

What did they mean by "Do it"???

2005-12-23 04:31:15 | 姐式!
姐さんとしては、何かまた書かねばならないのでは~? と思うのです・・・

初めていらした方はまずこちらへ 自己紹介etc.

最近、うちの会社に新人さん2人が入社してきました。 それが来日5週間という、とってもフレッシュなドイツ人さん達なんです。 これが・・驚いたことに、2人ともカナリのハリポタ・ファンでした。
先日、お昼を一緒に食べに行った時の事、他の4人のコがあまり英語が得意でない為に、私ひとりがずっと彼女と喋ることになって、「このコあんまりよくまだ知らないしな・・面倒だなあ」って最初は思ってた。 そしたらとんでもなかった。 熱く6巻バレ話をネタバレありありで出来る環境ってなんてステキなの~♪
大声でスネイプがXXとか、ドラコがXXとか言っても、それが回りに聞こえても、誰の迷惑にもならないんですもん。 英語で6巻のセリフを言ったりしても、誰も気づかないし、ネタバレしてても分からないもんね。(Dracoをドレィコーと発音するあたりからして、ネタバレ・ヒアリングは不可と見た。) 
2人して困ったのは、彼女ドイツ人、私日本人・・で、Horcruxとか、そういう単語の発音の仕方がわかんないって事。 彼女の英語はどちらかというと普通の英語なんだけど、私のほうは滅茶苦茶にアメリカ訛りですので、母音の発音が違ってきて、「ん?何?」って何回聞かれたことか・・・
それから面白かったのは、彼女がちゃんとあの人を「You Know Who」って呼ぶって事♪ すごく嬉しかったわ。そういう人と生会話が出来るって素晴らしくな~い?


Clue 1: "it"
Draco's mission was to do something else than to kill.
One thing we ought to remember is that nobody said "kill him" at that time.
Death Eaters all said "do it". What is "it" here? There is no evidence that "it" means to kill somebody. We usually use the word "it" when we are talking about something we know in common. Also, it is often used when something is too long to say. So, it could be something or some action more complex than "to kill". Then, there may be a possibility that "it" was used, because D.Es were prohibited to disclose the NAME of the action.
Also, D.Es were prohibited to "do it". Greyback seemed like he wanted to take action. However, he was stopped by other DEs. This means, Voldemort had ordered "it" to be done by Draco and it must not be done by anybody else until Draco become entirely incapable of persuing his duty.
In that scene, the only people who used the word "kill" were Dumbledore and Draco himself. Draco had said "I'm about to kill you" when Dumbledore was at his mercy.
I believe, Draco said so just because he wanted to emphasize that he can kill him anytime. Probably, he was going to kill him afterwards anyway, but wasn't there any OHTER mission than just to kill?

Clue 2: Horcrux
Wasn't there a plan to do something with Dumbledore's death? ... like making a horcrux?
Slughorn said "there is a spell" when he talked about making a horcrux in his old memory. However, nobody discussed anything about this "spell" in the book. It was never described in the book about how the horcruxes were made. It is never clear which action takes place first. Death or Spell.
Would the spell be non-verbal spell?
According to Dumbledore, Voldemort intended to make 7 Horcruxes (because 7 is a magical number.) He had originally planned to make the 7th horcrux with Harry's death when his avadakedavra rebounded on him.
In book 3, we did not hear any spell cast before the event. But, that spell for making a horcrux can be non-verbal....... non-verbal spell had been emphasized very much in book 6. It could be true that there was one person Draco who had been told the spell. Would it be possible that "do it" means more than to kill? Yes, it could mean more than just Dumbledore's death. It could mean something additional than that.
(But, Paula says ... you would probably have to cast the spell by yourself in order to make your own horcrux. .... )
Anyway, if "it" meant something more than just killing Dumbledore, then would it be possible that Snape did something other than his master expected to happen???????
Would it be the reason why Dumbledore told Snape "please"?
Could it mean that the poor headmaster ordered his last word to mean... to kill him instead of something worse than his death?

