Semantic High!



2005-01-26 17:39:57 | Blog

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これらの作業はすべて自動的に行われるので、ユーザーからすると何も気にしなくてもいいのですが、問題はRSSリーダーを使って記事を読もうとすると、アクセスが2回発生してしまうというところにあります。とくに、2回目のアクセスは相手先のトラックバックの件数によって負荷が大きく変動してしまうので、その影響をあらかじめ予想しにくいという問題もあります。もちろん、それらの1回1回のアクセスがものすごい負荷になっているということはありません(さすがにそんな機能はつけられません…)が、ちりも積もれば何とやら、というように、たくさんの方に使っていただいているgoo RSSリーダーでどこまでやってよいかという点については、ユーザーのみなさんからのフィードバックなどの情報をもとに、いまでもバランス取りを続けています。ちなみに手順4の一覧表の解析では、1件ごとに文字コードが違う、などの問題もあったりしてこれまた大変です。



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556 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Love (Caden Hankins)
2007-07-23 10:29:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Goff (Louis Sturgeon)
2007-07-23 08:36:26
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Goff (Louis Sturgeon)
2007-07-23 08:35:22
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Landry (Jairo Kendall)
2007-07-23 03:41:12
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Acuna (Gideon Jefferson)
2007-07-23 01:57:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Barajas (Quinton Laughlin)
2007-07-22 18:59:00
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Getz (Braedon Engel)
2007-07-22 18:17:59
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Fredrick (Deandre Gilbert)
2007-07-22 17:15:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Glaze (Corbin Fry)
2007-07-22 13:31:47
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Dwyer (Neil Causey)
2007-07-22 11:24:00
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Jennings (Kyle Daily)
2007-07-22 10:36:02
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cornett (Alonzo Saunders)
2007-07-22 09:30:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Cornett (Alonzo Saunders)
2007-07-22 09:30:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Sturgis (Lee Baer)
2007-07-22 08:54:51
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Bruton (Mariano Maddox)
2007-07-22 08:09:04
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Tillery (Shannon Babb)
2007-07-22 07:56:03
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Byrnes (Korey Dooley)
2007-07-22 07:35:35
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Fierro (Carl Corrigan)
2007-07-22 06:05:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Fierro (Carl Corrigan)
2007-07-22 06:05:07
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Laird (Carl Lyon)
2007-07-22 01:48:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Laird (Carl Lyon)
2007-07-22 01:48:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Major (Armani Nicholas)
2007-07-22 01:44:57
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Major (Armani Nicholas)
2007-07-22 01:44:41
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Novotny (Braedon Morrison)
2007-07-21 22:37:28
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Novotny (Braedon Morrison)
2007-07-21 22:37:26
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Spillman (Shamar Caswell)
2007-07-21 22:25:47
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Spillman (Shamar Caswell)
2007-07-21 22:25:06
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Hoskins (Dustin Montes)
2007-07-21 21:48:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Gill (Trever Dickens)
2007-07-21 15:37:13
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Gill (Trever Dickens)
2007-07-21 15:36:38
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Hoskins (Adan Bible)
2007-07-21 15:06:02
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Dinkins (Camren Schulte)
2007-07-21 09:22:02
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Applegate (Alessandro Ford)
2007-07-21 06:18:14
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Applegate (Alessandro Ford)
2007-07-21 06:18:10
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Reich (Jaylan Arrington)
2007-07-21 06:14:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Reich (Jaylan Arrington)
2007-07-21 06:14:06
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Lightfoot (Kendrick Sewell)
2007-07-21 05:40:49
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Ethridge (Esteban Dominguez)
2007-07-21 01:17:46
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Chilton (Kyle Buck)
2007-07-20 23:33:35
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Bethea (Kellen Greco)
2007-07-20 20:56:31
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Bethea (Kellen Greco)
2007-07-20 20:56:23
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Billiot (Lukas Whelan)
2007-07-20 19:10:26
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Blunt (Jessie Luttrell)
2007-07-20 17:31:15
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Blunt (Jessie Luttrell)
2007-07-20 17:30:08
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Crum (Bret Underwood)
2007-07-20 09:59:22
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hammett (Ricardo Bounds)
2007-07-20 05:57:42
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Velez (Chris Miranda)
2007-07-20 03:56:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Feliciano (Quentin Rudolph)
2007-07-20 01:12:31
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Feliciano (Quentin Rudolph)
2007-07-20 01:12:28
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Ulrich (Rashad Arriola)
2007-07-19 23:07:46
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Barrett (Baby Berger)
2007-07-19 16:07:59
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Griffin (Lee Vargas)
2007-07-19 14:49:52
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Catron (Rhett Loya)
2007-07-19 10:59:55
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Searcy (Zain Wakefield)
2007-07-19 08:53:57
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Thomason (Tristan Atwell)
2007-07-19 07:59:50
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Thomason (Tristan Atwell)
2007-07-19 07:59:17
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Cantrell (Roy Mojica)
2007-07-19 07:19:13
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Singletary (Darwin Albrecht)
2007-07-19 02:03:34
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Jaeger (Jarvis Branch)
2007-07-19 01:50:57
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Chang (Damion Ruiz)
