2 CHD HPVワクチンのリスクと嘘
Parents of HPV vaccine victims describe gaslighting, censorship
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ガスライティング(英: gaslighting)は心理的虐待の一種であり、被害者に些細な嫌がらせ行為をしたり、故意に誤った情報を提示し、被害者が自身の記憶、知覚、正気、もしくは自身の認識を疑うよう仕向ける手法[1]。例としては、嫌がらせの事実を加害者側が否定してみせるという単純なものから、被害者を当惑させるために奇妙なハプニングを起こして見せるといったものまである。
Parents who spoke during the webinar shared harrowing details about their children’s reactions to HPV vaccines
ウェビナーで講演した保護者たちは、HPV ワクチンに対する子供の反応についての悲惨な詳細を共有しました
Mandeep Badial, a former Johnson & Johnson employee, described how her daughter was injured by the Gardasil vaccine.
“My daughter was very young. She was in a girls’ school. She was not sexually active … she really shouldn’t have even had the jab,” Badial said.
「私の娘はとても小さかったです。 彼女は女子校に通っていた。 彼女は性的に活発ではなかった…彼女は本当にジャブさえ受けるべきではなかった」とバディアルさんは語った。
“But it was very much forced by the district nurses who came to the school and said, ‘You need to get this done. You’ll get cancer unless you have this injection.’”
「しかし、それは学校にやって来た地区の看護師たちによって非常に強制され、『これを終わらせる必要がある』と言いました。」 この注射をしないとガンになりますよ。」
Other parents described similar pressures and gaslighting.
Amanda Dew, whose daughter was injured by Gardasil, said she refused the HPV vaccine for her daughter at age 12.
“I said, ‘No, I didn’t think it was a good idea. A 12-year-old, it wasn’t necessary for her.’ She said to me, ‘Oh, right, so you don’t care about cervical cancer then,’” Dew said.
「私は言いました、『いいえ、それは良いアイデアだとは思いませんでした。 「12歳の彼女には必要ありませんでした。」彼女は私にこう言いました、『ああ、そうですか、それでは子宮頸がんのことは気にしないのですね』とデューさんは言いました。
After her daughter’s second dose, “everything changed,” Dew said. “She had a seizure, and I thought, this can’t be right. She’s never even fainted in her life. She was so healthy.”
娘の2回目の投与後、「すべてが変わりました」とデューさんは語った。 「彼女が発作を起こしたので、これはいけないことだと思いました。 彼女は人生で一度も気絶したことがない。 彼女はとても健康でした。」
Despite this, doctors said, “it was just a one-off” and that she was likely “a bit stressed.”
Dew said:
“She’s had, probably, nearly a hundred seizures in the last eight years.
“She’s got so many other symptoms as well. Balance issues, blurred vision. She sweats incredibly, fatigue, headaches, menstrual issues, but perhaps for her, the worst thing about it has been her [decline in] cognitive function and her imagination.”
「彼女には他にもたくさんの症状があります。 バランスの問題、かすみ目。 彼女は信じられないほどの発汗、疲労、頭痛、月経の問題を抱えていますが、おそらく彼女にとって最悪のことは、認知機能と想像力の[低下]です。」
Caron Ryalls’ daughter was injured by the Cervarix HPV vaccine, after getting a series of doses of the vaccine at ages 12 and 13.
She said that before her daughter’s vaccination, “She was a high achiever … and she was very sporty. She danced competitively and she played sports competitively. She was very healthy.”
彼女は娘が予防接種を受ける前、「彼女は成績優秀で、とてもスポーツマンだった。 彼女は競争力を持ってダンスをし、競争力を持ってスポーツをしました。 彼女はとても健康でした。」
“It was a big shock when she became ill after the first vaccine,” Ryalls said. “She was ill for two weeks after the jab [and] she was in bed for about three weeks.”
「最初のワクチン接種後に彼女が発病したときは大きなショックでした」とライアルズさんは語った。 「彼女はジャブの後2週間病気で、約3週間寝ていました。」
A few weeks later, after she returned to school, Ryalls’ daughter suffered a seizure.
“She didn’t move. She didn’t wake for the toilet. She didn’t have anything to eat or drink. She just slept.” Ryalls said this soon became a recurring cycle.
「彼女は動かなかった。 彼女はトイレに起きませんでした。 彼女には食べるものも飲むものも何もありませんでした。 彼女はただ眠っただけです。」 ライアルズ氏は、これはすぐに繰り返されるサイクルになったと語った。
“And then, after the second vaccine, she got more ill. It was more frequent,” she said.
「そして、2回目のワクチン接種後、彼女の症状はさらに悪化しました。 それはもっと頻繁でした」と彼女は言いました。
After the third dose, severe neurological issues followed.
“She would lose feeling. She couldn’t stand to have light in her bedroom.
「彼女は感情を失うでしょう。 彼女は寝室に光があることに耐えられませんでした。
Everything had to be dimmed. She had horrific headaches.
すべてを暗くする必要がありました。 彼女はひどい頭痛に悩まされていました。
She had to crawl to the bathroom on her hands and knees because she couldn’t stand up without passing out,” Ryalls said.
“It took us two years of solid research and visiting numerous doctors to work out she had POTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome], which has been linked to the HPV vaccine in various studies,” she added.
Steve Hinks also described being gaslighted by doctors.
