lost Ito.

Ito devoted himself/herself to our country for faithfulness and mind of the justice.

Determined to bury one's bone in long Hakusan and said that made it for the civilization development of Korea.

There will be a lot of politicians in Japan.

However, understand international politics like Ito, and there is not the person who prayed for Oriental peace.

Ito was really a Korean good father.

If there is a person harming to the good father, it will be the wanderer who cannot understand things.

It is not misfortune only for our country to have lost Korean emperor (high sect) Ito on October 27.

It is not misfortune only for Japan.

It is Oriental misfortune.

It "is a limit of the feeling embarrassed" that the mob is a Korean.

Emperor of October 28 Korea (high sect )↓)

Yasue root just after the arrest

Government bonds remuneration resolution society and cheap equal root

Cheap equal root and 断指血盟

It seems to be the reason that assassinated Isao Ito.

On earth where did you intend to become independent from?

伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)… 2

2013-03-17 01:06:07 | 日記

The Korea merger opposition

Korea merger supporters

First Korea commander Hirobumi Ito
(a cheap equal root assassinates you)
Second Korea commander Arasuke Sone
(the Sone commander falls down by stomach cancer in 1910 and dismisses it in the same year)

Aritomo Yamagata
(after death of Ito, wield power in military administration two worlds as the most elder)

The Masaki Terauchi Secretary of State for War

(appointed by third Korea commander)

Hirobumi Ito was assassinated with a pistol in the cheap equal root of the Korean independent campaigner in Harbin platform for ten a year PHP new book Meiji 42(1909) 26 days a month in "Korea Bank" Yoshio Tatai 2002. As for "the stupid guy ," this became the last words of Ito. For cheap which was arrested, and was sent to Port Arthur, Question of the prosecutor, stated it when "Removed the sin because took the country of the person, and it was a sin that person which was going to take the life of the person, a sleeve hand looked on".

Announced one sentence that titled it when German medical scientist L bottle Velts which heard the news of the Ito accident "remembered Hirobumi Ito" in a German newspaper immediately. Velts was invited to the Tokyo medical school and visited Japan in 1876 and discovered lungs distome and served a physician in ordinary to Emperor Meiji as Imperial Household Ministry commissioner and went back to my own country in 1905.

"He was only the Korean best acquaintance in Japan, and it is tragedy still more that Ito was assassinated by a Korean if there will be the person". When it shined, and Japan described Korea a hand of the interference after Russo-Japanese War, faced with unexpected resistance. It did not seem that a riot and the Japanese killing ended when either. Therefore the military authorities and the newspaper of Tokyo required oppression by the drastic measures and military power. However, Ito supported gentle attitude. He believed it by giving useful reform to the Korean national system that had finished decaying when he could let a citizen of Korea realize what the Japan which was under rule of it was superior to.……In Europe, it is told only about the severe treatment of the Japanese side in Korea, but build a school and tell the rational agriculture and sericulture and establish a railroad and a road and the harbor and diligent and show the copybook of a workman and the farmer of ex
pert J
apan, and nothing is informed of the achievements that the Japan side raised. However, the writer visited this Korea three times and checked the fact familiarly.……Probably people oneself Korean will be to regret this assassination sometime. It is - -, but, for Japan, Hirobumi Ito is irreplaceable. The nation lost the experienced matchless politician, and the Emperor lost the best advisor whom you should trust

伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito)… 1

2013-03-17 01:02:06 | 日記
ρ ρ ρ

伊藤博文(Hirobumi Ito) is 蔵王霽貳-Seiji Zao (蓙甌惺貮, 瀞辭, 靜慈・遠田静治-Seiji Enda) 蓙皇蔵王 of the grandfather of my mother's side and a cousin of 横濱かほる-Kahoru Yokohama (織田譁讚瑠-Kahoru Oda・野島かほる-Kahoru Nojima) of the grandmother of the father's side.

