

1 CHD HPVワクチンのリスクと嘘

2023年10月03日 13時13分16秒 | HPVワクチン

1 CHD HPVワクチンのリスクと嘘








CHD 米国 HPVワクチン ガーダシル後に出生率大幅低下


ワクチンのアルミニウムアジュバントが自閉症の原因: 11の科学的発見(9)

自閉症患者の脳に存在するアルミニウム粒子 クリストファー・エクスリー教授(10)


WHO世界人口削減の新ドキュメンタリー CHD子供の健康防衛(4)






10/02/23 Childrens Health Defense、2023年10月2日、子供の健康防衛

Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines

動画: RFK ジュニアとメアリー・ホランドが CHD Europe に参加して HPV ワクチンに関するウェビナーを開催

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave, and CHD President Mary Holland joined CHD Europe and parents of injured children to discuss the risks and false promises of the human papillomavirus vaccine.


By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Europe on Sept. 22 held a live event on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and their effect on real people.

Children's Health Defense (CHD) Europe は 9 月 22 日、ヒトパピローマウイルス (HPV) ワクチンと実際の人々へのその影響に関するライブイベントを開催しました。

The event included stories from parents whose children experienced adverse events, data on the vaccines’ harms and flawed clinical trials, and strategies for overcoming pressure for children to receive them.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave, spoke via video.


CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Acting General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg, several medical experts and researchers, and parents of children injured by the HPV vaccine also participated.


Every Dollar has Twice the Impact: Support CHD’s $1 Million Match Campaign



HPV vaccine a ‘precursor for the COVID vaccines’



Holland, who along with Rosenberg co-authored “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed,” told viewers, “In many ways, the rollout of the HPV vaccine, starting in the early 2000s, was the precursor for the COVID vaccines.


And it has many of the same issues in common that we see with COVID.”


Holland said 90% of cervical infections “clear completely on their own,” adding:


“The woman or girl has no knowledge that she has it. They clear within two years …

「女性や少女は、自分が感染していることを知りません。 彼女たちは、2年以内にクリアします…

It’s only 0.6% of American women who are truly at risk of getting cervical cancer in their lifetimes. And the typical age of onset of cervical cancer is a woman in her 50s.

生涯のうちに本当に子宮頸がんになるリスクがあるのは、アメリカ人女性のわずか 0.6% です。 そして、子宮頸がんの典型的な発症年齢は50代の女性です。


“If you have regular pap screening, if you have screening of the cervix for women, there’s no rationale for these shots or a very, very limited one.


If you go for screening, if there’s some kind of precancerous or abnormal growth, it will be detected.”


But that’s not what Merck, manufacturer of the Gardasil vaccine, told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Holland said. “They presented that the risks were much higher.”

しかし、ガーダシルワクチン製造会社メルク社が米国食品医薬品局(FDA)に語った内容はそうではないとホランド氏は述べた。 「彼らはリスクがはるかに高いことを示しました。」

(訳注: メルクは、申請書に嘘を書いた)


When Merck first developed the Gardasil vaccine, it had just suffered a very serious economic catastrophe involving its then-blockbuster drug, Vioxx, which the drugmaker voluntarily pulled from the market “because there were so many injuries” and potential “fraud in the marketing” of the drug, Holland said.



“Word on the street … was that HPV vaccines helped pay for Vioxx,” Holland said.


Holland described Merck’s push to get quick FDA approval for Gardasil, and the company’s aggressive 2008 marketing campaign to get the drug quickly marketed and sold around the world.


“The media picked up on that in a big way,” she said. “The media makes most of its revenue [in the U.S.] from advertising from the pharmaceutical industry.”