He said when he was informed by his daughter’s school that she was eligible for the HPV vaccine, “we chose not to consent,” as she “had quite a severe adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine as a baby.”
“The nurse at the school … explained to my wife that we were denying [my daughter] a vaccine that could save her life,” he said. “My wife reluctantly signed the consent form.”
「学校の看護師は…(娘の)命を救うワクチンの接種を拒否していると妻に説明しました」と彼は語った。 「妻はしぶしぶ同意書にサインしました。」
After the second dose, his daughter “struggled and had to go to the doctor for aches and pains.” And after the third dose, “she had an immediate reaction. She was in pain, [had] violent headaches and couldn’t stay awake.”
2回目の投与後、娘は「もがき苦しみ、痛みのため医者に行かなければならなかった」。 そして3回目の投与後、「彼女はすぐに反応を示しました。 彼女は痛みを感じ、激しい頭痛に見舞われ、起きていることができませんでした。」
Some parents said that when they tried to share their stories, they were censored.
“At one point I was asked to go and give an interview with [British national broadcaster] ITV,” Dew said.
「ある時点で、[英国国営放送] ITV のインタビューに応じるよう頼まれたんです」とデュー氏は語った。
“When I got there, I wasn’t allowed in the building. The person I was meant to be interviewed by had disappeared.”
「私がそこに着いたとき、私は建物への立ち入りを許可されませんでした。 インタビューを受ける予定だった人が消えてしまいました。」
Similarly, Ryalls talked about working with a Sunday Times journalist for nearly 12 months and being assured there would publish a half-page article.
同様に、ライアルズ氏は、サンデー・タイムズ紙の記者と約 12 か月間協力し、半ページの記事が掲載されると確信していたことについて語った。
“And at the 11th hour,” he said, “we received an email saying, ‘Unfortunately it won’t be going ahead.’ Same thing happened with [British broadcaster] Sky News.”
When the Sunday edition of The Independent published her daughter’s story, Ryalls said her daughter “received death threats on social media, saying … she’d lied” and messages wishing that she “get cervical cancer and die.”
Badial, who lives in the U.K., said that the member of parliament for her district is former British Prime Minister Theresa May, with whom she met to discuss her daughter’s condition.
However, May told her, “We have a big pharmaceutical industry” in the district, implying that “politically they can’t rock the boat,” Badial said.
“That’s what we’re up against,” Ryalls said. “The censorship is horrific and we’re up against a concerted effort not to get the information out there.”
「それが我々が直面していることだ」とライアルズ氏は語った。 「検閲はひどいもので、私たちは情報を流出させまいとする共同した試みに対抗しています。」
Hinks, who helped found SaneVax (Safe, Affordable, Necessary Vaccines) and the Facebook group, “Parents of sons and daughters suffering illness after HPV vaccine,” said he developed a questionnaire and that of the 94 responses, most girls said they sustained adverse reactions within a month of vaccination.
SaneVax (安全、手頃な価格、必要なワクチン) と Facebook グループ「HPV ワクチン接種後に病気に苦しむ息子や娘の親たち」の設立に貢献したヒンクス氏は、アンケートと 94 件の回答を作成し、ほとんどの女児はワクチン接種後1カ月以内に副反応が出たと回答した。
Yet, British medical authorities “ignored us, and they just carried on,” he said.
“There’s a total lack of compassion, and it shocked me to the core that the doctors, nurses, schools, people could be so completely callous,” Dew said.
Some outreach successes were highlighted, however.
French teacher and activist Elin Ekeberg, who works with CHD Europe, said that a vaccine injury court case involving Gardasil garnered significant publicity in France in 2013, raising awareness among parents in the country.
“I think it put a lot of French people off the HPV vaccine because we have quite low numbers [of vaccination] in France,” she said.
Ekeberg is now part of a campaign pressuring school administrators and parent-teacher associations to refuse the establishment of school-based vaccination clinics.
This “amazing effort” targeting lower-level school administrators instead of politicians or the government, has been a successful strategy, Ekeberg said.
Dew advised parents that if “your child does have a reaction, never give up trying to get them better,” sharing that her daughter completed her degree and became a biochemist.
Holland commented on the progress she’s seen:
“The good news is that we’re having this gathering and that the uptake has been low. We have foiled Big Pharma’s plans … there is a lot of skepticism worldwide about this shot, and I hope that initiatives like this forum and others will continue to keep that skepticism alive.”
Watch the webinar here:
「良いニュースは、私たちがこの集会を開催しているのに、参加者が少ないということです。 私たちは大手製薬会社の計画を阻止しました…このショットについては世界中で多くの懐疑論があり、このフォーラムや他の取り組みのような取り組みがその懐疑論を生かし続けることを願っています。」
The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy who is on leave from CHD and is seeking the Democratic nomination for president of the U.S.
ディフェンダーは、CHD とザ・ディフェンダーが定期的に取り上げている問題についてのケネディ氏の見解を特集した、Children’s Health Defense の非営利ミッションに関連したコンテンツを時折投稿します。 連邦選挙委員会の規則に従い、この内容はCHDを休暇中で米国大統領の民主党候補指名を目指しているケネディ氏への支持を表すものではありません。
Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV's "Good Morning CHD."
ギリシャのアテネに拠点を置くマイケル・ネブラダキス博士は、ザ・ディフェンダーの上級レポーターであり、CHD.TV の「グッド モーニング CHD」の司会者のローテーションの一員です。