藏王慧黎南 Selena Zaoh
樋山イヴ Eve.Ievu Toyama
天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱えり・野島えり)

Hirobumi Ito intended to let you become independent after having let Korea modernize.

I was against Korea merger.

The Korea merger opposition

Korea merger supporters

First Korea commander Hirobumi Ito
Second Korea commander Arasuke Sone
(the Minister of Finance at the time of the Russo-Japanese War)

Aritomo Yamagata
The Masaki Terauchi Secretary of State for War

"Vast money beyond the strength of a nation of Japan hangs over the maintenance after the Korea merger" the insistence of the Ito and others opposition

Each stance for the Korean Peninsula of Hirobumi Ito, Aritomo Yamagata, Munemitsu Mutsu

However, merger at that time Japan-Korea in Korea ... ...

The modernization is against "the principle of sinter in the small" in Korea
While regarded it as a barbaric act (not able to stand what was ruled by the country which thought to be the Japan monkey of an uncivilized island, a younger brother so far from Confucian teaching), and anti-Japan activity was dressed in the manner that the Emperor of series Korea cooperated with Japan entirely, Ito who betrayed it, and woke up a case to send history of honey to the Great Powers country including Russia was disappointed in this state and spoke it in this way

Rather than of writing it comes, and is similar by sly means, and going to refuse the protection right in Japan; for Japan

Do not establish a declaration of war magnificently if proclamation shortcut becomes

(the abstract mentioned above)
Declare war against Japan if you refuse Japan by such a sly method.


"A policy of Meiji Japan to ROK" (a work:) From Hiroji Fukaya), will pull out words of Hirobumi Ito.

"Would Korean who insist on the independence by oneself?" And would Korean who approve independence of Korea by oneself? If there is it, want to hear it. insist that the Korean had peculiar independence for several thousand years, but cannot recognize this. 」

"Japan was going to let Korea become independent as much as possible". However, Korea was not able to become independent after all. Therefore Japan was made to hold the two major wars of Sino-Japanese, Japan and Russia. As a result, Japan assumed Korea a protected country. You should say this if you say that it is aggression of Japan. Japan assumed Korea a protected country in self-defense really out of necessity. "And you should watch world a great number of people". No large country is the thing which can maintain world peace in one country until today. Only am slightly maintaining peace every area. Is the necessary reason of this that is the ally, and foreign power uses influence in Korea of one kimono and belt water (indicating distance being near); own; if is learned and followed, Japan threatens the independence. Japan can never allow for Korea to betray Japan. "However, Japan is not the thing which is going to destroy non-humanitarian act Korea of non-Fumiaki". Korea may act
freely in order that the development of Korea is a place to see of Japan very much, and Korea oneself wears the strength of a nation, and to develop. But here is one condition. In other words, it means that Korea should cooperate with Japan. If Tomoe character flag (Korean flag) ranks with the national flag of Japan, Japan is satisfactory in it. Japan suffers in anything, and may you destroy Korea? "Oneself is going to make it sincerely to deepen a really Japan-Korea friendship". However, in the case of both Great War of Sino-Japanese, Japan and Russia, what did one Korea do? Is it to have done what except the plot? Did you put your heart and soul into a looker-on during war? On earth it is not based on what kind of grounds and wants to hear that think that Japan does you (Korean) suddenly and is going to destroy Korea. "Japan insisted that handed over the diplomacy right of Korea to Japan to cut off a plot of Korea". But Japan does not have to annex Korea. The merger is very difficu
lt. Korea needs self-government. Besides, think that it is hard to accomplish healthy self-government if there is not a Japanese instruction supervisor. Refuse the modernization, and Korea wins

There was not a concept called independence and the independence

It was a pride and worship of the powerful of the Chinese civilization that there was

At time that there is anymore only Korea merger to follow Japan

Hirobumi Ito of the merger naysayer

The cheap equal root of the independent campaigner assassinates you

The flow advanced to Korea merger at a stretch