2007-07-19 00:36:17
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Sessions (John Murrell)
2007-07-19 00:10:22
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Sessions (John Murrell)
2007-07-19 00:09:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Bachman (Carlos Durand)
2007-07-18 23:48:43
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Bachman (Carlos Durand)
2007-07-18 23:48:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Spriggs (Ricky Ralph)
2007-07-18 22:20:00
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Easterling (Gael Costello)
2007-07-18 16:01:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Herman (Izaiah Casillas)
2007-07-18 15:54:24
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Herman (Izaiah Casillas)
2007-07-18 15:53:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Sanford (Jayden Redmon)
2007-07-18 14:17:07
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Sanford (Jayden Redmon)
2007-07-18 14:17:04
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Palmer (Anthony Byrd)
2007-07-18 12:16:23
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Browder (Xavier Mckenney)
2007-07-18 09:59:34
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Browder (Xavier Mckenney)
2007-07-18 09:58:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Cate (Giovanny Lauer)
2007-07-18 08:44:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Cate (Giovanny Lauer)
2007-07-18 08:44:11
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Aiken (Keagan Derrick)
2007-07-18 05:52:57
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Ashley (Drake Spangler)
2007-07-18 05:13:47
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Ashley (Drake Spangler)
2007-07-18 05:13:35
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Madden (Conrad Candelaria)
2007-07-18 02:26:34
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Glover (Izaiah Savage)
2007-07-17 23:42:00
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Glover (Izaiah Savage)
2007-07-17 23:41:25
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Lawless (Peter Ames)
2007-07-17 22:51:55
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Delagarza (Maddox Hunter)
2007-07-17 22:15:51
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Delagarza (Maddox Hunter)
2007-07-17 22:15:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Napier (Brenton Hutchens)
2007-07-17 18:44:06
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Napier (Brenton Hutchens)
2007-07-17 18:43:56
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Napier (Brenton Hutchens)
2007-07-17 18:43:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Macpherson (Clay Holden)
2007-07-17 18:17:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Macpherson (Clay Holden)
2007-07-17 18:15:55
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lacey (Johnathan Tobias)
2007-07-17 17:17:38
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lacey (Johnathan Tobias)
2007-07-17 17:17:01
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Ransom (Erick Giroux)
2007-07-17 15:25:05
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Fitts (Dangelo Labonte)
2007-07-17 14:29:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Fitts (Dangelo Labonte)
2007-07-17 14:28:30
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Jankowski (Marlon Crane)
2007-07-17 12:51:14
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Jankowski (Marlon Crane)
2007-07-17 12:50:09
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Culpepper (Eduardo Hall)
2007-07-17 10:39:58
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Culpepper (Eduardo Hall)
2007-07-17 10:38:53
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Swift (Keenan Altman)
2007-07-17 09:02:48
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Swift (Keenan Altman)
2007-07-17 09:01:39
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Coulter (Jagger Berube)
2007-07-17 08:26:54
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Coulter (Jagger Berube)
2007-07-17 08:26:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Crow (Josiah Landrum)
2007-07-17 07:01:53
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Sparrow (Yosef Zeller)
2007-07-17 00:51:54
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cooley (Luke Watt)
2007-07-17 00:12:50
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cooley (Luke Watt)
2007-07-17 00:12:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Hidalgo (Grayson Chavarria)
2007-07-16 23:45:10
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hidalgo (Grayson Chavarria)
2007-07-16 23:45:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Jasso (Kenny Tanaka)
2007-07-16 20:15:08
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Crawley (Rylan Locklear)
2007-07-16 20:14:49
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Crawley (Rylan Locklear)
2007-07-16 20:14:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Joy (Caden Cabrera)
2007-07-16 16:13:04
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Becerra (Lukas Leeper)
2007-07-16 14:23:41
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hollins (Treyton Steiner)
2007-07-16 13:19:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hollins (Treyton Steiner)
2007-07-16 13:19:16
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hylton (Rafael Shipp)
2007-07-16 05:19:42
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Quinn (Dallin Andre)
2007-07-16 03:08:24
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Everson (Shawn Payton)
2007-07-15 21:37:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Everson (Shawn Payton)
2007-07-15 21:37:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Foret (Kareem Cantrell)
2007-07-15 20:34:32
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Delong (Easton Shay)
2007-07-15 20:30:11
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Delong (Easton Shay)
2007-07-15 20:30:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Sapp (Haden Kruse)
2007-07-15 15:18:03
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cothran (Shaun Rains)
2007-07-15 14:39:16
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Brand (Kennedy Tiller)
2007-07-15 14:13:21