「メディアはそれを大々的に取り上げました」と彼女は言う。 「メディアは(米国で)収益のほとんどを製薬業界からの広告から得ています。


(訳注: メディアは、デジタル金融複合体により支配され、この複合体が所有する製薬会社の金に支配されている。デジタル金融複合体は、ビル・ゲイツを筆頭として、ワクチン・医療・生殖サービスによる人口削減を公言・明言して実行している。HPVワクチンや新型コロナワクチンは、そのための手段である。)


Holland described how Merck first introduced Gardasil with the idea of protecting women in the developing world from the scourge of cervical cancer,” but was soon selling it aggressively in Western Europe, the U.S. and other developed countries.


“This is literally a golden goose,” Holland said.


“You have to remember that for vaccines — uniquely [among] almost all other consumer products — they have the benefit of so-called ‘no liability’ in the United States,” Holland said. Those laws have been “modeled around the world and copied.”

「ワクチンについては、他のほぼすべての消費者製品の中でも特異な点であり、米国ではいわゆる『責任免除』という利点があることを覚えておく必要がある」とホランド氏は述べた。 これらの法律は「世界中で模倣され、コピー」されてきました。


(訳注: アメリカでは、ワクチンによる害や重度の障害や死亡に関しては、メーカーは一切責任がない。日本でも、同意書にサインすれば、医師の責任はない、また、ワクチン被害の損害賠償をpmda医薬品医療機器総合機構に請求してもほとんど認められない。つまり、ワクチンは、殺し得です。)


Pharmaceutical companies are making in the range now of $5 billion to $6 billion from HPV vaccines, Holland said, noting that “their target is $10 billion per year by 2030.”


She pointed out that because U.S. government scientists participated in the discovery of the technology in the HPV vaccines, “the government itself makes revenue on these shots.” “There’s an overt conflict of interest that the National Institutes of Health make royalties on this.”

同氏は、米国政府の科学者がHPVワクチンの技術の発見に参加したため、「政府自体がこれらのワクチン接種で収入を得ている」と指摘した。 「国立衛生研究所がこれに対して使用料を徴収するということは、明らかな利益相反です。」

RFK Jr. and Brian Hooker’s New Book: "Vax-Unvax"



Effectiveness of HPV vaccines ‘absolutely a fiction’



But do the vaccines work?


“HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer,” Holland said.


“The clinical trials did not prove that these shots prevent cancer, although that’s how they’re promoted and how they’re sold.”


Holland described Merck’s use of “surrogate endpoints” — alleged precursors for cancer — to predict how well the shots would work against cancer. “That in and of itself is absolutely a fiction,” she said.

ホランド氏は、メルク社ががんの前駆体とされる「サロゲートエンドポイント」を使用して、ワクチンががんに対してどの程度効果があるかを予測していると説明した。 「それ自体は全くのフィクションです」と彼女は言った。


Dr. Gerald Delépine, a French orthopedic surgeon and oncologist, presented data from several countries demonstrating that cervical cancer rates, which were on the decline prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines, have stopped declining or, in certain instances, have begun increasing again.


“Australia was the first country who recommended the HPV vaccine at school, and they’d start very early,” Delépine said. In the period before 2006, before HPV vaccines were administered, cervical cancer incidences had declined by “almost 50%.

「オーストラリアは学校でのHPVワクチン接種を推奨した最初の国であり、非常に早い時期から接種を開始していました」とデレピン氏は語った。 HPVワクチンが投与される前の2006年以前の期間では、子宮頸がんの発生率は「ほぼ50%」減少していました。

However, in the post-2006 period, with regular vaccination, “no more reduction was observed,” he said. “So, when they say a vaccine can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, that is completely false.”

しかし2006年以降はワクチン接種が定期的に行われたましたが、「それ以上の減少は観察されなかった」と同氏は述べた。 「したがって、ワクチンが子宮頸がんの発生率を減らすことができると言っているのは完全に間違いです。」


According to Holland, trouble was evident early in the development of the HPV vaccines, noting that “the clinical trials were fatally flawed.”


“We believe that there was explicit, overt fraud in the clinical trials, and we believe there’s been much coverup of that fraud on an ongoing basis,” she said.


