


2021年01月08日 21時14分25秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO



What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?


By F. William Engdahl、著者 F.ウィリアム イングドール

Global Research, December 25, 2020グローバルリサーチ、2020年12月25日




次の翻訳に登場するMichael Yeadon博士は、コロナワクチンによる不妊の危険性を、ヨーロッパ医薬品庁に緊急請願した人です。

2020年12月1日、ファイザーの呼吸器研究責任者であるマイケル・イェードン博士と肺の専門家で元公衆衛生部門長のヴォルフガング・ヴォダーグ博士は、EUの医薬品承認を担当する欧州医薬品庁(EMA)に、すべてのSARS CoV2ワクチン研究、特にBioNtech/ファイザーのBNT162bに関する研究(EudraCT番号2020-002641-42)の即時中止を申請しました。

SARS-CoV-2に対するワクチンが接種され、スパイク蛋白質のシンシチン同族体蛋白質に対する抗体が人体内で作られ、女性の胎盤や男性の精子のシンシチン-1に対する免疫反応を起こせば、妊娠できなくなる危険性があるからです(人口削減ワクチンになる危険性) (ただし、まだ証拠は報告されていません)


“Explicitly experimental”明らかに実験的

Dr. Michael Yeadon replied in a recent public social media comment to a colleague in the UK;  “All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel.

Michael Yeadon博士は、最近のパブリックソーシャルメディアのコメントで、英国の同僚に返信しました。 「SARS-COV-2ウイルスに対するすべてのワクチンは、定義によれば、新しいものです。

No candidate vaccine has been… in development for more than a few months.”


Yeadon then went on to declare, イェードンはそれから宣言し続けました、

“If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.


This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for…whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information.”


Yeadon is well qualified to make the critique.


As he notes in the comment, “I have a degree in Biochemistry & Toxicology & a research based PhD in pharmacology.


I have spent 32 years working in pharmaceutical R&D, mostly in new medicines for disorders of lung & skin.


I was a VP at Pfizer & CEO…. of a biotech I founded (Ziarco – acquired by Novartis).

私はファイザーの副社長でした、・・・私が設立したバイオテクノロジー(Ziarco – Novartisが買収)の最高経営責任者CEOでした。

I’m knowledgeable about new medicine R&D.” 


He was formerly with Pfizer at a very senior level.



Human guinea pigs?人モルモット

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is experimental and far from guaranteed safe, despite the fact that Pfizer, the EU and the notorious Dr Tony Fauci seem ready to roll it out even before year end to hundreds of millions of humans.


The experimental technology is based on a rather new gene manipulation known as gene editing.


In a major article in the 2018 New York Council on Foreign Relations magazine, Foreign Affairs, Bill Gates effusively promoted the novel gene editing CRISPR technology as being able to “transform global development.”

2018年ニューヨーク外交問題評議会誌のForeign Affairsの主要な記事で、ビル・ゲイツは、「グローバルな開発を変革する」ことができるとして、新しい遺伝子編集CRISPRテクノロジーを熱狂的に宣伝しました。

He noted that his Gates Foundation had been financing gene editing developments for vaccines and other applications for a decade.



But is the technology for breaking and splicing of human genes so absolutely safe that it is worth risking on a novel experimental vaccine never before used on humans?


Contrary to what Bill Gates claims, the scientific answer is no, it is not proven so safe.


In a peer reviewed article in the October, 2020 journal Trends in Genetics, the authors conclude that “the range of possible molecular events resulting from genome editing has been underestimated and the technology remains unpredictable on, and away from, the target locus.”

2020年10月のジャーナルTrends in Geneticsの査読記事で、著者は「ゲノム編集から生じる可能性のある分子イベントの範囲は過小評価されており、テクノロジーはターゲット遺伝子座上およびターゲット遺伝子座から離れた場所で予測不可能なままである」と結論付けています。


Dr. Romeo Quijano, retired professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, noted some of the dangers of the experimental gene editing when applied to human vaccines. Quijano warns of,

マニラのフィリピン大学医学部の薬理学および毒物学の引退した教授であるロメオ・キハノ博士は、ヒトワクチンに適用された場合の実験的遺伝子編集の危険性のいくつかを指摘しました。 キハノは警告します、

“the danger that the vaccine might actually “enhance” the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals.


If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous.


This serious adverse effect may not even be detected by a clinical trial especially in highly biased clinical trials laden with conflicts of interest involving vaccine companies.


Even when a serious adverse event is detected, this is usually swept under the rug.”



He cites the case of another Gates mRNA vaccine candidate, Moderna, where “three of the 15 human experimental subjects in the high dose group suffered serious and medically significant symptoms.


Moderna, however, concluded that the vaccine was “generally safe and well tolerated,” which the corporate-dominated media dutifully reported, covering-up the real danger…”



He notes, 彼は注意します、

“Exogenous mRNA is inherently immune-stimulatory, and this feature of mRNA could be beneficial or detrimental.


It may provide adjuvant activity and it may inhibit antigen expression and negatively affect the immune response.


The paradoxical effects of innate immune sensing on different formats of mRNA vaccines are incompletely understood.”


Quijano adds, “A mRNA-based vaccine could also induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity… and may promote blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation.”



Quijano writes in the extensively documented article,


“among other dangers, the virus-vectored vaccines could undergo recombination with naturally occurring viruses and produce hybrid viruses that could have undesirable properties affecting transmission or virulence.


The…possible outcomes of recombination are practically impossible to quantify accurately given existing tools and knowledge.


The risks, however, are real, as exemplified by the emergence of mutant types of viruses, enhanced pathogenicity and unexpected serious adverse events (including death) following haphazard mass vaccination campaigns and previous failed attempts to develop chimeric vaccines using genetic engineering technology.”



Bill Gates, the mRNA vaccine makers including Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, and their close allies such as Dr. Tony Fauci of the NIAID are clearly playing fast and loose with human lives in their rush to get these experimental vaccines into our bodies.


Notably, the same Dr. Fauci and his NIAID owns the patent on a vaccine for dengue fever known as Dengvaxia, marketed by Sanofi-Pasteur and promoted as an “essential” vaccine by Tedros’ WHO since 2016. 

特に、同じDr. Fauciと彼のNIAIDは、Dengvaxiaとして知られるデング熱のワクチンに関する特許を所有しており、Sanofi-Pasteurによって販売され、2016年からTedrosのWHOによって「必須」ワクチンとして宣伝されています。

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (right) noted that Fauci and NIAID “knew from the clinical trials that there was a problem with paradoxical immune response,” but they gave it to several hundred thousand Filipino kids anyway.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.(右)は、FauciとNIAIDは「臨床試験から逆説的な免疫反応に問題があることを知っていた」が、とにかく数十万人のフィリピン人の子供たちにそれを与えたと述べている。

It was estimated that as many as 600 vaccinated children died before the government stopped the vaccinations.



Clearly the well-established Precautionary Principle–if in serious doubt, don’t– is being ignored by Fauci, Pfizer/BioNTech and others in rushing to approve the new mRNA vaccine for coronavirus.

明らかに、確立された予防原則は、深刻な疑いがある場合は、コロナウイルスの新しいmRNAワクチンの承認を急いでいるFauci、Pfizer / BioNTechなどによって無視されています。

Messenger RNA technology has yet to produce an approved medicine, let alone a vaccine.



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