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Brand (Kennedy Tiller)
2007-07-15 14:13:18
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Broussard (Jarod Wooden)
2007-07-15 12:39:45
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Broussard (Jarod Wooden)
2007-07-15 12:39:13
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Bosley (Luciano Blue)
2007-07-15 12:29:03
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Bosley (Luciano Blue)
2007-07-15 12:28:27
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Goddard (Jamie Byrne)
2007-07-15 12:04:53
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Goddard (Jamie Byrne)
2007-07-15 12:04:19
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Goddard (Jamie Byrne)
2007-07-15 12:04:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Dang (Bryce Bolton)
2007-07-15 08:26:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Will (Grayson Fairley)
2007-07-15 06:45:27
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Will (Grayson Fairley)
2007-07-15 06:45:25
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Mccaffrey (Jayce Fabian)
2007-07-15 06:26:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Blackmon (Grady Dangelo)
2007-07-15 05:41:42
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Blackmon (Grady Dangelo)
2007-07-15 05:40:56
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Paradis (Fletcher Jasso)
2007-07-15 03:24:00
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Covert (Ronald Chalmers)
2007-07-15 03:22:23
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Covert (Ronald Chalmers)
2007-07-15 03:21:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Eck (Maxwell Artis)
2007-07-15 01:30:39
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hairston (Felix Drew)
2007-07-14 22:40:31
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hairston (Felix Drew)
2007-07-14 22:39:42
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Dias (Julien Felix)
2007-07-14 20:39:47
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Wilhelm (Arjun Weller)
2007-07-14 20:06:17
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Wilhelm (Arjun Weller)
2007-07-14 20:05:44
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Gregg (Orion Ogden)
2007-07-14 17:34:33
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Mulkey (Sawyer Clancy)
2007-07-14 16:32:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Mulkey (Sawyer Clancy)
2007-07-14 16:32:47
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hahn (Brennen Molina)
2007-07-14 10:03:23
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hahn (Brennen Molina)
2007-07-14 10:03:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Boudreau (Will Goodwin)
2007-07-14 09:43:02
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Mullin (Greyson Turley)
2007-07-14 09:00:58
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Mullin (Greyson Turley)
2007-07-14 09:00:23
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Lavender (Ezekiel Cho)
2007-07-14 04:43:41
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Mcmurray (Bennett Doty)
2007-07-14 03:55:07
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Mcmurray (Bennett Doty)
2007-07-14 03:55:04
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Card (Rylan Mcginnis)
2007-07-14 02:48:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Venable (Trent Wimberly)
2007-07-14 02:13:13
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Venable (Trent Wimberly)
2007-07-14 02:13:09
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Schuler (Zechariah Kay)
2007-07-13 22:34:03
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Schuler (Zechariah Kay)
2007-07-13 22:32:59
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Curran (Immanuel Hidalgo)
2007-07-13 21:03:32
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Pulido (Jesus Glasgow)
2007-07-13 21:02:15
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Abell (Chad Fannin)
2007-07-13 20:41:22
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lyles (Braxton Jefferies)
2007-07-13 16:09:47
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lyles (Braxton Jefferies)
2007-07-13 16:09:37
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Glasgow (Ezra Keen)
2007-07-13 14:08:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Clancy (Walker Velasquez)
2007-07-13 12:40:39
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Clancy (Walker Velasquez)
2007-07-13 12:39:36
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Aragon (Keagan Tolliver)
2007-07-13 12:28:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Aragon (Keagan Tolliver)
2007-07-13 12:28:46
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Keith (Shea Mcneely)
2007-07-13 09:30:43
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Fuchs (Cullen Rivera)
2007-07-13 06:35:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Peachey (Vaughn Skelton)
2007-07-13 05:23:35
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Peachey (Vaughn Skelton)
2007-07-13 05:22:59
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Wing (Sawyer Coon)
2007-07-12 21:37:29
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Wing (Sawyer Coon)
2007-07-12 21:37:25
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Coley (Shea Fletcher)
2007-07-12 18:44:29
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Coley (Shea Fletcher)
2007-07-12 18:44:26
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Parkinson (Brendan Hayden)
2007-07-12 18:02:40
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Mills (Adrian Trujillo)
2007-07-12 16:40:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Conti (Kelvin Kuhn)
2007-07-12 15:24:24
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Musselman (Humberto Iverson)
2007-07-12 13:27:18
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Musselman (Humberto Iverson)
2007-07-12 13:26:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Rhea (Johnathan Bankston)
2007-07-12 07:43:21
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Ball (Juan Rickard)
2007-07-12 06:55:38
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Busch (Derrick Tubbs)
2007-07-12 05:29:38
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Busch (Derrick Tubbs)