Rosenberg said that during these trials, very few people in the control group “got anything even resembling” an inert placebo.


Instead, she said the vast majority of the thousands of young women (and some boys) participating in the clinical trials received the same aluminum compound used in the vaccines.”



(訳注: このブログで何度も書いているように、アルミニウムは神経毒であり、アルミニウム化合物の微粒子を注射すれば、それらは脳に運ばれ脳炎・脳障害を起こす証拠があります。ワクチンの薬物群と本来は不活性であるべきプラセボ群の両群にアルミニウム化合物の微粒子を配合して、両群が同等の毒性を持つから差はないとし、安全であると主張し、毒性隠し、安全性の偽装をしているのが、HPVワクチンなどの悪魔的な手口です。)

ワクチンのアルミニウムアジュバントが自閉症の原因: 11の科学的発見(9)

自閉症患者の脳に存在するアルミニウム粒子 クリストファー・エクスリー教授(10)



“When they saw similar rates, for example, of autoimmune conditions between the vaccinated population and those who got a control …


They used that to say that the vaccine was safe because … it was identical when compared to the control,” she said.


Holland said:


“Over 50% of the girls … developed what were euphemistically called by Merck ‘medical conditions.’ There were very clear signals from the get-go that these vaccines were going to cause severe problems.


“It was also clear … that these shots were causing reproductive harm. They were causing miscarriages and other reproductive problems, including infertility.”

「また、これらのショットが生殖障害を引き起こしていることも明らかでした。 彼らは流産や、不妊症を含むその他の生殖問題を引き起こしていました。


(訳注) CHD 米国 HPVワクチン ガーダシル後に出生率大幅低下


Yet, many of these conditions were not recorded because clinical trial administrators were looking for adverse events only within the first 14 days, according to Rosenberg.


(訳注: アメリカ・日本などの世界中の国の規制当局は、ワクチン接種後の短期間の害反応だけを観察し、中長期的なものは無視し抹殺します。これが奴らの悪魔的な手口です。注入されたアルミ粒子は、1年以上かけて脳に運ばれ、脳障害を起こします。自閉症の発見は、接種後数年たって観察・発見されます。それらを全て無視しているのです。)


“Autoimmune conditions … can take years to develop, years to diagnose” and are often composed of a “constellation of symptoms” that is typically “difficult to diagnose,” she said.


Yet, according to Delépine, many doctors are reluctant to openly draw a connection between a patient’s condition and the HPV vaccine.


“Doctors are afraid to send this observation to the authorities because then they are said to be ‘anti-vaxxers,’” he said.



(訳注: アメリカでは、ワクチンの薬害を研究する研究者の多くが暗殺されています。日本でもワクチン薬害を書くと、陰謀脳とか陰謀論者と呼ばれることもあります。私のブログのことを、そのように書いた医師も現実に存在します。)


Kennedy said the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) “simply does not work,” as research has found that “fewer than 1% of adverse events from vaccines are ever recorded.”


According to Kennedy, “India suspended its Gardasil trials after numerous deaths and serious injuries” and “Japan de-recommended it three months after adding it to the immunization schedule.”


Kennedy said that Japanese authorities discovered adverse events reported after Gardasil’s approval were many times higher than other vaccines [and] included seizures, severe headaches, partial paralysis, complex regional pain syndrome and a miscarriage rate of up to 30%.


“Although the prevention of cancer is … fanciful, the injuries that have been caused are real,” Holland said, adding that the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has issued decisions “proving that Gardasil caused death in at least a few cases.”

「ガンの予防は空想的だが、引き起こされた傷害は現実だ」とホランド氏は述べ、米国のワクチン傷害補償プログラム(VICP)が「ガーダシルが少なくとも数例で死亡を引き起こしたことを証明する決定を下した」と付け加えた。 」


"The Wuhan Cover-Up" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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