Yassie Araiのメッセージ



2016-11-16 16:55:58 | 政治



徒然こと 1 トランプ氏の格率

徒然こと 2 安倍総理への手紙をトランプ氏に送ったことを首相官邸に送ること

の二つです。 彼の言った、言わないが出てきていますが、political correctnessでいうと

いらいらを起こしめるようです。 ロナルドレーガンは選挙中に行ったことはほとんど忘れたらしい。

それでも名大統領にて終わったということで いま世界中がじっっと見守っている様子を感じます。

彼のfacebookなどは結構 親しめて面白いとおもいました。ときどき眺めていますが、きょうは気まぐれで


 絵は(浦賀の景色)、(裸婦 1)、(裸婦 2)、(裸婦 3)の4つです。




徒然こと 1 トランプ氏の格率(maximum)

No dream is too big.

No challenge is too great.

Nothing we want for our future is

  Beyond our Reach

     Donald Trump.













(裸婦 1)

徒然こと 2 安倍総理への手紙をトランプ氏に送ったことを首相官邸に送るということ

荒井 康全 安倍総理、ご政務ご苦労様です。17日のトランプ氏との会談実現は快挙です。こういうのは早いのが一番です。以下はトランプ氏facebookへの投稿 2106/11/16です。 総理のこのfacebook1111日に投稿したものを英訳してトランプ氏の以下のfacebookに投稿したものです。 会談が両国にとってよい近未来を拓くことを確信します。お体に気を付けて行ってらっしゃい。


Hello, Mr.Trump. I am pleased that you have seeing Prime Minster Abe on 17th of this month. I am looking forward both of you will have a good union.
By the way, I am also pleased to send you a copy of my message to facebook of Prime minister office as a letter of 2011/11/11 for helping your meeting with goodwill.
God bless both of you, Mr.Trump and Mr.Abe. from Yasumasa Arai 2016/11/16
~~My letter to Mr. Abe
(Translation from Japanese language below;)
To Mr.Primer Shinzo Abe
Hello, I am Yasumasa Arai(Japanese scientist, male, born in1938).
Mr.Donald Trump, as the President elect has now started very active workings for White House. At such a time I am very appreciating as a citizen of Japan,that you are quickly making a promise to see Mr.Trump on 17th of November. It is very grateful.
I have got to make a focus to Mr Trump since the very beginning his campayne spring of last year. Though he is a person of strange, but I have got to know he is surely a guy of smart and kindly of honest. So.I have concerned with his personality and his what he said during the election campagne, I am summarizeing my commets in followings. So, I am grateful , Mr.Abe to read them;

Basically, I think, Trump administration will introduce a new tax reform and trade tariff imposing policy to make US realizing the would-be new Industrial Structured Revolution.
It reminds me of the Union side’s having taken industry promotion policy over days during the Civil War. It was for competence against the British Empire free trade policy.
As for a tax reform, I take one hypothesis that US may take a promotion of employment infrastructure under encouragement to poweful capital owner’s active investiments to industries and techno-innovation through some tax system changes,for example, like as Professor Stiglitsz schemes,et al.
Regarding to free trade principles, I put to summarize the following items, which more or less,I guess, Mr Trump has continuously told the people of votes at the Presidential campaign.
US will carry out to take its primal policies to make own benefit for the people of America . 
US should be continuously standing ‘great again’ as the nation of uni-super power in this globe. ( though Mr.Trump said US is powerful enough though it’s policys so far had unfortunately under from said fallible ideas)
US should take the appropriate and reasonable paybacks from the each of nations which need of security to be protected and supported by US.
Nations, other than US should take their quotas of laden as under appropriate and reanobable shares accordance to US committance under mutual contracts. 
According to this context, it means that US will persistently hold the following fives along under the international frame of resume at the end of the WWII
First,as the strongest power of security for peace,
Second,as the strongest power of free trade market,
Third,as the strongest power of industrial production,
Forth, as the strongest power of techno-science innovations,
Fifth,as the strongest power of IoT innovative networkings.
These policy is basically invariable and same as those of Al Gore’s Innovative America Policy, but only one point different is which is nessecitating ‘Pay-Backs’ from every allient nations.
As for TPP matter, US will newly take a proposition of modification to a new frame on taking the combination of security and peace with free market trade ,guaranteed with TPP governance installation sphere.
At ending ,one comment added, which I saw and was impressed that a person wrote at one of the this year Op.ed in WoPo, and he said US decerves a great economic fund like Marshal-like-Plan supported from foreign alliences in order to rebuild revital economic infrastructure again in Amreca. It would mean ‘Pay Back’.

(裸婦 2)

(裸婦 3)

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