2007-07-12 05:29:32
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Conte (Kenyon Latham)
2007-07-12 05:03:51
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Conte (Kenyon Latham)
2007-07-12 05:02:44
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Casper (Alejandro Shaw)
2007-07-12 04:17:01
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cintron (Zackary Mead)
2007-07-12 01:38:53
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Cintron (Zackary Mead)
2007-07-12 01:38:47
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Whitney (Rowan Wester)
2007-07-11 22:16:14
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hardman (Guadalupe Rowe)
2007-07-11 21:08:41
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Atwell (Deon Russo)
2007-07-11 19:32:09
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Ornelas (Johnathon Baggett)
2007-07-11 18:58:19
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Ornelas (Johnathon Baggett)
2007-07-11 18:58:15
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Boland (Cason Ball)
2007-07-11 17:09:47
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Boland (Cason Ball)
2007-07-11 17:09:13
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Hannan (Tariq Barger)
2007-07-11 15:12:41
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hannan (Tariq Barger)
2007-07-11 15:12:14
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Henson (Quinton Welker)
2007-07-11 14:51:38
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Henson (Quinton Welker)
2007-07-11 14:51:06
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Thiel (Payton Furman)
2007-07-11 14:42:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Thiel (Payton Furman)
2007-07-11 14:41:12
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Mclaurin (Dustin Kirkpatrick)
2007-07-11 13:57:49
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Walsh (Maddox Emanuel)
2007-07-11 10:31:45
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Walsh (Maddox Emanuel)
2007-07-11 10:31:28
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Pogue (Preston Dorman)
2007-07-11 06:28:29
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hamel (Santino Gaytan)
2007-07-11 04:01:26
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Pereira (Reynaldo Martindale)
2007-07-11 00:47:09
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Loftus (Carson Hoppe)
2007-07-10 22:12:19
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Yazzie (Maddox Dill)
2007-07-10 21:43:26
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Yazzie (Maddox Dill)
2007-07-10 21:43:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Thorp (Marlon Kohler)
2007-07-10 18:54:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Waldron (Solomon Isom)
2007-07-10 18:39:25
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Waldron (Solomon Isom)
2007-07-10 18:39:20
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Griffis (Marquis Pond)
2007-07-10 18:00:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Horst (Troy Wilbur)
2007-07-10 16:35:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Horst (Troy Wilbur)
2007-07-10 16:35:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Calkins (Perry Lessard)
2007-07-10 14:46:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Calkins (Perry Lessard)
2007-07-10 14:46:45
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Carey (Tyson Forsyth)
2007-07-10 10:43:30
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Carey (Tyson Forsyth)
2007-07-10 10:43:26
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Stafford (Fredrick Conger)
2007-07-10 10:30:28
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Stafford (Fredrick Conger)
2007-07-10 10:30:25
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lashley (Johnathon Abraham)
2007-07-10 08:03:08
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Bible (Turner Burkholder)
2007-07-10 04:53:26
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Sheets (Treyton Faust)
2007-07-10 04:28:50
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Sheets (Treyton Faust)
2007-07-10 04:28:48
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Spence (Zachariah Stokes)
2007-07-10 03:18:39
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hancock (Tristen Torrez)
2007-07-09 17:52:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Gagnon (Javon Grenier)
2007-07-09 16:21:08
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Gagnon (Javon Grenier)
2007-07-09 16:20:30
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Thrasher (Koby Barba)
2007-07-09 15:00:15
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Thrasher (Koby Barba)
2007-07-09 14:59:34
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Puckett (Terrance Harry)
2007-07-09 14:53:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Lamontagne (Silas Thorne)
2007-07-09 14:31:07
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Lamontagne (Silas Thorne)
2007-07-09 14:30:55
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Seward (Dale Strange)
2007-07-09 09:38:27
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Lyon (Elisha Hardison)
2007-07-09 06:30:47
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Barron (Antoine Garvey)
2007-07-09 05:49:11
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Barron (Antoine Garvey)
2007-07-09 05:48:07
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Donnelly (Jesus Harley)
2007-07-09 04:20:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Dove (Devyn Isaac)
2007-07-08 23:29:41
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Dove (Devyn Isaac)
2007-07-08 23:29:08
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Kiefer (Zackery Demers)
2007-07-08 23:03:25
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Sam (Jair Delgadillo)
2007-07-08 19:26:54
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Sam (Jair Delgadillo)
2007-07-08 19:26:53
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Dunne (Colby Soileau)
2007-07-08 18:15:30
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Banuelos (Andres Nall)
2007-07-08 11:51:29
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Muse (Clarence Nadeau)
2007-07-08 08:34:00
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Muse (Clarence Nadeau)
2007-07-08 08:33:58
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Moreno (Ricardo Paulsen)
2007-07-08 07:45:42
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Getz (Vicente Ornelas)
2007-07-08 03:31:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Getz (Vicente Ornelas)
2007-07-08 03:31:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Givens (Reece Burden)
2007-07-08 01:55:49
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Oden (Byron Colon)
2007-07-08 01:38:09
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Oden (Byron Colon)
2007-07-08 01:37:00
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hildreth (Benny Olson)
2007-07-08 00:35:03
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Carr (Derick Trammell)
2007-07-07 23:18:44
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Beauregard (Justyn Walton)
2007-07-07 20:42:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Beauregard (Justyn Walton)
2007-07-07 20:42:05
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Chase (Billy Mullins)
2007-07-07 13:44:30
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Chase (Billy Mullins)
2007-07-07 13:44:25
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Reiter (Gustavo Stephen)
2007-07-07 13:43:22
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cantrell (Rodrigo Trowbridge)
2007-07-07 12:40:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Cooper (Tyler Larson)
2007-07-07 08:51:23
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Farnsworth (Nathaniel Hutchison)
2007-07-07 08:36:09
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Musselman (Jordan Demarco)
2007-07-07 07:27:29
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Musselman (Jordan Demarco)
2007-07-07 07:26:49
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Huerta (Raul Stovall)
2007-07-07 05:38:48
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Huerta (Raul Stovall)
2007-07-07 05:38:43
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Brito (Cade Flowers)
2007-07-07 02:40:18
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Brito (Cade Flowers)
2007-07-07 02:40:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Waters (Jaime Groce)
2007-07-07 02:37:08
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Slone (Jasper Jolly)
2007-07-07 01:15:12
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Slone (Jasper Jolly)
2007-07-07 01:14:33
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Speed (Allan Chisholm)
2007-07-07 00:23:12
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Centeno (Forrest Counts)
2007-07-06 23:16:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Centeno (Forrest Counts)
2007-07-06 23:15:20
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Culpepper (Zackery Wenger)
2007-07-06 19:36:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Ocasio (Stefan Mcgowan)
2007-07-06 18:53:04
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Nall (Jarvis Hinkle)
2007-07-06 18:40:25
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Lenz (Cale Garrison)
2007-07-06 16:39:37
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Fine (Edgar Bell)
2007-07-06 13:37:19
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Hawley (Nelson Vernon)
2007-07-06 12:44:12
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Hawley (Nelson Vernon)
2007-07-06 12:43:09
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Latimer (Kendall Shepherd)
2007-07-06 08:33:32
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Latimer (Kendall Shepherd)
2007-07-06 08:33:24
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Dumont (Jonas Mckay)
2007-07-06 08:13:40
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Villegas (Clarence Saucier)
2007-07-06 06:35:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Free (Jesse Reis)
2007-07-06 06:17:01
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Mcwilliams (Gerald Melendez)
2007-07-06 05:54:41
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Mcwilliams (Gerald Melendez)
2007-07-06 05:53:34
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Batista (Randall Beyer)
2007-07-06 05:11:11
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Batista (Randall Beyer)
2007-07-06 05:11:08
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Lyon (Rohan Flanagan)
2007-07-06 05:03:50
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Lyon (Rohan Flanagan)
2007-07-06 05:03:46
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Humphreys (Kenneth Brice)
2007-07-06 02:42:06
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Cole (Joey Dumas)
2007-07-06 00:35:19
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Berrios (Jacob Hutchison)
2007-07-06 00:22:20
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Berrios (Jacob Hutchison)
2007-07-06 00:21:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Guinn (Dallas Freed)
2007-07-05 23:14:12
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Guinn (Dallas Freed)
2007-07-05 23:14:00
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Granger (Sabastian Wing)
2007-07-05 19:14:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Granger (Sabastian Wing)
2007-07-05 19:14:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Mccray (Alonzo Sousa)
2007-07-05 19:06:15
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Herrin (Gael Schweitzer)
2007-07-05 19:05:27
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Sander (Ryley Frost)
2007-07-05 18:33:55
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Sander (Ryley Frost)
2007-07-05 18:33:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno.
Pederson (Raymond Lenz)
2007-07-05 17:52:47
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Pederson (Raymond Lenz)
2007-07-05 17:51:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Lang (Timothy Seymour)
2007-07-05 16:25:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause.
Overstreet (Easton Ray)
2007-05-23 03:07:15
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Overstreet (Easton Ray)
2007-05-23 03:06:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
Overstreet (Easton Ray)
2007-05-23 03:06:34
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers.
The first stage of a  (Eugene Workman)
2007-03-30 00:27:19
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Denzel Warden)
2007-03-16 00:53:55
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Denzel Warden)
2007-03-16 00:53:52
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Frankie Braxton)
2007-02-01 09:27:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Shayne Andersen)
2007-01-24 04:43:28
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Shayne Andersen)
2007-01-24 04:42:49
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Shayne Andersen)
2007-01-24 04:42:43
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Clayton Regalado)
2007-01-24 03:39:02
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Clayton Regalado)
2007-01-24 03:38:48
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Clayton Regalado)
2007-01-24 03:38:13
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alonzo Dagostino)
2007-01-24 01:37:18
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Bryce Hudspeth)
2007-01-23 20:02:05
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Bryce Hudspeth)
2007-01-23 20:01:50
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Bryce Hudspeth)
2007-01-23 20:00:46
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Kennedy Booth)
2007-01-23 19:30:47
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Kennedy Booth)
2007-01-23 19:29:51
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keon Youngblood)
2007-01-23 16:07:03
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keon Youngblood)
2007-01-23 16:06:21
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keon Youngblood)
2007-01-23 16:04:42
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Josue Landis)
2007-01-23 10:00:10
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Josue Landis)
2007-01-23 09:58:44
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Luciano Wilburn)
2007-01-23 04:08:04
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Luciano Wilburn)
2007-01-23 04:07:59
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Jamari Horvath)
2007-01-23 01:51:09
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Jamari Horvath)
2007-01-23 01:49:12
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Jamari Horvath)
2007-01-23 01:48:29
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Terrance Shah)
2007-01-20 00:19:35
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Erik Maple)
2007-01-19 19:59:25
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Erik Maple)
2007-01-19 19:59:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Nash Montalvo)
2007-01-19 17:17:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Nash Montalvo)
2007-01-19 17:15:38
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Nash Montalvo)
2007-01-19 17:15:28
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Diego Borges)
2007-01-19 13:18:27
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Diego Borges)
2007-01-19 13:17:36
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Diego Borges)
2007-01-19 13:17:02
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Milton Lefebvre)
2007-01-19 13:00:25
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Milton Lefebvre)
2007-01-19 13:00:10
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Milton Lefebvre)
2007-01-19 12:59:32
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Davon Thibodeau)
2007-01-18 02:36:47
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Davon Thibodeau)
2007-01-18 02:35:44
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cayden Geer)
2007-01-18 02:15:42
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cayden Geer)
2007-01-18 02:15:28
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cayden Geer)
2007-01-18 02:14:57
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Nicholas Abbott)
2007-01-17 22:57:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Nicholas Abbott)
2007-01-17 22:54:19
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Nicholas Abbott)
2007-01-17 22:53:37
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Branden Robison)
2007-01-17 20:48:12
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Branden Robison)
2007-01-17 20:47:32
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Branden Robison)
2007-01-17 20:46:28
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Josiah Hedrick)
2007-01-17 15:52:26
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Josiah Hedrick)
2007-01-17 15:52:06
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Josiah Hedrick)
2007-01-17 15:46:45
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Maxim Unger)
2007-01-17 05:50:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Maxim Unger)
2007-01-17 05:48:23
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Maxim Unger)
2007-01-17 05:47:24
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Savion Dalton)
2007-01-16 22:52:40
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Savion Dalton)
2007-01-16 22:52:20
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Savion Dalton)
2007-01-16 22:51:59
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Cesar Gallardo)
2007-01-15 04:01:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Alexis Wooley)
2007-01-15 03:04:55
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Alexis Wooley)
2007-01-15 03:03:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Kanye Austin)
2007-01-15 02:11:40
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Kanye Austin)
2007-01-15 02:09:31
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Gael Espino)
2007-01-15 01:42:01
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Gael Espino)
2007-01-15 01:41:33
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Gael Espino)
2007-01-15 01:40:20
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Quincy Timm)
2007-01-15 00:49:22
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Quincy Timm)
2007-01-15 00:48:54
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Jaeden Toscano)
2007-01-14 23:56:32
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Jaeden Toscano)
2007-01-14 23:55:41
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Phillip Garvey)
2007-01-14 13:33:49
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Phillip Garvey)
2007-01-14 13:32:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Alexzander Scanlon)
2007-01-14 12:28:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alexzander Scanlon)
2007-01-14 12:28:04
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alexzander Scanlon)
2007-01-14 12:26:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alexzander Scanlon)
2007-01-14 12:26:14
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Jamari Provost)
2007-01-14 09:52:21
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Jamari Provost)
2007-01-14 09:51:19
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Evan Angulo)
2007-01-14 08:25:41
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Evan Angulo)
2007-01-14 08:25:21
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Evan Angulo)
2007-01-14 08:24:21
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Humberto Daughtry)
2007-01-14 05:28:32
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Humberto Daughtry)
2007-01-14 05:27:26
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Humberto Daughtry)
2007-01-14 05:26:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gunnar Zielinski)
2007-01-14 03:57:18
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gunnar Zielinski)
2007-01-14 03:56:21
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gunnar Zielinski)
2007-01-14 03:55:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Reid Abrams)
2007-01-13 21:43:06
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Reid Abrams)
2007-01-13 21:42:41
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Reid Abrams)
2007-01-13 21:42:17
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Phoenix Levy)
2007-01-12 10:17:58
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Douglas Smoot)
2007-01-12 09:33:07
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Douglas Smoot)
2007-01-12 09:32:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Douglas Smoot)
2007-01-12 09:31:48
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Josue Tyree)
2007-01-12 03:38:04
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Josue Tyree)
2007-01-12 03:36:13
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Quintin Westfall)
2007-01-12 00:55:11
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Quintin Westfall)
2007-01-12 00:54:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keyon Mears)
2007-01-11 20:58:14
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keyon Mears)
2007-01-11 20:57:46
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Keyon Mears)
2007-01-11 20:57:32
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Adrian Matheson)
2007-01-11 11:04:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Adrian Matheson)
2007-01-11 11:02:28
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Adrian Matheson)
2007-01-11 11:01:59
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Dante Richardson)
2007-01-11 07:30:51
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dante Richardson)
2007-01-11 07:30:28
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dante Richardson)
2007-01-11 07:29:33
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Glen Forbes)
2007-01-10 22:41:01
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Glen Forbes)
2007-01-10 22:40:25
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Glen Forbes)
2007-01-10 22:39:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Edwin Woodward)
2007-01-10 20:35:23
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Edwin Woodward)
2007-01-10 20:34:49
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Lane Pinkney)
2007-01-10 12:17:31
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Alonzo Quinn)
2007-01-10 11:37:28
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alonzo Quinn)
2007-01-10 11:37:10
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Alonzo Quinn)
2007-01-10 11:35:57
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Izaiah Sisson)
2007-01-10 11:16:38
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Izaiah Sisson)
2007-01-10 11:15:49
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Caleb Zarate)
2007-01-10 10:35:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Caleb Zarate)
2007-01-10 10:35:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Caleb Zarate)
2007-01-10 10:33:30
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Giancarlo Hahn)
2007-01-10 01:38:54
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Giancarlo Hahn)
2007-01-10 01:38:45
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jase Mcclellan)
2007-01-09 20:38:35
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jase Mcclellan)
2007-01-09 20:38:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Jase Mcclellan)
2007-01-09 20:38:02
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Tucker Lundgren)
2007-01-09 04:59:54
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Aryan Knox)
2007-01-08 23:11:30
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Aryan Knox)
2007-01-08 23:04:52
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Aryan Knox)
2007-01-08 23:04:20
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Reese Ray)
2007-01-05 02:45:01
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Reese Ray)
2007-01-05 02:44:43
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Kurtis Galloway)
2007-01-05 01:35:50
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Niko Shull)
2007-01-04 23:13:43
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Niko Shull)
2007-01-04 23:12:08
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dandre Mccall)
2007-01-04 20:04:53
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dandre Mccall)
2007-01-04 20:04:27
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Aldo Dolan)
2007-01-04 19:29:37
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Aldo Dolan)
2007-01-04 19:26:38
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tyrell Fitzgerald)
2007-01-04 15:28:30
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tyrell Fitzgerald)
2007-01-04 15:27:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Owen Bratton)
2007-01-04 09:21:12
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Kellen Conover)
2006-12-28 19:23:39
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Fernando Marx)
2006-12-28 17:48:49
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Fernando Marx)
2006-12-28 17:48:20
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Cedric Covington)
2006-12-28 17:25:11
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Cedric Covington)
2006-12-28 17:25:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Cedric Covington)
2006-12-28 17:23:27
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dillan Alley)
2006-12-28 06:29:33
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Samir Washburn)
2006-12-28 02:22:29
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gannon Dove)
2006-12-26 18:55:32
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gannon Dove)
2006-12-26 18:55:27
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gannon Dove)
2006-12-26 18:54:56
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Gannon Dove)
2006-12-26 18:53:00
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Ellis Babb)
2006-12-23 00:03:05
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Ellis Babb)
2006-12-23 00:02:09
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Tony Stephens)
2006-12-20 01:46:58
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Jamie Appel)
2006-12-19 23:29:00
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Jamie Appel)
2006-12-19 23:28:39
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cortez Earls)
2006-12-19 22:31:21
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cortez Earls)
2006-12-19 22:30:35
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Easton Homan)
2006-12-19 21:45:55
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Easton Homan)
2006-12-19 21:45:13
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Easton Homan)
2006-12-19 21:44:37
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Stefan Rome)
2006-12-19 21:01:36
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Stefan Rome)
2006-12-19 21:01:16
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Reece Alarcon)
2006-12-19 18:28:52
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Reece Alarcon)
2006-12-19 18:28:15
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Johnathan Light)
2006-12-19 15:49:36
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Johnathan Light)
2006-12-19 15:49:24
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Johnathan Light)
2006-12-19 15:48:02
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Louis Saenz)
2006-12-19 15:16:05
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Louis Saenz)
2006-12-19 15:15:13
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Louis Saenz)
2006-12-19 15:14:54
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Dylan Folse)
2006-12-19 15:01:44
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Dylan Folse)
2006-12-19 14:59:12
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Christian Prichard)
2006-12-19 11:18:23
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Harrison Abrams)
2006-12-19 09:38:49
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Harrison Abrams)
2006-12-19 09:38:29
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Harrison Abrams)
2006-12-19 09:38:06
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Jake Warner)
2006-12-19 07:36:46
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Asa Shinn)
2006-12-19 04:06:38
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Carl Garris)
2006-12-19 03:22:19
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Carl Garris)
2006-12-19 03:21:42
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Carl Garris)
2006-12-19 03:20:47
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Jahiem Lehmann)
2006-12-19 01:51:00
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Kurtis Hauser)
2006-12-18 12:42:18
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Kurtis Hauser)
2006-12-18 12:26:57
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Rudy Holden)
2006-12-18 11:00:41
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Rudy Holden)
2006-12-18 10:58:48
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Rudy Holden)
2006-12-18 10:48:51
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tyson Gunn)
2006-12-18 07:46:17
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tyson Gunn)
2006-12-18 07:39:30
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tyson Gunn)
2006-12-18 07:30:54
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Camron Bowling)
2006-12-18 04:16:29
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Camron Bowling)
2006-12-18 04:06:29
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Daniel Fowler)
2006-12-16 03:45:17
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Yosef Reiss)
2006-12-14 10:32:05
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Yosef Reiss)
2006-12-14 10:31:09
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Yosef Reiss)
2006-12-14 10:30:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cael Colson)
2006-12-14 09:27:09
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Cael Colson)
2006-12-14 09:26:40
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Brendan Bilodeau)
2006-12-14 09:16:03
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Brendan Bilodeau)
2006-12-14 09:13:49
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Brendan Bilodeau)
2006-12-14 09:13:15
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Brendan Mcallister)
2006-12-14 08:37:08
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Brendan Mcallister)
2006-12-14 08:36:50
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Cody Hadden)
2006-12-12 03:08:00
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Cody Hadden)
2006-12-12 03:06:54
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Cody Hadden)
2006-12-12 03:06:11
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Julien Presley)
2006-12-12 01:38:18
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Julien Presley)
2006-12-12 01:35:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Skylar Rivera)
2006-12-12 00:13:46
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
The first stage of a  (Thaddeus Corbitt)
2006-12-11 23:20:32
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Thaddeus Corbitt)
2006-12-11 23:20:11
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Thaddeus Corbitt)
2006-12-11 23:19:07
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Chad Drummond)
2006-12-11 18:29:30
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Chad Drummond)
2006-12-11 18:29:09
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Corbin Reaves)
2006-12-07 04:07:41
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Corbin Reaves)
2006-12-07 04:07:16
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Corbin Reaves)
2006-12-07 04:06:48
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Ryley Grimes)
2006-12-07 02:11:46
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Ryley Grimes)
2006-12-07 02:11:20
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Ryley Grimes)
2006-12-07 02:10:14
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Devante Blackmon)
2006-12-06 02:58:59
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Devante Blackmon)
2006-12-06 02:58:15
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Tre Broughton)
2006-12-05 20:38:04
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
young girl pussy (Damion Castle)
2006-12-01 21:36:27
young girl pussy young gay cocks belly button fetish encasement fetish little sister fuck fuck bitches The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
young girl pussy (Damion Castle)
2006-12-01 21:35:45
young girl pussy young gay cocks belly button fetish encasement fetish little sister fuck fuck bitches The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
The first stage of a  (Chandler Esquivel)
2006-12-01 01:46:19
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Kurtis Brooks)
2006-11-30 06:03:51
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 ( (Kanye Gurley)
2006-11-26 16:53:59
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (26) each to donate to a charitable cause...
The first stage of a  (Coleman Zavala)
2006-11-24 15:57:59
The first stage of a 50m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Marcos Bryson)
2006-11-24 03:02:20
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m ( (Declan Christiansen)
2006-11-23 01:34:17
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (2m) film deal starring his character Bruno...


